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61. Panini-Backus backus, john (1959). The syntax and semantics of the proposed international algebraiclanguage of the Zürich ACMGAMM conference. Proc. Internat. Conf. Inf. http://www.infinityfoundation.com/mandala/t_es/t_es_rao-t_syntax.htm | |
62. Jim Backus - Jim Backus Photos, Jim Backus Pictures photos, pictures 7 J. Evan Bonifant photos, pictures 1 Jim backus 4 Jim JoePesci photos, pictures 25 Joey Bishop photos, pictures 4 john Astin photos http://actors.ws/jim_backus | |
63. William Backus - Early Norwich, Conn Settler Mary Benton 1674 1757 .. 3 john backus 1662 - 1744 ..MaryBingham 1672 - 1747 .. http://members.tripod.com/~ntgen/bw/bkus_index.html | |
64. 1993 Recipient Of The Charles Stark Draper Prize john backus IBM Almaden Research Center, Retired For his development of FORTRAN,the first widely used, general purpose, highlevel computer language. There http://www.nae.edu/NAE/awardscom.nsf/weblinks/NAEW-4NHM9U?opendocument |
65. Jim Backus Sergeant; john Goldfarb, Please Come Home (1965) . aka Jim backus Show,The (1960); Bugs Bunny Show, The (1960) TV Series (voice) . http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000822/ | |
66. John Jakes: The Bastard And The Rebels Jim backus . john Hancock Richard Basehart . Duke of Kentland Joan Blondell . Mrs. Brumple Tom Bosley . Benjamin Franklin William Daniels . http://www.angelfire.com/bc/RPPS/fullosia_press_2002/sept_2002_school_daze/basta | |
67. FISH ANCESTORY: BACKUS FAMILY FOUND WINDHAM PROBATE RECORDS for john backus died ~1750. 10, 1709 in Windham.FOUND WINDHAM PROBATE RECORDS for Guardianship by john backus date 1747. http://www.dallas.net/~mcmanus/backus1.htm | |
68. Backus : Windham Center Cemetery Inscriptions ye 19th 1747) In memory of Mary backus ye Daughter of Mr. john backus Mrs.Sibbil backus who died May ye 28th 1744 in ye 3d year of her Age. http://www.dallas.net/~mcmanus/backus2.htm | |
69. Deathdream (1972): John Marley, Richard Backus, Lynn Carlin, Bob Clark Please check out a preview of the film below Cast john Marley, Richard backus,Lynn Carlin, Anya Ormsby, Director Bob Clark. more cast crew http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/Deathdream-1005563/ | |
70. Deathdream (1972): John Marley, Richard Backus, Lynn Carlin, Bob Clark DEATHDREAM OVERVIEW, VIDEO RELEASE Jun 29, 2004 (DVD) CAST CREW JohnMarley, Richard backus, Lynn Carlin Directed by Bob Clark more http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/Deathdream-1005563/reviews.php | |
71. John Backus Information - Online-Encyclopedia.info john backus Home. john backus (born December 3, 1924) is an American computerscientist, notable as the inventor of the Fortran programming http://online-encyclopedia.info/encyclopedia/j/jo/john_backus.html | |
72. INDEX OF NAMES 1871) and computers, 1107 and universality, 1110 Bachelier, Louis (France, 18701946)and randomness in markets, 1014 backus, john (USA, 1924- ) and computer http://www.wolframscience.com/nksonline/index/names/ | |
73. John Backus Has Been Named Recipient Of The 1993 Charles Stark Draper Aw Subject john backus has been named recipient of the 1993 CharlesStark Draper Award. From David Farber farber@central.cis.upenn http://www.interesting-people.org/archives/interesting-people/199310/msg00015.ht | |
74. Index To People Mentioned In The Vignettes Translate this page Auerbach, Isaac, V28. Auwaerter, john, V01, V15, V16, V31, V50. Bachman, Charles,V16, V43. backus, john, V02, V10, V11, V27, V28, V29. Baker, Art, V05. Baker,Chuck, V61. http://www.bobbemer.com/WHO.HTM | |
75. No Match For John Backus No match for john backus. Sorry, the term john backus is not in the dictionary.Check the spelling and try removing suffixes like ing and -s . http://wombat.doc.ic.ac.uk/foldoc/foldoc.cgi?John Backus |
76. SETI Institute Journal Publications Jill Tarter, Peter R. backus, D. Kent Cullers, john W. Dreher, 1990. PaulHorowitz, Peter R. backus, KS Chen, john Forster, BS Matthews, 1986. http://publish.seti.org/litu/pubs/journal_details.php?last_name=Backus&first_nam |
77. National Academy Of Sciences Auston, David H. Ayala, Francisco J. Babior, Bernard M. Bacher, Robert F. backus,john. backus, George E. Baker, Bruce S. Baker, Paul T. Baldeschwieler, john D. http://www4.nas.edu/nas/naspub.nsf/urllinks/NASLocation?OpenDocument&Start=1&Cou |
78. Large Images Of John Backus - Manuscript - Journal Kept On Board US Privateer Sa john backus, 2d Lieutenant. Contemporary journal kept on board theUS privateer Saratoga, 16 November 1812 through 2 March 1813. http://www.history.navy.mil/biblio/biblio3/backus.htm | |
79. Fairview Baptist Church john M. Mecklin in The Story of American Dissent says of Isaac backus john Cotton,Cotton Mather, john Wise, and even Jonathan Edwards, belonged to their day http://www.fairview4u.org/hall/index.php?name=backus |
80. Edifying Spectacle Posters : Movies : Actors : Jim Backus O Connell Jerry Orbach Jesse Bradford Jesse L. Martin Jet Li Jim backus Jim Broadbent JoeMorton Joe Pantoliano Joe Penny Joe Pesci Joey Bishop john Astin john http://edifyingspectacle.org/posters/shop/cat-101/sub-117/low-11745.html | |
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