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         Baer Reinhold:     more detail
  1. Linear Algebra and Projective Geometry by Reinhold Baer, 2005-08-23
  2. Korporierter in Estland: Adolf Von Harnack, Walter Von Engelhardt, Siegfried Von Vegesack, Karl Ernst Von Baer, Friedrich Reinhold Kreutzwald (German Edition)
  3. The Mathematical Legacy of Reinhold Baer: A Collection of Articles in Honor of the Centenary of the Birth of Reinhold Baer
  4. Finite metanilpotent groups and finite Sylow tower groups: Corso di lezioni tenute nell'aprile 1976 (Contributi del Centro linceo interdisciplinare di scienze matematiche e loro applicazioni) by Reinhold Baer, 1977
  5. Lectures on Abelian groups, by Reinhold Baer, 1936
  6. Group theory, geometrical structures and their interrelations by Reinhold Baer, 1964
  7. Linear Algebra & Projective Geometry by Reinhold Baer, 1952-01-01
  8. Engineering Design for Plastics (Plastics Engineering)
  9. Eng Design for Plastics by Eric Baer, 1964
  10. Homage to KOKOSCHKA. Prints and drawings lent by Reinhold, Count Bethusy-Huc. Introduction by E.H. Gombrich; texts by Reinhold, Count Bethusy-Huc, Edith Hoffmann, Fritz Novotny, Hans Bolliger, Jan Tomes, Bernhard Baer.

41. Jakob Nielsen Papirer
jan. 1939. Box 46 baer, reinhold 12 håndskrevne breve på tysk fra baer tilNielsen 192428 og 45 særtryk. Box 47 Blaschke, Wilhelm 68 særtryk.
KØBENHAVNS UNIVERSITET Arkivets hjemmeside Samlingsoversigt
Jakob Nielsen papirer
Overordnet beskrivelse af samlingen
Kort beskrivelse:
Denne samling af Jakob Nielsens papirer består for størstedelen af særtryk, som Nielsen har modtaget fra andre videnskabsfolk og sorteret efter forfatter. Udover særtrykkene er der i forbindelse med nogle af personerne breve, manuskripter, ansøgninger og andet. Alt materiale er fra ca. 1890-1959 og på en lang række sprog hvad angår særtrykkene. Det øvrige materiale er dog fortrinsvis på dansk eller tysk.
Samlingen omfatter 79 arkivkasser, hvoraf de første 25 er almindelige arkivkasser og resten er Nielsens originale kasser.
Samlingen befandt sig i Matematisk biblioteks kælder i E-bygningen på H. C. Ørsted Institutet i efteråret 1996. Det vides ikke, hvornår eller hvordan den er kommet der. I juli 1999 blev der tilføjet fotokopier af materiale fra Staatsarchiv Hamburg til box 10

42. Full Alphabetical Index
Translate this page B. Babbage, Charles (2793*) Bachet, Claude (165) Bachmann, Paul (70*) Backus, John(542*) Bacon, Roger (657*) baer, reinhold (596*) Baghdadi, Abu al (947) Baire
Full Alphabetical Index
The number of words in the biography is given in brackets. A * indicates that there is a portrait.
Abbe , Ernst (602*)
, Niels Henrik (2899*)
bar Hiyya (641)
Abraham, Max

Abu Kamil
Shuja (1012)
Abu Jafar

al-Buzjani (1115)
, Wilhelm (205)
Adams, John Couch

Adams, J Frank

of Bath (1008) Adler , August (114) Adrain , Robert (79*) Adrianus , Romanus (419) Aepinus , Franz (124) Agnesi , Maria (2018*) Ahlfors , Lars (725*) Ahmed ibn Yusuf (660) Ahmes Aida Yasuaki (696) Aiken , Howard (665*) Airy , George (313*) Aitken , Alec (825*) Ajima , Naonobu (144) Akhiezer , Naum Il'ich (248*) al-Baghdadi , Abu (947) al-Banna , al-Marrakushi (861) al-Battani , Abu Allah (1333*) al-Biruni , Abu Arrayhan (3002*) al-Farisi , Kamal (1102) al-Haitam , Abu Ali (2490*) al-Hasib Abu Kamil (1012) al-Haytham , Abu Ali (2490*) al-Jawhari , al-Abbas (627) al-Jayyani , Abu (892) al-Karaji , Abu (1789) al-Karkhi al-Kashi , Ghiyath (1725*) al-Khazin , Abu (1148) al-Khalili , Shams (677) al-Khayyami , Omar (2140*) al-Khwarizmi , Abu (2847*) al-Khujandi , Abu (713) al-Kindi , Abu (1151) al-Kuhi , Abu (1146) al-Maghribi , Muhyi (602) al-Mahani , Abu (507) al-Marrakushi , ibn al-Banna (12)

43. Full Alphabetical Index
Translate this page B. Babbage, Charles (241*) Bachet de Méziriac, Claude (165) Bachmann, Paul (70*)Backus, John (542*) Bacone, Roger (657*) baer, reinhold (596*) Baire, René

44. NYPL, Emergency Committee In Aid Of Displaced Foreign Scholars Records, 1933-194
Translate this page Bachhofer, Ludwig, 1938-1939. baer, Kurt Stefan, 1933-1944. baer, reinhold, 1933-1936.baerwald, Hans, 1933-1940. Baginsky, Paul, 1933-1941. Baier, Aenne, 1933-1934.
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II. Non-Grantees [A-B]
Box Abraham, Hans F., 1941-1942 Abrahamson, Ernst L., 1939-1942 Ackerknecht, Edwin H., 1941-1945 Adam, Leonhard, 1933-1940 Adler, Jacob, 1939 Adler, Max, 1933-1940 Aglion, Raoul, 1940-1942 Alewyn, Richard, 1933-1944 Alexander, Ferdinand, 1935-1938 Alexander, Paul J., 1941 Allers, Rudolph, 1938 Alt, Franz, 1938-1939 Altmann, Siegfried, 1939-1942 Amann, Paul, 1942-1944 Anigstein, Ludwik, 1939-1940 Annot, M., 1934-1936 Anrod, Charles W., 1940-1941 Antal, Friedrich, 1934-1935 Appel, Herbert, 1935-1942 Arendt, Hannah, 1942-1944 Arendt, Herbert, 1934-1935 Argelander, Annelies, 1934-1939 Arndt, Fritz Georg, 1939

Note on a question of reinhold baer on pregroups. Abstract reinhold baerasked the relationship between certain properties in a pregroup.
Vol. 68(82), pp. 5358 (2000) Previous Article Next Article Contents of this Issue Other Issues ... EMIS Home
Note on a question of Reinhold Baer on pregroups
Seymour Lipschutz and Wujie Shi
Department of Mathematics Temple University Philadelphia, PA 19122 U.S.A. and Department of Mathematics Southwest-China Normal University Chongging 630715 Sichuan, P.R. China Abstract: Reinhold Baer asked the relationship between certain properties in a pregroup. The paper gives a partial answer to his question. Classification (MSC2000): Full text of the article: Electronic fulltext finalized on: 1 Nov 2001. This page was last modified: 6 Feb 2002. Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Science and Arts
for the EMIS Electronic Edition

Translate this page John Warner Backus, John Bacon, HM Bacon, Harold Bade, WG Baden, Scott Badon Ghijben,J. Badrikian, Albert Badrinath, BR baer, R. baer, reinhold Baeza, Rafael
B C D ... Z
Aazhang, Behnaam
Abadi, M.

Abadi, Martin

Abbadi, Amr el
Azbelev, N. V.
B"achtold, Martin
B"olcskei, Helmut

Baayen, P. C.

Babbage, Charles
Bürgi, Jost
Cacciabue, Pietro Carlo
Caccioppoli, Renato
Caffarelli, L.A. Caglioti, Vincenzo ... Córdoba, António
D"urre, Karl D'Alembert, Jean-le-Rond D'Amato, Francesco D'Amato ... Dürre, Karl P.
Eberle, Karin Eberlein, W.F. Eberstark, Hans Ebrahimi, Touradj ... Ezhkova, Irina Vasilyevna
F"urstenberg, Harry Fabes, Eugene B. Faci, Mohammed Faddeev, Lyudvig Dmitrievich ... Fuster Casas, D. Jose
G"odel, K. G"odel, Kurt G"ortler, H. G"unter, Paul ... Gödel, Kurt
H"older, Ernst H"older, Otto H"ormander, Lars Haantjes, J. ... Hülsemann, Johannes
I, Chih-Lin Ibnkahla, Mohamed Ienne, Paolo Iinatti, Jari H. ... Izzard, Martin
J"orgens, Konrad Jaaksoo, Ülo Jablonsky, Boleslav Jackson, Michael ... Jwo, Jung-Sing
K"ahler, Erich K"ohler, Torsten K"onig, Heinz K"onigsberger, Leo ... Kühn, Johannes
L"owig, H.F.J. L"owner, Karl L'Abbé, M.A. L'Ecuyer, Pierre ... Lück, Wolfgang
M"obius, August Ferdinand M"oller, Rolf M"uhll-His Karl von der M"uller, Claus ... Müntzer, Thomas
Nacabal, Francois

47. Aa, Personal , Ahmet Kaya ,Þebnem Ferah , Göksel , Ebru Gündeþ
Babbage, Charles (2793*) Bachelier, Louis (*) Bachet, Claude (165) Bachmann, Paul(386*) Backus, John (542*) Bacon, Roger (657*) baer, reinhold (596*) Baghdadi

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48. The Princeton Mathematics Community In The 1930s : Index Of Names
B baer, bank owner 1517 baer, reinhold 8-11 Baker, HF, geometer 33-6 38-7 Ball,George 11-4 18-8,9 Bamberger, Louis 8-2 14-18,32 25-12 29-14 37-7 38-16
The Princeton Mathematics Community in the 1930s
©The Trustees of Princeton University, 1985
The number of the transcript is given first, followed by the page number for that transcript. Thus 16-23 is a reference to page 23 of transcript 16. (The designation (PMC16) 23 appears at the bottom of that page.) The transcript number is not repeated when, for a given name, there are references to several pages of the same transcript. The transcripts are in numerical order. (The name of the person being interviewed is not indexed for that interview. The occurrences of Albert Tucker's name are indexed only for those interviews in which he did not take part.) A B C D ... Z A
Ackermann, W. Adams, C.R., [mathematician at Brown] Adams, Edwin Plimpton Addison, John Agnew, Ralph P. Ahlfors, Lars V. Albert, Adrian A. Alder, Henry Alexander, J(ames) W(addell) Alexander, Mrs. James, [wife of J.W. Alexander] Alexander, Mrs. John, [mother of J.W. Alexander] Alexandroff, Paul Alfing Alfven, H. Alger, P(hilip) L(angdon) Allen, R.G.D.

49. Members Of The School Of Mathematics
Translate this page BACHILLER, Tomas R. 1954-55. BADESCU, Lucian, 1981-82. BADULESCU, Ioan, 2003-04.baer, reinhold, 1935-37. BAGBY, S. Thomas, Jr. 1966-67. BAGEMIHL, Frederick, 1953-55.
BAAS, Nils A. BABALOLA, Victor A. BABBITT, Donald G BABSON, Eric BACHILLER, Tomas R. BADESCU, Lucian BADULESCU, Ioan BAER, Reinhold BAGBY, S. Thomas, Jr. BAGEMIHL, Frederick BAHRI, Abbas BAHRI, Diana Nunziante BAIADA, Emilio BAIK, Jinho BAILY, Walter L., Jr. BAK, Anthony BAKELMAN, Ilya BAKER, Alan BAKER, Roger BAKHTIN, Yuri BALACHANDRAN, Vadekke K. BALASUBRAMANIAN, R. BALDONI SILVA, M.Welleda BALK, Alexander BALKOVSKY, Eugeni BALL, John BALOG, Antal BALSLEV, Erik BAMBAH, Ram P. BANYAGA, Augustin BAO, David D.W. BARAK, Boaz BARANKIN, Edward W. BARANOVSKY, Vladimir BARBASCH, Dan M. BARBER, Sherburne F. BARCHINI, Leticia BARDOS, Claude BARGMANN, Valentine BARKER, Simon R. BARRICELLI, Nils A. BARROS-NETO, José BARSOTTI, Iacopo BARTNIK, Robert BASS, Hyman BASSI, Achille BATEMAN, Felice D. BATEMAN, Paul T. BATHO, Edward H. BATTERSON, Steven L. BAUER, Robert BAUER, Stefan BAUES, Hans-Joachim BAUM, Paul F. BAUMSLAG, Gilbert BAXENDALE, Peter H. BAYER-FLUCKIGER, Eva BEALS, Michael BEALS, Robert BEAUMONT, Ross A. BEC, Jérémie BECKENBACH, Edwin F. BECKER, Miriam F. BÉDARD, Robert

Translate this page Va a ser precisamente Harry baer la persona que cierre el presente capítulo embargo,del mismo modo que en la novela el perturbador reinhold va adquiriendo
11. Rainer Werner Fassbinder y Franz Biberkopf cara a cara “En todas las quimeras de Rainer Werner Fassbinder, todos los postes indicadores conducen a Franz Biberkopf, el triste héroe de Berlín Alexanderplatz” Harry Baer En el episodio de Alemania en Otoño (1978), vemos a Rainer trabajando en el guión de Berlín Alexanderplatz , monumental serie de televisión de catorce episodios con una duración total de quince horas y media que comenzó a rodarse en junio de 1979 y concluyó en abril de 1980. Se trataba de su proyecto más personal y largamente acariciado, además de convertirse en la producción más cara de la historia de la televisión germana (13 millones de marcos) llevada a cabo por la WDR. Previa a la versión f assbinderiana, Phil Jutzi, cineasta alemán muy próximo al movimiento socialista y admirado por Fassbinder (su Viaje a la felicidad de Mamá Küsters homenajeaba -a pesar de ser muy distinta- a la obra que Jutzi realizó en 1929 bajo el titulo Viaje a la felicidad de Mamá Krausen ), dirigió en 1930 una película de 90 minutos de duración sobre la novela homónima de Alfred Döblin, quien también participó en el guión. Aún gustándole, Rainer consideraba que el

baer, reinhold 185; Baker, Jacob 188; Barbie,Klaus 32; Bauer, Dr. Fritz 69f; Bean, Louis 187; Beck, Josef 119;
  • Abenheim, Dr. Donald 296 Angleton, James Jesus 60, 294 Angyal, Andras 185 Axmann, Arthur 68 Bach, Johann Sebastian 171, 174 Backe, Herbert 261 Baer, Reinhold 185 Baker, Jacob 188 Barbie, Klaus 32 Bauer, Dr. Fritz 69f Bean, Louis 187 Beck, Josef 119 Bedaux, Charles E. 90, 93, 94, 100f Beer, Dr. Herbert 73-76, 78f Belknap, Thomas 296 Bellini 236, 244 Berger, Gottlob 72 Bergmann, Max 185 Bergmann, Peter 185 Berija, Lawrentij 110, 176f Berle, Adolf jr. 186 Berman, Benjamin F. 187 Bernstein, Felix 185 Best, Payne S. 107 Best, Dr. Werner 66 Beth, Eric 185 Bismarck, Otto von 78, 132 Bloch, Konrad 185 Booth, John W. 71 Bormann, Martin 41, 63, 65, 68-71, 130, 131-134, 136, 138, 154, 167, 246, 248, 260 Bouhler, Philip 261 Boutet 243 Brandt, Willy 193 Braun, Eva 266 Breitmann, Richard 43, 44, 46 Broszat, Martin 126 Browning, Dr. Christopher 5, 40-43, 44, 46 Bullitt, William 186 Burg, Walter 185 Burkett, Ted 37 Canaris, Wilhelm 202 Cassel, Ernst 88 Cassel, Hans 185 Cellini, Benevenuto 239 Chopin, Frederic 239 Churchill, Winston S. 29, 70f, 92, 98f, 111, 114, 131f, 135f, 180, 192, 194, 200, 204, 208, 209, 210,223 Ciano, Galeazzo Graf 201

52. Schutz H. "Psalmy Davida.Pasje+" 10CDbox (24377817) - Allegro
Wykonawcy solisci – Schreier, Wachsmuth, Leib, Buchner, Ude, baer, reinhold,Stier, Schuler, Zimmermann, Junghanns, Polster, Lorenz, Rotzsch, Springborn

53. Here Are The Names Currently [April 1999] In The Index At Http
Badon Ghijben, J. Badrikian, Albert Badrinath, BR Bækgaard, Lars baer, R. baer,reinhold Baeza, Rafael Portaencasa Baggen, Stan Baier, Paul W. Bailar, John C

54. DMV
Translate this page Artin, Emil (1898-1963), 73, 155-157. B. baer, reinhold (1902-1979), 73, 153-154.Barneck, Alfred (1885-1964), 71, 173. Basch, Alfred (1882-1958), 75, 184-186.
Momentan ist die JavaScript-Funktion bei Ihrem Browser ausgeschaltet oder
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In den Jahresberichten der DMV zwischen 1969 und 1974 hat Max Pinl unter dem obigen Titel derjenigen Fachkollegen gedacht, die durch die Unmenschlichkeit des nationalsozialistischen Regimes ihre Heimat, ihre Stellung oder gar ihr Leben verloren haben.
B C D ... Z
A lt, Frank (1910-)
Artin, Emil (1898-1963)
Baer, Reinhold (1902-1979)
Barneck, Alfred (1885-1964)
Basch, Alfred (1882-1958) Baule, Bernhard (1891-1976) Behrend, Felix (1911 - 1962) Bergmann, Gustav (1906- ) Bergmann, Peter (1915- ) Bergman, Stefan (1895-1977) Bernays, Paul (1888-1977) Bernstein, Felix (1878-1956) Bers, Lipman (1914-1993) Berwald, Ludwig (1883-1942) Blumenthal, Otto (1876-1944) Portr. bei S. 82 Bochner, Salomon (1899-1982) Brauer, Alfred (1894-1985) Brauer, Richard (1901-1977) Breuer, Samson (1891-) Busemann, Herbert (1905-) C Caemmerer, Hanna von (1914-1971) Cohn-Vossen, Stefan (1902-1936) Courant, Richard (1888-1972) D Dehn, Max (1878-1952) Portr. bei S. 182

55. Dissertationen In Mathematik, 1907-1944
Translate this page Annalen, Bd. 98, M, baer, reinhold, Zur Flächentopologie. Kurven- und Abbildungstypen.Göttingen, 20.01.1927 (1930), Topologie, Crelle Journal, Bd. 156, 159, 160,
Dissertationen in Mathematik, 1927
Renate Tobies, Kaiserslautern

G Verfasser Titel Univers./TH Datum Gebiet Untergebiet Publiziert in Zeitschrift Land M Berlin Anwendungen Stochastik Zeitschrift f. Physik, Bd. 41
M Rothe, Erich Berlin Analysis Partielle Differentialgleichungen Math. Zeitschrift, Bd. 27
M Cremer, Hubert Zum Zentrumsproblem. Berlin Analysis Funktionentheorie Math. Annalen, Bd.98
M Iglisch, Rudolf Berlin Analysis Math. Annalen, Bd.101 M Schmieden, Curt Berlin Anwendungen Mechanik Zeitschrift f. angew. Math. u. Mechanik, Bd.8 M Berlin TH Geometrie Differentialgeometrie Math. Annalen, Bd. 100
M Haenzel, Gerhard Berlin TH Anwendungen Kinematik Sitzungsberichte Berliner Math.Ges.1926
W Petersohn, Herta Zweidimensionale elektrostatische Probleme. Breslau Anwendungen Zeitschrift f. Physik, Bd. 38
W Hansen, Charlotte Breslau Analysis Variationsrechnung
M Graphisches Verfahren zur Berechnung und Betriebskontrolle von Wechselstrom-Fernleitungen. Darmstadt TH Anwendungen Graphische Methoden Auszug in: Elektrotechn. Zeitschrift, Jg. 48

56. - Computer Architecture
to work with many illustrations, with dj Published Van Nostrand reinhold Co. NewYork 1970 ) Price US$ 10.00 more info Book location USA. baer, Jean Loup
English Deutsch Fran§ais Categories:
Art Computers Cooking ... Computers Keyword: Author: Title: ISBN: Price range: to Book location: UK Ireland Germany France USA Results: 21-40 of 500 Foster, Caxton C. - Computer Architecture
Very Good in Very Good- dust jacket. 1970c. Dj rubbed with some tears. Binding is Hardcover.
Published: (ISBN: 0442224346)
Price: US$ 10.00 - more info
Book location: USA
See more offers
Foster, Caxton C. - Computer Architecture
G, some wear. in DJ Ex-Library with Markings. Binding is Hardbound. 300pp pp.
Published: (ISBN: 0442224346)
Price: US$ 13.00 - more info
Book location: USA See more offers Foster, Caxton C. - Computer Architecture Hardbound Very good in a good-to-very good dust jacket ISBN:56399988 Published: Van Nostrand Reinhold 1970 (ISBN: 0442272197) Price: US$ 7.00 - more info Book location: USA See more offers Foster, Caxton C. - Computer Architecture Near Fine. in No Jacket - As Issued dj. No highlighting or underlining. Former owner's name in ink inside front cover. Binding is Pictorial Cover. Published: (ISBN: 0442224346) Price: US$ 7.94 -

57. Banquet Speech - Ohio State-Denison Conference 2002
within a month of each other, Wolfgang as one of the mathematicians in residencein Oberwolfach while writing his dissertation with reinhold baer in Frankfurt
Luise-Charlotte Kappe
Department of Mathematical Sciences, SUNY at Binghamton
Binghamton, NY 13902-6000
Abstract. This speech was given on May 18, 2002 at the dinner banquet of the XXVI-th OSU-Denison Conference honoring Wolfgang Kappe on the occasion of his retirement.
"It's a wonderful life" was the title of a talk I gave a month ago at the MAA Seaway Section meeting. Its subtitle: reflections on the career of a mathematician. This time my subtitle is: Reflections on the forty-year career of a husband-and-wife team of mathematicians. Very appropriately so, since we are celebrating our fortieth wedding anniversary in two weeks!
Compared to the Neumann's, we were lucky. We had always our jobs at the same university and only had to pull up our stakes once going from Germany to the US, by the way, the same year the Neumann's moved to Australia. But let's start at the beginning:
"Once upon a time" Wolfgang and Liselotte met where all mathematicians meet, that mythical place Oberwolfach. By the end of 1959 we both had gravitated to the Black Forest area within a month of each other, Wolfgang as one of the mathematicians in residence in Oberwolfach while writing his dissertation with Reinhold Baer in Frankfurt, and me starting my dissertation with Theodor Schneider in Freiburg.
I heard about Wolfgang for the first time when Schneider mentioned that Kappe and Kegel, the two resident assistants in Oberwolfach, are named after two geometric objects, namely the cap of a sphere and the cone. Wolfgang heard about me for the first time from Erich Glock, my future brother-in-law and also a mathematician in residence in Oberwolfach. Once coming back from a visit in Freiburg, Erich reported that Theodor Schneider had brought along "ein Fraeulein Menger". Wolfgang replied as any Berliner would have: " Na und! (= so what!).

58. Vortrag Zum Oszilloskop Referat Reinhold Maier Referate Englisch Sciences Effi B
Translate this page lindgren vortrag zum oszilloskop bundestags referate der hund der unterwegs zu einemstern war referat die welle buch referate vortrag baer reverrat doerfer
vortrag zum oszilloskop
vortrag ricke deutsche telekom referat alltagsdrogen schule ganztags erörterung gantagßchule vortrag dsl ... effie briest deutsch

59. Catàleg De Les Biblioteques De La UPC
Translate this page 1992, 39. Linear algebra and projective geometry, baer, reinhold. 2nd,1966, 40. Algebra lineal y geometría, Castellet, Manuel. 1991, 41.Àlgeb

60. Nomenclatural Changes Validly Published In The 2000 Issues Of The IJSEM
nov. (Part 2). Azovibrio restrictus reinholdHurek and Hurek 2000, sp. nov. (Part2). 2000, sp. nov. (Part 6). Bacteriovorax baer et al. 2000, gen. nov. (Part 1).
Home Genera and taxa above the rank of genus up to and including class: A - C D - L M - R S - Z ... Search Other files: see Home Updated: December 17, 2000 Nomenclatural changes validly published in the 2000 issues of the IJSEM
(Volume 50 - Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 - pp. 1-2310)
Issues Pages Publication dates Part 1, January January 11, 2000 Part 2, March March 13, 2000 Part 3, May May 10, 2000 Part 4, July July 10, 2000 Part 5, September September 26, 2000 Part 6, November December 14, 2000 Archive of 2000 Online Issues in IJSEM Online Acholeplasma vituli Angulo et al . 2000, sp. nov. (Part 3) Acidilobus Prokofeva et al . 2000, gen. nov. (Part 6) Acidilobus aceticus Prokofeva et al . 2000, sp. nov. (Part 6) Acidisphaera Hiraishi et al . 2000, gen. nov. (Part 4) Acidisphaera rubrifaciens Hiraishi et al . 2000, sp. nov. (Part 4) Acidithiobacillus Kelly and Wood 2000, gen. nov. (Part 2) Acidithiobacillus albertensis corrig. (Bryant et al . 1988) Kelly and Wood 2000, comb. nov. - Basonym Thiobacillus albertis Bryant et al (Part 2) Acidithiobacillus caldus (Hallberg and Lindstrom 1995) Kelly and Wood 2000, comb. nov. - Basonym Thiobacillus caldus Hallberg and Lindstrom 1995.

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