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         Baer Reinhold:     more detail
  1. Linear Algebra and Projective Geometry by Reinhold Baer, 2005-08-23
  2. Korporierter in Estland: Adolf Von Harnack, Walter Von Engelhardt, Siegfried Von Vegesack, Karl Ernst Von Baer, Friedrich Reinhold Kreutzwald (German Edition)
  3. The Mathematical Legacy of Reinhold Baer: A Collection of Articles in Honor of the Centenary of the Birth of Reinhold Baer
  4. Finite metanilpotent groups and finite Sylow tower groups: Corso di lezioni tenute nell'aprile 1976 (Contributi del Centro linceo interdisciplinare di scienze matematiche e loro applicazioni) by Reinhold Baer, 1977
  5. Lectures on Abelian groups, by Reinhold Baer, 1936
  6. Group theory, geometrical structures and their interrelations by Reinhold Baer, 1964
  7. Linear Algebra & Projective Geometry by Reinhold Baer, 1952-01-01
  8. Engineering Design for Plastics (Plastics Engineering)
  9. Eng Design for Plastics by Eric Baer, 1964
  10. Homage to KOKOSCHKA. Prints and drawings lent by Reinhold, Count Bethusy-Huc. Introduction by E.H. Gombrich; texts by Reinhold, Count Bethusy-Huc, Edith Hoffmann, Fritz Novotny, Hans Bolliger, Jan Tomes, Bernhard Baer.

81. J. Aczel Quasigroups, Nets And Nomograms. Adv. Math. 1 (1965)
83 (1990), 161187. reinhold baer Homogeneity of projective planes. Am. 64 (1942),137-152. reinhold baer Polarities in finite projective planes. Bull.
J. Aczel: Quasigroups, nets and nomograms. Adv. Math. 1 (1965), 383-450. A. Albert/R. Sandler: An introduction to finite projective planes. Holt, Rinehart and Winston 1968. Emil Artin: Geometric algebra. Wiley 1957. E. Assmus/J. Key: Affine and projective planes. Discrete Math. 83 (1990), 161-187. Reinhold Baer: Homogeneity of projective planes. Am. J. Math. 64 (1942), 137-152. Reinhold Baer: Polarities in finite projective planes. Bull. AMS 52 (1946), 77-93. Reinhold Baer: Projectivities of finite projective planes. Am. J. Math. 69 (1947), 653-684. Adriano Barlotti: Un'estensione del teorema di Segre-Kustaanheimo. Boll. UMI 10 (1955), 498-506. Adriano Barlotti/Karl Strambach: The geometry of binary systems. Adv. Mathematics 49 (1983), 1-105. Lynn Margaret Batten: Combinatorics of finite geometries. Cambridge UP 1997. 7255 Lynn Margaret Batten/Albrecht Beutelspacher: The theory of finite linear spaces. Cambridge UP 1993, 250p. 0-521-33317-2. Pds. 30. 3459 Albrecht Beutelspacher: Einfuehrung in die endliche Geometrie. 2 volumes. Bibl. Inst. 1982. Albrecht Beutelspacher/A. Delandtsheer: A common characterization of finite projective spaces and affine planes. Europ. J. Comb. 2 (1981), 213-219. 7415 Albrecht Beutelspacher/Ute Rosenbaum: Projektive Geometrie. Vieweg 1992, 230p. 3-528-07241-5. DM 38. R. Bruck/H. Ryser: The nonexistence of certain finite projective planes. Can. J. Math. 1 (1949), 88-93. 7221 A. Cossidente/L. Storme: Caps on elliptic quadrics. Finite Fields Appl. 1 (1995), 412-420. 6289 Peter Dembowski: Finite geometries. Springer 1997, 380p. 3-540-61786-8 (pb.). DM 59. 6315 Peter Dembowski: Kombinatorische Eigenschaften endlicher Inzidenzstrukturen. Math. Zeitschrift 75 (1961), 256-270. R. Games: The geometry of quadrics and correlations of sequences. IEEE Trans. Inf. Th. 32 (1986), 423-426. Marshall Hall: Projective planes. Trans. AMS 54 (1943), 229-277. J. Hirschfeld: Finite projective spaces of three dimensions. Oxford UP 1985. J. Hirschfeld: General Galois geometries. Oxford UP 1991. J. Hirschfeld: Projective geometry over finite fields. Clarendon 1998. 7056 Daniel Hughes/Fred Piper: Projective planes. Springer 1973. 6290 Ferenc Karteszi: Introduzione alle geometrie finite. Feltrinelli 1978. P. Lorimer: A projective plane of order 16. J. Comb. Theory 16 (1974), 334-347. H. Lueneburg: Translation planes. Springer 1980. T. G. Ostrom: Finite translation planes. SLN Math. 158 (1970). 7055 Guenter Pickert: Projektive Ebenen. Springer 1955. 14090 Burkard Polster: A geometrical picture book. Springer 1998, 290p. DM 113. Bernhard Schmidt: Characters and cyclotomic fields in finite geometry. Springer LN Math. 1797 (2002), 100p. Eur 25. 7015 Beniamino Segre: Lectures on modern geometry. Cremonese 1961. Beniamino Segre: Le geometrie di Galois. Annali di Mat. 48 (1959), 1-97. Beniamino Segre: Intorno alla geometria sopra un campo di caratteristica 2. Revue Fac. S. Univ. Istanbul (A) 21 (1956), 97-123. Beniamino Segre: Sui k-archi nei piani finiti di caratteristica 2. Revue de Math. Pures et appl. 2 (1957), 289-300. 7145 Beniamino Segre: Introduction to Galois geometries. Memorie Acc. Naz. Lincei 8 (1967), 135-236. J. Singer: A theorem in finite projective geometry and some applications to number theory. Trans. AMS 43 (1938), 377-385. 7038 Giuseppe Tallini: Le geometrie di Galois e le loro applicazioni alla statistica e alla teoria dell'informazione. Rend. Mat. 19 (1960), 379-400. Giuseppe Tallini: Sui q-archi di un piano lineare finito di caratteristica 2. Rend. Acc. Naz. Lincei 23 (1957), 242-245. T. Tsuzuku: Finite groups and finite geometries. Cambridge UP 1982. H. Waehling: Fastkoerper. Thales 1987.

82. Neue Bücher Rund Um Die Spionage: CIA KGB Stasi BfV BND MfS MAD
Translate this page Broschiert, 427 Seiten, reinhold Knoll, Martin Haidinger Spione, Spitzel undAgenten. reinhold Knoll, Martin Haidinger. robert baer cia, Robert baer.
Sachliteratur zur Zensur Bei Amazon nachschauen Bei Amazon nachschauen Guido Knopp: Top-Spione Manfred Fink: Lauschziel Wirtschaft . Boorberg: 1996. Gebunden, 248 Seiten Wolfgang Krieger: Geheimdienste in der Weltgeschichte David Stafford: Berlin underground Loch K. Johnson: Bomben, Wanzen und Intrigen . Patmos, 2002. Gebunden, 300 Seiten Udo Ulfkotte: Lexikon der Geheimdienste im 20. Jahrhundert . Herbig, 2003. Gebunden, 500 Seiten Wilhelm Dietl: Die BKA-Story . Droemer/Knaur, 2004. Broschiert Kai Hirschmann: Geheimdienste Rezension
Kurt Tozzer: . Holzhausen, 2003. Broschiert, 224 Seiten Baldur Haase. . Berlin: Zeitgut, 2003. Gebunden, 224 Seiten Gerald Steinacher (unter Mitarbeit von Leopold Steurer, Hg.). . Innsbruck: Studien, 2003. Sondereinband, 256 Seiten; Verlagsinformation Helmut Wagner . Berlin: Das Neue Berlin, 2001. Broschiert, 240 Seiten Michael Wildt (Herausgeber). . Hamburger Edition, 2003. Broschiert, 300 Seiten. Herbert Rosendorfer Das Messingherz. Oder Die kurzen Beine der Wahrheit
SZ, 9.8.2003, S. VI

83. Im Netz Der Begierde - Martha_Baer
MeltzerJames Melville Philipp Melanchthon Brad Meltzer reinhold Messner Annette

Translate this page Sceneggiatura Harry baer, Rainer Werner Fassbinder. Interpreti Franz Buhriser (Mesk),Claus Holm (Wirt), Gottfried John (reinhold), Günther Lamprecht (Franz

85. Nearring Bibliography
II, Mem. Fac. Sci. Kuyushu Univ. 44 (1990), 8993. MR 91i16076 F, E, S. baer, reinhold.Inverses and zerodivisors. Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 48 (1942), 630638.
ABBASI, Sarwer J.
Dept. Math., Univ. of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan
  • Matrix near-rings and generalized distributivity. Diss. Univ. Edinburgh, Scotland, 1989. M', T, D', I', X
  • Maximal left ideals and idealizers in matrix near-rings. M', E
  • On matrix near-rings II. Riazi, J. of Karachi Math. Ass. 14 (1992). M'
  • Distributively generated matrix near-rings. Preprint ICTP, Trieste, Italy, 1993. M', D
  • Primitivity and weak distributivity in near-rings and matrix near-rings. submitted. M', P, D, D'
  • Matrix near-rings and pseudo distributivity. submitted. M', D'
    See also
    ABBASI, Sarwer J.
    and MELDRUM, John D. P.
  • On matrix near-rings. Math. Pannonica 2/2 (1991), 95101. MR 93a:16035 M', T, D', I', X
    ABBASI, Sarwer J. MELDRUM, John D. P. and MEYER, Johannes Hendrik
  • The $J_0$-radicals of matrix near-rings. Arch. Math. 56 (1991), 137139. MR 92a:16049 M', R, T, X
  • Ideals in near-rings and matrix near-rings. ``Near-rings and near-fields" (Oberwolfach, 1989), pp. 314. Math. Forschungsinst. Oberwolfach, Schwarzwald, 1995. M', R, T, X
  • 86. Ajalugu
    reinhold Woldeck . 1731 Heinrich baer . 1761 Karl Stackelberg . Sääsküla.

    H I-J K-Kel ... R-Re S T-U V-Var
    Sa aremõis
    . ~ 1774 Friedrich Wilhelm Uexküll-Güldenband. Edaspidi ühised omanikud Härglaga. Saarnakõrve . 1787 Gustav Reinhold Paykull > Carl Justin Hagemeister >>. 1823 Friedrich Elias Stein. 1859 Alexander Stackelberg > Georg Stackelberg >>. Saha . ~ 1586 Hans Taube >>. ~ 1630 Otto Wrangell >>. 1668 Berend Johann Uexküll >>. ~ 1715 Aleksei Menðikov. Sestpeale ühised omanikud Lagediga. 1800 Christine Benckendorff. 1807 Katharina Stael von Holstein >>. 1840 Konstantin ja Konstant Ungern-Sternberg. 1842 Konstant Ungern-Sternberg. 1857 Eugen Clodt von Jürgensburg. 1873 Alexander Brevern >>. Saida . 1884 Wilhelm Carl Wieckmann. 1894 Ferdinand Mohrenschildt. 1899 Karl Stackelberg. 1905 Emil Igelström. 1908 Doni Maapank. 1909 Joseph Spindler. 1914 Georg Tiesenhausen. 1917 Johann Kutt. Sak u . 1608 Johann Mecks > Bernhard Scharenberg >>. 1646 Johann Hastfer >>. 1700 Heinrich Berend Schulmann >>. ~ 1733 Adam Johann Hueck. 1765 Otto Magnus Rehbinder >>. 1843 Rudolf Patkul. 1849 Karl Baggehufwudt >>. Salutaguse . 1700 Jakob Johann Meyendorff >>. 1879 Rudolf Ungern-Sternberg. 1899 Ernst Ramm. 1917 Konstantin Busch. Saue . 1629 Bernhard Scharenberg >>. ~ 1677 Johann Fuhrmann. ~ 1710 Ewold Scharenbergi pärijad >>. 1775 Friedrich Hermann Fersen. 1792 Karl Friedrich Rehbinder >>. 1852 Otto Ruckteschell. 1871 Wilhelm Straehlborn >>.

    87. Fiche Document -Advances In Group Theory 2002 BR Proceedings Of
    Translate this page disponible) Advances in group theory 2002 proceedings of the intensive bimesterdedicated to the memory of reinhold baer (1902-1979) May-June de Giovanni

    88. A Guide To The H. S. Vandiver Papers, 1889-1977
    Ayres, William Leake, two letters, 1951. baer, reinhold, one letter, 1952.Barnes, Anne, one letter, 1953. Barnett, Isaac Albert, two letters, 1955.
    A Guide to the H. S. Vandiver Papers, 1889-1977
    Descriptive Summary Creator Vandiver, Harry Shultz, 1882- Title: H. S. Vandiver Papers, Dates: Abstract This collection consists of correspondence (about 2350 items), research notes, bibliographies, lecture notes, notebooks, drafts of publications, reprints, and photographs documenting the career of H. S. Vandiver. Accession No. Extent 17 ft. of manuscript material, plus books Laguage Materials are written in English. Repository Archives of American Mathematics, Center for American History, The University of Texas at Austin
    Biographical Note
    H. S. Vandiver was a number theorist and member of The University of Texas at Austin faculty from 1925 until his retirement in 1966. Among other research interests, Vandiver was an authority on Fermat's last theorem. Born October 21 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Began publishing problems and solutions in the American Mathematical Monthly and communicating with G. D. Birkhoff Attended graduate courses at University of Pennsylvania, did not obtain a degree

    89. Article{AL-POPN1, Author = Alexandru, Victor And Popescu, Nicolae
    of Math.~(2) , volume = 83, year = 1966, pages = 437456 , note = MathSciNet review34 {\ }1262 , } @article{baer, author = baer, reinhold , title = {\ U

    90. The Search For A Finite Projective Plane Of Order 10
    In about 1957, at a Chinese restaurant in Chicago, reinhold baer, another mathematicianwell known for his work in group theory and projective planes, was
    The Search for a Finite Projective Plane of Order 10***
    Clement W. H. Lam
    Computer Science Department
    Concordia University
    Montréal Québec
    Math activated text
    Other available formats

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    Author biography
    Projective planes are special cases of a class of combinatorial objects called symmetric block designs. We are not going to discuss block designs, except to mention that Chowla and Ryser have generalized the Bruck-Ryser theorem to symmetric block designs [10], which it is now known as the Bruck-Ryser-Chowla theorem. Here again, a partial converse exists, providing more credence to the hope that the conditions in the Bruck-Ryser-Chowla theorem are both necessary and sufficient. This hope is now shattered by the non-existence of the finite projective plane of order 10.
    ***Previously appeared in the American Mathematical Monthly 98, (no. 4) 1991, 305 - 318.
    Author's Reflections:
    When I was a graduate student looking for a thesis topic, Herbert Ryser advised me not to work on the projective plane of order 10. Even though he was extremely interested in this subject, he believed that it was too difficult and that I might get nowhere with it. I took his advice and chose another problem. Somehow, this problem has a beauty that fascinates me as well as many other mathematicians. Finally in 1980, I succumbed to the temptation and started working on it with some of my colleagues. We eventually managed to get somewhere, but unfortunately, Dr. Ryser is no longer with us to hear of the final result. This is an expository article describing the evolution of the problem and how computers were used to solve it.

    91. Allintitle Macbeth Shakespeare Sydney Referate Praesentationen It Referat Austra
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    92. Reinhold Messner Reinhold Messners Philosophie Sinn Machen In Einer Welt Ohne Si
    Translate this page reinhold Messner reinhold Messners Philosophie Sinn machen in einer Weltohne Sinn. Autor / Künstler / Gruppe / Hersteller reinhold Messner.
    Reinhold Messner Reinhold Messners Philosophie Sinn machen in einer Welt ohne Sinn
    Autor / Künstler / Gruppe / Hersteller: Reinhold Messner
    Titel: Reinhold Messners Philosophie. Sinn machen in einer Welt ohne Sinn.
    Messner Reinhold
    Reinhold Messner
    Kategorie: Bergsteigen
    Rubrik: Kategorien Reise Sport Sport allgemein Überblick
    Medium: Broschiert
    Elmar Rieger Stephan Leibfried-Kultur versus Globalisierung....

    Kluges Fernsehen. Alexander Kluges Kulturmagazine....

    Otfried Höffe-Medizin ohne Ethik?...

    Roberto Simanowski-Interfictions. Vom Schreiben im Netz....
    Holly Lisle-Der Flug der Falken. Der magische Spiegel 3....

    93. Schwarzer Baer
    The Hotel Schwarzer baer Was Built in 1498.......Schwarzer baer Lutherplatz 2 Jena, 07743 DE Overview Add to My List, GeneralInformation Hotel
    Schwarzer Baer
    Lutherplatz 2
    Jena, 07743 DE
    Overview Add to My List
    General Information: Floors: Hotel Description: The Hotel Schwarzer Baer Was Built in 1498. Over the Centuries Many Famous People Who Played an Important Role in Germans History and Culture Were Accommodated Here. In 1990 the Osburg Family Took Over the Hotel. While Maintaining a Strong Sense of Tradition They Also Worked To Meet the Requirements and Challenges of the Present and Future. In Doing So They Have the Full Support of Their Employees. The 66 Single and Double Rooms Are Tastefully Furnished and Contain a Total of 90 Beds -39 Cots Available- In Addition To a Shower/Bathroom / Colour Television / Direct Dial Telephone and Mini-Bar. Room Description:
    Room Description -Only Main Features Are Included Here- Type Ste Bismarck Room - Cable Tv - Dd Phone - Radio - Mini-Bar - Balcony - Wc/Shower C1t Standard Single Room - Cable Tv - Dd Phone - Mini-Bar - Radio - Wc/Shower C1d Standard Double Room - Cable Tv - Dd Phone - Mini-Bar - Radio - Wc/Shower B1t Superior Single Room - Cable Tv - Dd Phone - Mini-Bar - Wc/Shower - Radio B1d Superior Double Room - Cable Tv - Dd Phone - Mini-Bar - Wc/Shower - Radio As1 Suite - Cable Tv - Dd Phone - Mini-Bar - Radio - Wc/Shower A1d Wedding Room - Cable Tv - Dd Phone - Mini-Bar - Radio - Wc/Shower General Information:
    Room Facilities Television Cable Tv Rooms Equipped For Handicap Guests Mini Bar Direct Dial Phone Radio Wc Shower Hotel Facilities Lift/Elevator Ice Making Machine Safe Deposit in Reception Bar Parking Facilities Restaurant . Number of Meeting Rooms - 4 Meeting Room Capacity Up To - 80 Persons Facilities Available- Overhead Projector and Screen Flipchart Video and Monitor Blackout Room For More Details Please Contact the Hotel Direct

    94. Goldküschte-Express: Chrigi Baer
    Translate this page Wähle einen Spieler.
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    Wähle einen Spieler Chrigi BAER Frank BILLER Erwin BOSSARD Andreas DOLDER Lorenz HEIM Cory HOLTKAMP Marcel JANS Andreas LIEDL Martin LÖFFLER Daniel LUDI Rico MAURER Sven MÜLLER Ralph NÄGELI Mark PEY Martin REINHOLD Florian REIZE Michael RIEDER Ralph RÜEGG Stefan RÜF Felix SCHÄRER Frank STAUBLI Marc STAUBLI Oliver STAUBLI Andrea TONET Michael WEISSER Jan WINKLER 29 Chrigi Baer E-Mail-Adresse Übername Schnuppe Geburtsdatum 23. Dezember 1974 Spielposition Stürmer Bisherige Clubs UHC Elch (Unihockey) Wohnort Zürich Zivilstand ledig Grösse 182 cm Gewicht Kampfgewicht Lieblings Hockey Club Carolinas Hurricanes Lieblingsessen Pasta Lieblingsgetränk Cola Lieblings Musikband Depeche Mode Lieblings TV-Sendung Ein Colt für alle Fälle Besondere Kennzeichen keine
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    95. UIUC Ph.D.'s In Mathematisc
    UIUC Ph.D.'s in Mathematics. This database was compiled by the Department of Mathematics Graduate Office. If you have information pertaining to this database, please contact Lori Dick at
    UIUC Ph.D.'s in Mathematics
    This database was compiled by the Department of Mathematics Graduate Office. If you have information pertaining to this database, please contact Lori Dick at . The listing below is sorted by the date the student received his/her Ph.D. thesis. Click to view the listing alphabetically Name Area Thesis Title ThesisDir Final Exam PhD Davis, Craig Geometry Conformally Flat Spaces with Bounded Curvature Igor Nikolaev Dunphy, Brian logic Uniform Families: Parametricity in Reflexive Graphs Udday Reddy McLaughlin, James Number Theory Aspects of continued Fractions Douglas Bowman Musat, Magdalena Analysis On the operator space UMD and non-commutative martingale inequalities. O'Bryant, Kevin Sidon Sets and Beatty Sequences Ken Stolarsky O'Bryant, Natella probability A problem from Hamiltonian mechnics with time-periodic coefficients small noise, and degenercy. Richard Sowers Pelsmajer, Michael Combinatorics (graph th.) Equitable List Coloring, Induced LInear Forests, And Routing in Rooted Graphs Doug West Wichiramala, Wacharin

    96. Austrian Literature Online - Kataloge

    97. Komunikacija/Communication
    download ); Seymour Lipschutz , Wujie Shi , Note on a question of ReinholdBaer on pregroups ( summary, full text , download ); Aleksandar
    News Communication Projects Books ... PUBLICATIONS DE L'INSTITUT MATHÉMATIQUE
    (N.S.) 68 (82) /2000
    ISSN 0350-1302 Articles

    98. Komunikacija/Communication
    download ); Seymour Lipschutz , Wujie Shi , Note on a question of ReinholdBaer on pregroups ( rezime, tekst , download ); Aleksandar
    Novosti Komunikacija Projekti Knjige ... PUBLICATIONS DE L'INSTITUT MATHÉMATIQUE
    (N.S.) 68 (82) /2000
    ISSN 0350-1302 Èlanci
    • Kosta Došen , Zoran Petriæ , The maximality of the typed lambda calculus and of cartesian closed categories ( rezime tekst download Miodrag Raškoviæ , Radosav Ðorðeviæ , Cylindric Probability Algebras ( rezime tekst download Miroslav Petroviæ , Bojana Milekiæ , Generalized line graphs with the second largest eigenvalue at most 1 ( rezime tekst download Bolian Liu , Peter Rowlinson , Dominating properties of star complements ( rezime tekst download Seymour Lipschutz , Wujie Shi , Note on a question of Reinhold Baer on pregroups ( rezime tekst download Aleksandar Krapež , Rectangular loops ( rezime tekst download Boris_A. Rosenfeld , Differentiable functions in associative and alternative algebras and smooth surfaces in projective spaces over these algebras ( rezime tekst download Slavko Simiæ

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