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21. Charles Babbage Links and references. http://www.zyvex.com/nanotech/babbage.html | |
22. Charles Babbage -- Part II 10, No. 3. Wilkes, Maurice V. 19833. babbage, charles in Ralston, Anthony, andEdwin D. Reilly, Jr. 1983. Significant Publications. babbage, charles. 1825. http://ei.cs.vt.edu/~history/Babbage.2.html | |
23. Charles Babbage Institute Center For The History Of Information charles babbage Institute Center for the History of Information Technology The charles babbage Institute (CBI), located at the University of Minnesota, emphasizes the importance "of the history http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.cbi.umn.edu/index.html&y=0210B49 |
24. SJSU Virtual Museum charles babbage, was born in England on December 26, 1792. He attended Cambridge University. Later, in 1816, he became a fellow of the Royal Society. During his working career he was a professor of http://www.sjsu.edu/depts/Museum/bab.html | |
25. Charles Babbage's First Difference Engine Contains archival source material and graphics, together with a discussion of the Mathematics of the Engine. http://mycetes.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/babbage/default.htm | |
26. Babbage Biography of charles babbage (17911871) charles babbage. Born 26 Dec 1791 in London, England Both the date and place of charles babbage's birth were uncertain but have now been firmly established http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Babbage.html | |
27. Sdc: Site {computer History} The author takes the user through a short tour of computer history including subjects such as advances in the 50's and 60's. Also includes photos of charles babbage and Herman Hollerith. http://www.softlord.com/comp/ | |
28. CHARLES BABBAGE babbage, charles (17921871), English mathematician and mechanician, was born on the 26th of December 1792 at Teignmouth in Devonshire. He was educate in the infinitesimal calculus. babbage's attention seems to have been very early http://www.1911encyclopedia.org/B/BA/BABBAGE_CHARLES.htm | |
29. Biography Search babbage, charles (17911871) from Eric Weisstein s World of babbage, charles (1791-1871), This entry contributed by MargheritaBarile. Dubbey, J. M. The Mathematical Work of charles babbage. http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=7336 |
30. Charles Babbage Institute: EXHIBITS > Cray Research Virtual Museum Information about Seymour Cray and photographs of the machines. http://www.cbi.umn.edu/exhibits/cray/ | |
31. MartÃnez, Ausià s Amb enlla§os a altres p gines fetes per ell, com ara un treball sobre la vida charles babbage o Cancamusa , un cercador personal. http://perso.wanadoo.es/ausiasj/ |
32. MSN Encarta - Babbage, Charles Search Barnes Noble.com for books about babbage, charles. News. Search MSNBC for news about babbage, charles ( 17921871), British mathematician and inventor, who designed and built http://encarta.msn.com/encnet/refpages/RefArticle.aspx?refid=761574748 |
33. Project Gutenberg Titles By Babbage, Charles Project Gutenberg Titles by. charles babbage. http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/author?name=Babbage, Charles |
34. Project Gutenberg Edition Of Reflections On The Decline Of Science In England, A Project Gutenberg Presents. Reflections on the Decline of Sciencein England, and on Some of Its Causes. by charles babbage. Project http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=1216 |
35. Mark IV User Group 1969-79 Details of the archiving of Evan Linick's collection of published proceedings of the Mark IV User Group (IV League) by the charles babbage Institute at the University of Minnesota. http://www.cbi.umn.edu/collections/inv/cbi130.htm |
36. The Babbage Pages: Ada Lovelace Read about this mathematician and scientist. Focuses on her work with scientist charles babbage. http://www.ex.ac.uk/BABBAGE/ada.html | |
37. Babbage, Charles 1871, babbage stirbt in London. Erfindungen von charles babbage. http://www.schule.bremen.de/schulen/vegesack/kurse11/inf27/Nicole & Nico/NOFRAME | |
38. WEB SITE CHARLES BABBAGE Carreras t©cnicas y docentes, con informaci³n sobre calendario de inscripciones y seminarios. http://www.charlesbabbage.edu.ar/ | |
39. Babbage, Charles Translate this page http://www.schule.bremen.de/schulen/vegesack/kurse11/inf27/Nicole & Nico/BABBAGE | |
40. Charles Babbage Stories involving babbage. http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/people/charles_babbage/ | |
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