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41. MILITARY PENSION John Backus; Freetown, Cortland Co., New York MILITARY PENSION john backus; Freetown, Cortland co., NewYork Contributed by Cathy Palm (jpalm @ istar.com http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/ny/cortland/military/revwar/pensions/backus |
42. WILL John Backus; Groton, Tompkins Co., NY Surname Backus WILL john backus; Groton, Tompkins co., NY surname backus, Buskirk, Culbert,Russell, Hartson, Shafer, Sherd, Waters, Watrous submitted by Sharon Jones http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/ny/tompkins/wills/vi/backus-john.txt |
43. John Backus Translate this page john backus Logro Como projectleader con IBM Juan backus se convirtió en loscomienzos de los años 50 con su equipo FORTRAN - Traductor Del Fórmula. http://www.guajara.com/wiki/es/wikipedia/j/jo/john_backus.html | |
44. John Backus :: Online Encyclopedia :: Information Genius john backus. Online Encyclopedia john backus (born December 3, 1924)is an American computer scientist, notable as the inventor of http://www.informationgenius.com/encyclopedia/j/jo/john_backus.html | |
45. John And Sarah (Backus) Reynolds Of Saybrook, Lyme And Norwich, Conn. The family of john and Sarah (backus) Reynolds was originally published by theRFA in 1928. 22, 1730 Nathaniel Rudd 215 john backus 216 Timothy backus Jr. http://www.narnet.com/rfa/line15/ | |
46. Jones Encyclopedia Of Media & Technology Information backus, john (1924 ). john backus is a computer programmer best knownfor the invention of FORTRAN (for FORmula TRANslation), the http://www.jonesencyclo.com/biographies.cfm | |
47. John Backus Archive Home Page The john backus Archive. john backus was a wellknown researcher in woodwind acousticsand a recipient of the Silver Medal of the Acoustical Society of America. http://ccrma-www.stanford.edu/marl/Backus/BackusHome.html | |
48. John A. Backus > Lawyers > Cline Backus Nightingale McArthur LLP Home Lawyers john A. backus. With over 25 years of experience,john s pragmatic, resultsoriented approach provides creative http://www.clinebackus.com/backus.php | |
49. Oc-FP: An OCAML Implementation Of John Backus' FP System ocFP An OCAML implementation of john backus FP system. ChristopheDeleuze. 1 john backus FP system. In its 1977 ACM Turing http://christophe.deleuze.free.fr/D/fp.html | |
50. John Backus - InformationBlast john backus Information Blast. john backus. john backus (born December3, 1924) is an American computer scientist, notable as the http://www.informationblast.com/John_Backus.html | |
51. UMSNH - BIBLIOTECA DE LA ESCUELA DE CIENCIAS FISICO MATEMATICAS Translate this page autor = backus Un total de 1 resultados. 1.- The Acoustical Foundationsof Music Tema Fisica General QC-154 backus, john 2ª edicion. http://www.fismat.umich.mx/biblioteca/aplicaciones/busca.php?menu=autor&T1=Backu |
52. Learn More About John Backus In The Online Encyclopedia. Visit the Online Encyclopedia and learn more and get your questions answered aboutjohn backus. You are here Online Encyclopedia john backus. john backus. http://www.onlineencyclopedia.org/j/jo/john_backus.html | |
53. Draper Atlantic - Funding The Future john backus, Managing Partner. john backus is a founder and managing partnerof Draper Atlantic. john is a seasoned technology entrepreneur |
54. ÀäåïòÈÑ: Ïîä çíàêîì Leonardo Da Vinci. [John Backus] Shannon David Huffman Richard Hamming Brian Kernighan Dennis Ritchie Bjarne StroustrupEdsger Dijkstra Niklaus Wirth john backus Bill http://www.adeptis.ru/vinci/m_part7_3.html | |
55. Genealogy Data Back to Main Page. backus, john Richard Birth 25 JAN 1850 Chinguacousy, Peel Co.Ont. Father backus, john Richard Mother Adlam, Mary Ann. Back to Main Page. http://www.jinman.org/inman/dat1397.html | |
56. Objects First: John Backus Objects First. john backus. john backus made a number of significantcontributions to the advancement of computer science he designed http://ciips.ee.uwa.edu.au/~morris/Year1/CLP110/backus.html | |
57. Online Encyclopedia - John Backus , Encyclopedia Entry for john backus. johnbackus (born December 3, 1924) is an American computer scientist......Encyclopedia http://www.yourencyclopedia.net/John_Backus.html | |
58. Inventor Of The Week: Archive Fortran. john backus developed Fortran, or Formula Translator, one of thefirst general purpose, highlevel computer programming languages. http://web.mit.edu/invent/iow/backus.html | |
59. Programming Language Concepts The Olympia interpreter in ML; Deadlock in Salem. Interesting links.backus, john. ``Can programming be liberated from the von Neumann http://www.math.grin.edu/~stone/courses/languages/ | |
60. Seminar Details - Multi-University/Research Lab (MURL) Seminar Series Who john backus (IBM). Biography Currently an IBM Fellow at the AlmadenResearch Center, john backus led the group that designed Fortran. http://murl.microsoft.com/LectureDetails.asp?321 |
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