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         Baer Reinhold:     more detail
  1. Linear Algebra and Projective Geometry by Reinhold Baer, 2005-08-23
  2. Korporierter in Estland: Adolf Von Harnack, Walter Von Engelhardt, Siegfried Von Vegesack, Karl Ernst Von Baer, Friedrich Reinhold Kreutzwald (German Edition)
  3. The Mathematical Legacy of Reinhold Baer: A Collection of Articles in Honor of the Centenary of the Birth of Reinhold Baer
  4. Finite metanilpotent groups and finite Sylow tower groups: Corso di lezioni tenute nell'aprile 1976 (Contributi del Centro linceo interdisciplinare di scienze matematiche e loro applicazioni) by Reinhold Baer, 1977
  5. Lectures on Abelian groups, by Reinhold Baer, 1936
  6. Group theory, geometrical structures and their interrelations by Reinhold Baer, 1964
  7. Linear Algebra & Projective Geometry by Reinhold Baer, 1952-01-01
  8. Engineering Design for Plastics (Plastics Engineering)
  9. Eng Design for Plastics by Eric Baer, 1964
  10. Homage to KOKOSCHKA. Prints and drawings lent by Reinhold, Count Bethusy-Huc. Introduction by E.H. Gombrich; texts by Reinhold, Count Bethusy-Huc, Edith Hoffmann, Fritz Novotny, Hans Bolliger, Jan Tomes, Bernhard Baer.

1. Corinth Catholic Cemetery
Baer Elsa. Wife of Reinhold Baer. 1890. 1948 Corinth Catholic Cem. baer reinhold. Husb of Elsa Baer
Saratoga County, New York All information on this site is displayed free of charge. If you wish you may:
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Town of Corinth Cemeteries
compiled and annotated by Dave Bixby. For Dave's discussion of his motivations and methods, please see his Introduction page.
Corinth Catholic Cemetery
1302 stones and names
Rt. 9N, at the village of Corinth south limits by the railroad tracks, west side of the road.
? Donald J. Corinth Catholic Cem. ? Francis W. Corinth Catholic Cem. ? John P. Corinth Catholic Cem. ? Patrick J. Husb of Julia Doody Corinth Catholic Cem. Ahearn Alice V. Kelly Wife of John J. Ahearn Corinth Catholic Cem. Ahearn Bridget Sweeney Wife of Patrick Ahearn Corinth Catholic Cem. Ahearn Evelyn M. Wife of Frank P. Ahearn Corinth Catholic Cem. Ahearn Frank P. Husb of Evelyn M. Ahearn Corinth Catholic Cem. Volunteer Fireman. Member American Legion. Ahearn James T. Corinth Catholic Cem. Volunteer Fireman. Ahearn John J.

2. Baer
Reinhold Baer. Born 22 July 1902 in Berlin, Germany Died 22 Oct 1979 inZurich, Switzerland. Click the picture above to see two larger pictures
Reinhold Baer
Born: 22 July 1902 in Berlin, Germany
Died: 22 Oct 1979 in Zurich, Switzerland
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Reinhold Baer studied mechanical engineering for a year at the Technische Hochschule at Hannover but realised that this was not the subject for him. He then changed to mathematics and philosophy at Freiburg in 1921 where Krull and Loewy Emmy Noether and Hellmut Kneser (the son of Adolf Kneser ) who supervised Baer's doctoral thesis on the classification of curves on surfaces. Baer won a scholarship for specially gifted students in 1924 and this enabled him to study at Kiel for a year with Hasse Steinitz and Toeplitz Crelle 's Journal in 1927. A post at Freiburg was offered to him by Loewy . Baer held this post from 1926 until 1928 and, during this time, he turned towards algebra. Loewy clearly was one of the main influences in this change of direction. Hasse offered him a post at Halle in 1928 and Baer accepted. While at Halle he undertook a joint project with

3. Poster Of Baer
Reinhold Baer. lived from 1902 to 1979. Baer s mathematical work waswide ranging; topology, abelian groups and geometry. His most
Reinhold Baer lived from 1902 to 1979 Baer 's mathematical work was wide ranging; topology, abelian groups and geometry. His most important work, however, was in group theory, on the extension problem for groups, finiteness conditions, soluble and nilpotent groups. Find out more at

4. Reinhold Baer
Reinhold Baer was born in Berlin on July, 1902. His biography closes with the words Many of us will always remember Reinhold Baer as he was in Oberwolfach.
His own academic life was a very active and productive one: numerous mathematicians visited Frankfurt and many were his visits to other research centers. His most frequent venue was the "Mathematisches Forschunginstitute" at Oberwolfach. He had taken very much to heart the development of this institute and for many years took an active part in the organization of the conferences on group theory and geometry that were regularly held there. Even after his retirement from academic life in 1967, he and Marianne would spend four or five weeks, usually in the spring, at the Institute of Oberwolfach.
Reinhold and Marianne moved to Zurich, where he continued his research, his editorial work for "Archiv des Mathematik" and remained a reference and encouragement source for many young mathematicians. His last visit to Oberwolfach was in May 1979, when he was already ill. He entered hospital in August and died in October 1979.
In a beautiful biography published in the "Bullettin of the London Mathematical Society", Karl Gruenberg recalls the joy that Reinhold Baer had in producing mathematics and the enthusiasm he transmitted to his students. His biography closes with the words: "Many of us will always remember Reinhold Baer as he was in Oberwolfach. A trim and fit figure, dressed in an open-neck white shirt, grey flannel trousers and tennis shoes. A happy smile on his face, Marianne at his side, and surronded by young people."

5. Untitled
GR Passengers in GRHS Publications (A. RUSS Cass Lake MN 01497 ADAMS Reinhold 11 RUSS Cass Lake MN 01497 7 RUSS ? 00500 BAER Johs. 23 RUSS ? 00500 baer reinhold 5 RUSS ?

6. Gruppen Mit Abzählbaren Automorphismengruppen Baer Reinhold
Translate this page Gruppen mit abzählbaren Automorphismengruppen baer reinhold. Titel Gruppen mitabzählbaren Automorphismengruppen. Autor baer reinhold. Rubrik Kategorie
Gruppen mit abzählbaren Automorphismengruppen Baer Reinhold
Titel: Gruppen mit abzählbaren Automorphismengruppen.
Autor: Baer Reinhold
Wenglein Erik, Hellwig Selb...

König Karl Widerstandsanalyse...

König Karl Einführung in die ...

Wurmser Leon Die verborgene D...

7. Baer
Reinhold Baer. Born 22 July 1902 in Berlin, Germany Died 22Oct 1979 in Zurich, Switzerland. Show birthplace location.
Reinhold Baer
Born: 22 July 1902 in Berlin, Germany
Died: 22 Oct 1979 in Zurich, Switzerland
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(Alphabetically) Next Welcome page Reinhold Baer studied mechanical engineering for a year at the Technische Hochschule at Hannover but realised that this was not the subject for him. He then changed to mathematics and philosophy at Freiburg in 1921 where Krull and Loewy Emmy Noether and Hellmut Kneser (the son of Adolf Kneser ) who supervised Baer's doctoral thesis on the classification of curves on surfaces. Baer won a scholarship for specially gifted students in 1924 and this enabled him to study at Kiel for a year with Hasse Steinitz and Toeplitz Crelle 's Journal in 1927. A post at Freiburg was offered to him by Loewy . Baer held this post from 1926 until 1928 and, during this time, he turned towards algebra. Loewy clearly was one of the main influences in this change of direction. Hasse offered him a post at Halle in 1928 and Baer accepted. While at Halle he undertook a joint project with Hasse , publishing Steinitz 's , which had been first published in Crelle 's Journal in 1910, as a book with a commentary on the text and an appendix on

8. Mathematics LIst 1
baer reinhold. Uber die Zerlegungen einer Mischgruppe Nach Einer Untermischgruppe.31 pp. Sitzungsberichte der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften.
Go back to Catalog Lists To inquire about any of these items contact us by e-mail at:
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Mathematics List Beginning.
Authors, A thru Bo.
  • American Mathematical Society. AMS translations No. 11. Probability and Physical Problems. 390 pg. American Mathematical Society.. (1962) (Hardback) Very good condition. MATH10029 $25.00
  • H.P. Robertson: Jan 21, 1903 - August 26, 1961. In Memoriam. 63 pg. Soc. Industrial and applied Math 1963. VG ExLib MATH10973 $20.00
  • Mathematicheskii Sbornik [Mathematical Studies] New Series. Seven Journal issues. Vol. 89 #1, 2, 4, Vol. 97 #3, 4. Vol. 99 #2, 3. Moscow. (1972, 1975, 1976) Softcover. The price is for the lot of seven. Good condition, ExLibrary. (The text is in Russian) MATH11977 $40.00
  • Some Aspects of Analysis and Probalbility. 243 pg. Wiley (1958) VG MATH10975 $20.00
  • The Chern Symposium, 1979 229 pg. Springer. (1979) VG (Proceedings of the International Syposium on Differential Geometry in Honor of S.S. Chern.) MATH10976 $50.00
  • Travaux De Mathematiques.

9. Baer
Biography of reinhold baer (19021979) reinhold baer. Born 22 July 1902 in Berlin, Germany reinhold baer studied mechanical engineering for a year at the Technische Hochschule at Hannover but realised that this
Reinhold Baer
Born: 22 July 1902 in Berlin, Germany
Died: 22 Oct 1979 in Zurich, Switzerland
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to see two larger pictures Show birthplace location Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous (Alphabetically) Next Main index
Reinhold Baer studied mechanical engineering for a year at the Technische Hochschule at Hannover but realised that this was not the subject for him. He then changed to mathematics and philosophy at Freiburg in 1921 where Krull and Loewy Emmy Noether and Hellmut Kneser (the son of Adolf Kneser ) who supervised Baer's doctoral thesis on the classification of curves on surfaces. Baer won a scholarship for specially gifted students in 1924 and this enabled him to study at Kiel for a year with Hasse Steinitz and Toeplitz Crelle 's Journal in 1927. A post at Freiburg was offered to him by Loewy . Baer held this post from 1926 until 1928 and, during this time, he turned towards algebra. Loewy clearly was one of the main influences in this change of direction. Hasse offered him a post at Halle in 1928 and Baer accepted. While at Halle he undertook a joint project with

10. Groups With Descending Chain Condition For Normal Subgroups
Groups with descending chain condition for normal subgroups euclid.dmj/1077475350 Citation Duke Math. J. 16 (1949), no. 1, 122 baer, reinhold reinhold baer

11. Biography-center - Letter B
baer, reinhold;baer, Karl Ernst von;
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12. Finiteness Properties Of Groups
Finiteness properties of groups euclid.dmj/1077475203 Citation Duke Math. J. 15 (1948), no. 4, 10211032 baer, reinhold reinhold baer

13. Descendants Of Berhard Baer II Katharine Herman
This is an outline of the descendants of Berhard baer II Katharine Herman, who came to the US in 1889 4 8 reinhold baer 4 9 Johnny baer

    Descendants of Bernhard Baer II
    1 [1] Bernhard Baer II 1825 - 1918
    . +Marie Simari - 1855
    . 2 Marria (Marie) Baer 1855 -
    *2nd Wife of [1] Bernhard Baer II:
    . +Katherine Herman 1836 - 1921
    +Johannes Miller 1852 - 1912
    .. 3 Christ Miller 1873 - 1944
    +Caroline Bauder 1878 -
    ... 4 Edward Miller 1899 -
    +Pauline Nassz
    ... 4 Cellie Miller 1901 -
    +John E. Beiber
    ... 4 Christine Miller 1903 -
    +George Seuer
    ... 4 Fred Miller 1907 -
    +Ruth Doring
    ... 4 William Miller 1910 -
    +Adeline Schumacker
    .. 3 Nathelia Miller 1878 - 1951
    +Henry Herman 1876 - 1952
    ... 4 [21] Lena Herman 1898 -
    +[20] Johannes Landis Jr 1889 -
    .... 5 [22] Leonard Landis 1917 -
    +[23] Hilda
    .... 5 [24] Alma Landis 1919 -
    .... 5 [25] Eleanor Landis 1920 -
    +[26] Pfitzer
    .... 5 [27] Oscar Landis 1923 -
    .... 5 [28] Norman Landis 1928 -
    .... 5 [29] Erma Landis 1926 -
    +[30] Wahl
    .... 5 [31] Irene Landis 1930 -
    +[32] Seiler
    .... 5 [33] Alvina Landis
    +[34] Haap
    .... 5 [35] Phyliss Landis
    +[36] Preasek
    ... 4 [2] Betty Herman 1900 -
    +Wally Hall
    *2nd Husband of [2] Betty Herman:
    +[52] Max Baer 1896 -
    .... 5 [53] Arnold Baer
    +[54] Florence Weirich
    .... 5 [55] Irene Baer
    +[56] Traugatt Schnaible
    .... 5 [57] Marvin Baer
    +[58] Clarice Brekke
    .... 5 [3] Elvira Baer
    +[59] Wayne Thornton
    *2nd Husband of [3] Elvira Baer:
    +[60] George Denny
    .... 5 [61] Doris Baer
    +[62] Edmer Heil
    ... 4 John J. Herman 1902 -
    +Alice Nelson
    ... 4 Reinhold J. Herman 1904 -
    +Laura Nelson
    ... 4 Otto Herman 1906 -

14. Reinhold Baer
In una bella biografia pubblicata sul "Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society", Karl Gruenberg ricorda la gioia che Reinhold Baer aveva nel produrre matematica e l'entusiasmo che trasmetteva ai suoi allievi; la biografia si chiude con queste parole: "Many of us will always remember Reinhold Baer as he was in Oberwolfach. A trim and fit figure, dressed in an open-neck white shirt, grey flannel trousers and tennis shoes. A happy smile on his face, Marianne at his side, and surronded by young people."

15. Obituary Index - B
Ursula, , *19 Oct 1890. baer, Alex, , *2 Aug 1906. baer, Barbara, (Haar), *11 28 Jun 1891. baer, Olinda, (Schmidt), *3 Jan 1920. baer , reinhold, , *12 Jan 1880. baer, Richard H

Obituaries - Ba-Baud
Surname/ Married Name, First name, (Maiden name), *Birth Date Babitzke, Bert, , *20 Feb 1906
Babitzke , Christian , , *16 Feb 1876
Babitzke, Christian, , *16 Jul 1895
Babitzke, Christiana, (Koch), *20 Feb 1880
Babitzke, Edna, (Karbs), *22 Jan 1915
Babitzke, Edwin, Birth Name, *15 Sep 1913
Babitzke, Elizabeth, (Kallenbach), *1889
Babitzke, Emil, , *30 Oct 1917
Babitzke, Enouch, , *7 Jul 1909
Babitzke, Frederick Alvin, , *20 Jul 1914 Babitzke, Henry, , *14 Jul 1888 Babitzke, Jacob, , *20 Jun 1911 Babitzke, John, , *24 Jan 1921 Babitzke , John, , *16 Jul 1886 Babitzke, Katharina, (Schelske), *6 Jan 1946 Babitzke, Louise, (Schneider), *26 Feb 1914 Babitzke, Martin, , *20 Oct 1881 Babitzke, Mildred Myrtle, (Rogers) Fiske, *4 Jun 1913 Babitzke, Paul, , *2 Apr 1907 Babitzke, Reinhold, , Babitzke, Ricky Duane, , *20 Feb 1959

16. Baer, Reinhold - Gedächtnis Berlin
Translate this page baer, reinhold. * 22.07.1902 Berlin. † 22.10.1979 Zürich (KantonZürich, Schweiz). Mathematiker. Straße baerstraße historisch
Baer , Reinhold * 22.07.1902 Berlin Mathematiker

17. Gcra Obituary Index
GCRA Obituary Index (M. Schmidtgall) Harr. Husbandreinhold baer Source Newspaper Clipping Name baer, Minnie (Schmidt Husband-Bruno baer Source Newspaper Clipping Name baer, reinhold Birth Date 12

18. Pictures Of Reinhold Baer
Pictures of reinhold baer. 1_1, baer1, baer3. baer4a, baer9b,baer9. baer8a, 3_corrected_1, 2_corrected_1. baer2, baer4,baer5.
Pictures of Reinhold Baer

LUNCH CHAIRMAN OF THE AFTERNOON SESSION LACI KOVACS 1430 1500 PRIES Differentialequations over valued fields 1500 - 1600 FUCHS reinhold baer and his
TUESDAY 16th ARRIVAL AFTER LUNCH 19:00 DINNER 20:00 WELCOME DRINKS =================================================================== WEDNESDAY 17th 8:00 - 9:00 BREAKFAST CHAIRMAN OF THE MORNING SESSION: OTTO KEGEL 9:00 - 10:00 ROBINSON: (Co)homological vanishing theorems for nilpotent groups - a retrospective 10:00 - 10:30 HEINEKEN: Geometric tools and algebraic equations 10:30 - 11:00 BREAK 11:00 - 11:30 BRAUN: Complete groups under CH 11:30 - 12:00 WALLUTIS: Existence of ultra-cotorsion-free modules 12:00 - 12:30 YOUSIF: On three open problems on quasi-Frobenius rings 12:30 - 14:30 LUNCH CHAIRMAN OF THE AFTERNOON SESSION: HERMANN HEINEKEN 14:30 - 15:00 L. KAPPE: On capable groups of nilpotency class two 15:00 - 16:00 WILSON: Aspects of growth of groups 16:00 - 16:30 BREAK 16:30 - 17:00 LEINEN: Group algebras of simple locally finite groups: Ideals and positive-definite functions 17:00 - 17:30 SCHMELKIN: The Magnus embedding 17:30 - 18:00 SYSAK: Groups with finite co-central rank 19:00 DINNER ========================================================== THURSDAY 18th 8:00 - 9:00 BREAKFAST CHAIRMAN OF THE MORNING SESSION: K. M. RANGASWAMY 9:00 - 10:00 SALCE: Almost perfect rings and strongly flat modules 10:00 - 10:30 BLAGOVESHCHENSKAYA: Matrix representation of endomorphism rings of some almost completely decomposable abelian groups 10:30 - 11:00 BREAK 11:00 - 11:30 DUGAS: Self-free Abelian groups and E-rings 11:30 - 12:30 EKLOF: On properties of Ext 12:30 - 14:30 LUNCH CHAIRMAN OF THE AFTERNOON SESSION: LUIGI SALCE 14:30 - 15:00 KASCH: Connections between the radical, the singular submodule and the total in Mod-R 15:00 - 16:00 THOMAS: Superrigidity and classification problems for torsion-free abelian groups of finite rank 16:00 - 16:30 BREAK 16:30 - 17:30 HUISGEN-ZIMMERMANN: The geometry of chain complexes and outer automorphisms under derived equivalence 17:30 - 18:00 TRLIFAJ: Ext and inverse limits 19:00 DINNER =============================================================== FRIDAY 19th 8:00 - 9:00 BREAKFAST CHAIRMAN OF THE MORNING SESSION: KARL GRUENBERG 9:00 - 10:00 ECKMANN: Group algebras, projective modules and group geometry 10:00 - 10:30 BREAK 10:30 - 11:30 FARJOUN: Localization and homotopy limits in algebra and topology 11:45 - 12:45 !!!!! EARLY LUNCH !!!!! 12:45 EXCURSION 2 BUSSES LEAVE AT 12:45 one for Folkwang Museum one for Zeche Zollverein guided tours for the lazy tourist: 14:00 a guided tour through the old Hattingen by Mrs. Haak 19:00 DINNER ========================================================== SATURDAY 20th 8:00 - 9:00 BREAKFAST CHAIRMAN OF THE MORNING SESSION: DIETER HELD 9:00 - 10:00 STROTH: Some steps in revising the classification of the finite simple groups 10:00 - 10:30 CARA: Coset geometries and independent sets 10:30 - 11:00 BREAK 11:00 - 11:30 SCHMIDT: L-free groups 11:30 - 12:30 ASCHBACHER: The classification of the finite simple groups 12:30 - 14:30 LUNCH CHAIRMAN IN THE AFTERNOON SESSION: WILBUR JONSSON 14:30 - 15:30 BUEKENHOUT: The geometries of finite simple groups 15:30 - 16:00 VAMOS: From matroids to equations and back 16:00 - 16:30 BREAK 16:30 - 17:30 OL'SHANSKII: On some algebraic problems and planimetric constructions in group theory 17:30 - 18:00 WILLE: Restructuring general geometry: An approach based on the idea of spacial measurements 19:00 DINNER ========================================================== SUNDAY 21st 8:00 - 9:00 BREAKFAST CHAIRMAN OF THE MORNING SESSION: GABRIEL SABBAGH 9:00 - 10:00 CHERLIN: Simple groups of finite Morley rank 10:00 - 10:30 BOGOPOLSKY: On an analog of a Magnus theorem for surface groups 10:30 - 11:00 BREAK 11:00 - 11:30 KRAMER: Ultrapowers of Lie groups and the Margulis conjecture 11:30 - 12:30 MACINTYRE: Cohomological questions in model theory 12:30 - 14:30 LUNCH CHAIRMAN OF THE AFTERNOON SESSION: LACI KOVACS 14:30 - 15:00 PRIES: Differential equations over valued fields 15:00 - 16:00 FUCHS: Reinhold Baer and his influence on abelian groups 16:00 - 16:30 BREAK 16:30 - 17:30 TRUSS: Some infinite simple groups, and the number of conjugates 17:30 - 18:00 STRÜNGMANN: A property of Butler groups which can not be decided in ZFC 18:00 - 19:00 BREAK 19:00 ECKMANN SPECIAL: Remembering Reinhold and Marianne Baer ADDENDUM BY OTTO KEGEL AND FRIEDRICH KASCH APPROX. 20:00 OFFICIAL CONFERENCE DINNER ========================================================== MONDAY 22nd 8:00 - 9:00 BREAKFAST CHAIRMAN OF THE MORNING SESSION: HELMUT SALZMANN 9:00 - 10:00 KORCHMAROS: Collineation groups of finite projective planes containing Baer-involutions 10:00 - 10:30 BETTEN: 3-dimensional shift spaces with shears 10:30 - 11:00 BREAK 11:00 - 11:30 HUBER: The chronological era of J.J. Scalinger and the age of the world 11:30 - 12:00 LÖWEN: The nonexistence of disjoint Baer subplanes in compact connected planes 12:00 - 12:30 HÄHL: On the classification of 16-dimensional compact projective planes with a large group of automorphisms 12:30 - 14:30 LUNCH DEPARTURE

20. Untitled
baer, Anna 1923, 84 yrs baer, Friedrich 1901, 24 yrs baer, John 1936, 70 yrs baer, reinhold 1938, 58 yrs Neva 1 yr Rothe, reinhold 1928, 53 yrs Rothe, Roy

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