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41. Ancestors Of Henry BAKER baker, henry (Bef 1789). Family Links. baker, henry. Born Bef 1789, North Carolina. http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~coatsblueprints/5215.htm | |
42. Baker, Henry Looking for something in particular? More search options. Computer Science People B baker, henry, baker, henry. Title baker, henry. http://www.netinformations.com/Detailed/131349.html | |
43. Henry BAKER | British History Online To search all the resources available on this site, please use the advanced search function. baker, henry. Add this to your bookshelf. http://www.british-history.ac.uk/person.asp?personid=72108 |
44. Baker, Henry Garbage henry. Reviews of baker, henry. This resource has not been reviewed. Be the first to review baker, henry.......baker, henry. http://www.devlib.org/Baker-Henry_L134354/ | |
45. PubCrawler.com - Baker, Henry W., House - Plymouth, MICHIGAN PubCrawler.com baker, henry W., House - Plymouth, MICHIGAN - Historic Point of Interest National Historic Landmark. historic landmark baker, henry W., House. http://www.pubcrawler.com/Template/dsp_historic_points_zoom.cfm/flat/ID=23846 |
46. BAKER, Henry Moore (1841-1912) Biographical Information baker, henry Moore, 18411912. baker, henry Moore, a Representative from New Hampshire; born in Bow, near Concord, NH, January 11 http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=B000061 |
47. BAKER, Howard Henry, Jr. (1925-) Biographical Information baker, Howard henry, Jr., 1925. Senate Years of Service 1967-1985 Party Republican. baker, Howard henry, Jr., (son of Howard henry http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=B000063 |
48. Display Member Detail Name baker, henry V, Ph.D. Title Professor and Interim Chair, Molecular Genetics and Microbiology, Medicine. Home URL http//www http://www.ufgi.ufl.edu/aspzzz/displaydetail.asp?ID=10 |
49. LW_Coll.iax - Baker, Henry Light Work Collection baker, henry. Artist s Name baker, henry, Catalogue Number 1994.1620-6C.7. Date 1978. Dimensions 8 1/4 x 11 . http://lightwork.syr.edu/collection/LW-Info.00055.html | |
50. BAKER, Henry., Het Mikroskoop Gemakkelyk Gemaakt, Of Gemeenzaame Beschryving, Va 726729 /I . BR Third edition of the expanded Dutch translation of henry baker s 1742 I The Microscope Made Easy /I , well illustrated and with a nearly http://www.polybiblio.com/asher/1770.html | |
51. BAKER, Henry., Essai Sur L'histoire Naturelle Du Polype, Insecte A fine copy. . Asher Rare Books. baker, henry. Essai sur l histoire naturelle du Polype, Insecte Paris, Durand, 1744. 8vo. With 22 folded plates. http://www.polybiblio.com/asher/27.html | |
52. Genealogy Data Back to Main Page. Bunting, Rachel baker Gender Female Parents Father baker, henry Mother Hardman, Margaret. Spouse baker, henry Gender Male. Children http://www.infomagic.net/~nmcarter/dat120.htm | |
53. Henry Baker baker, henry. H. Rebak is an anagram of H. baker, which was apparently the real name of the author. In a scrapbook of undated http://www.niulib.niu.edu/badndp/baker_henry.html | |
54. Genealogy Data Back to Main Page. baker, henry Birth 1759 GER Death 1803 Knox Co., TN Gender Male Family Marriage ABT. 1780 Children baker, Margaret. Family http://www.geocities.com/heartlandjen/dat3.html | |
55. Henry Searle-Baker, Royal Army Medical Corps, 1915 henry Searlebaker. Royal Army Medical Corps. 1915. - David Newton Searle-baker. searle@cis.co.za. Links. Back To Army Photographs. http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/Bunker/7797/Searlep1.html | |
56. About Juniata College About Juniata College. bakerhenry Nature Preserve and Elizabeth Evans baker Peace Chapel. In addition to the main campus and other http://www.juniata.edu/about_juniata/peace_chapel.html | |
57. Henry Blair What we know about early black inventors comes mostly from the work of henry baker. henry baker recorded the replies and followedup on leads. http://inventors.about.com/library/inventors/blblair.htm | |
58. Genealogy Data Page 85 (Family Pages) Lawley, Edith Gender Female Family Marriage 1 Aug 1918 Spouse baker, henry Raymond aka , Sr. Birth 1 Apr 1896 Death 23 Jun 1993 Gender Male Parents http://thor.genserv.net/sub/whitm/fam_84.htm | |
59. Genealogy Data Page 84 (Family Pages) Marriage 8 Jan 1861 Spouse baker, henry Jefferson Birth 5 Sep 1837 Death 3 Jan 1891 Gender Male Parents Father baker, Sanford Mother Hill, Lydia M. http://thor.genserv.net/sub/whitm/fam_83.htm | |
60. Henry J. Baker Dr. henry baker, Director of the ScottRitchey Research Center and Professor of Pathobiology and Small Animal Surgery and Medicine received the DVM degree from http://www.vetmed.auburn.edu/~bakerhj/ | |
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