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         Atiyah Michael:     more books (46)
  1. Introduction To Commutative Algebra (Volume 0) by Michael Atiyah, 1994-02-21
  2. Michael Atiyah Collected Works: 6-Volume Set by Michael Atiyah, 2005-02-17
  3. Fields Medallist's Lectures (World Scientific Series in 20th Century Mathematics, 9)
  4. The Geometry and Physics of Knots (Lezioni Lincee) by Michael Atiyah, 1990-10-26
  5. The Geometry and Dynamics of Magnetic Monopoles by Michael Francis Atiyah, Nigel Hitchin, 1988-04-01
  6. Idempotency (Publications of the Newton Institute)
  7. Vector Bundles on Algebraic Varieties: Papers presented at the Bombay Colloquium 1984 (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay// Studies in Mathematics) by Michael F. Atiyah, 1987-12-17
  8. Geometry of Yang-Mills fields (Publications of the Scuola Normale Superiore) by Michael F. Atiyah, 2007-07-01
  9. K-theory (Advanced Books Classics) by Michael Atiyah, 1994-06-21
  10. Paul Dirac: The Man and his Work by Abraham Pais, Maurice Jacob, et all 2005-09-08
  11. Michael Atiyah: Collected Works: Volume 6 (Oxford Science Publications) by Michael Atiyah, 2005-02-17
  12. Michael Atiyah: Collected Works: Volume 1: Early Papers; General Papers (Oxford Science Publications) by Michael Atiyah, 1988-06-30
  13. Honorary Fellows of Darwin College, Cambridge: C. A. R. Hoare, Amartya Sen, Michael Atiyah, Andrew Huxley, Martin Rees, Baron Rees of Ludlow
  14. Masters of Trinity College, Cambridge: J. J. Thomson, Amartya Sen, Michael Atiyah, Isaac Barrow, Andrew Huxley, John Whitgift, John Wilkins

81. Conference: Sir Michael Atiyah, Topology And Quantum Field Theory
Topology and Quantum Field Theory. Sir michael atiyah, OM, FRS Trinity College,Cambridge. 1997 October 23, 1600 IST, Complex I, Amphitheater.
Conference cycle Dialogues between Physics and Mathematics
Topology and Quantum Field Theory
Sir Michael Atiyah , OM, FRS
Trinity College
Cambridge 1997 October 23, 16:00
, Complex I, Amphitheater
Organization (with support from Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation English version Versão portuguesa (PT) GFM , JMCE URL:
Last modified: 1997 Oct 15 16:56:23 WEST

82. Conferência: Sir Michael Atiyah, Topology And Quantum Field Theory
Translate this page Topology and Quantum Field Theory. Sir michael atiyah, OM, FRS Trinity College,Cambridge. 23 de Outubro de 1997, 1600 IST, Complexo I, Anfiteatro.
Ciclo de Conferências Diálogos entre Física e Matemática
Topology and Quantum Field Theory
Sir Michael Atiyah , OM, FRS
Trinity College
Cambridge 23 de Outubro de 1997, 16:00
, Complexo I, Anfiteatro
Organização (com apoio da Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian English version Versão portuguesa (PT) GFM , JMCE URL:
Last modified: 1997 Oct 15 16:57:12 WEST

83. Abelprisen
Abelprisvinnerne Sir michael atiyah og Isadore Singer er kommet til Oslo. Tirsdag25. Sir michael atiyah og Isadore Singer vil forelese ved NTNU i Trondheim.
English Niels Henrik Abel

Prisvinnere 2004

Isador Singer og Sir Michael Atiyah mottok Abelprisen 2004 av Kong Harald under en høytidelig seremoni i Universitetets Aula 25. mai. (Foto: Knut Falch)
Kongen delte ut Abelprisen 2004
Isadore Singer og Sir Michael Atiyah fikk 25. mai overrakt Abelprisen 2004 av Kong Harald under en høytidelig seremoni i Universitetets Aula. En fullsatt og vakkert pyntet Aula tok imot de to prisvinnerne. Prosjesjonen ble ledet av Lars Walløe, preses i Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi og Erling Størmer, Abelkomiteens leder. Under prosesjonens inntog ble Abelfanfaren urframført av Sidsel Walstad på elektronisk harpe. Abelfanfaren er komponert av Klaus Sandvik. Han vant konkurransen som Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi utlyste blant elevene på komponistlinjen ved Norges Musikkhøgskole. Sir Michael Atiyah og Isadore Singer fikk Abelprisen 2004 "for å ha oppdaget og bevist indeksteoremet, som knytter topologi, geometri og analyse til hverandre, og for den fremtredende rolle de har hatt når det gjelder å bygge broer mellom matematikk og teoretisk fysikk", for å sitere Abelkomiteen. Abelkomiteens leder Erling Størmer utdypet dette i sin tale i Universitets Aula.

84. Topology, Geometry And Quantum Field Theory
Part I. Contributions 1. A variant of Ktheory michael atiyah and michael Hopkins2. Two-vector bundles and forms of elliptic cohomology Nils Baas, Bjorn
Home > Topology, Geometry and Quantum Field Theory
Topology, Geometry and Quantum Field Theory
Proceedings of the 2002 Oxford Symposium in Honour of the 60th Birthday of Graeme Segal Edited by U. L. Tillmann 590 pages 50 line diagrams 1 half-tone For price and ordering options, inspection copy requests, and reading lists please select:
North America
The symposium held in honour of the 60th birthday of Graeme Segal brought together leading physicists and mathematicians. Its topics were centred around string theory, M-theory, and quantum gravity on the one hand, and K-theory, elliptic cohomology, quantum cohomology and string topology on the other. Geometry and quantum physics developed in parallel since the recognition of the central role of non-abelian gauge theory in elementary particle physics in the late seventies and the emerging study of super-symmetry and string theory. With its selection of survey and research articles these proceedings fulfil the dual role of reporting on recent developments in the field and defining directions for future research. For the first time Graeme Segal’s manuscript ‘The definition of Conformal Field Theory’ is published, which has been greatly influential over more than ten years. An introduction by the author puts it into the present context. Contributors Michael Atiyah, Michael Hopkins, Nils Baas, Bjorn Dundas, John Rognes, David Ben-Zvi, Edward Frenkel, Yuri Berest, George Wilson, Ralph Cohen, Veronique Godin, Robbert Dijkgraaf, Dusa McDuff, Gregory Moore, Jack Morava, Stephan Stolz, Peter Teichner, Dennis Sullivan, Constantin Teleman, Michael S. Weiss, Edward Witten, Graeme Segal

85. Indexsatz
and asymptotic methods; Longman Scientific (AS) atiyah, michael; Singer, Isaac
Seminar "`Atiyah-Singer Indexsatz"'
Interessentenkreis: Studierende im Hauptstudium
Dozenten: Thomas Schick und Tammo tom Dieck
Thema: Der Atiyah-Singer Indexsatz
Termin: Mo, 16-18
Ort: HS 4
Kontakt:, Tel. 397766, Raum 201

nicht Ablauf des Seminars Thema Quelle Namen LM III.1, III.2 Anselm Pseudodifferentialoperatoren LM III.3 Bernd LM III.4, III.5 Johannes Eigenschaften des Index LM III.6, III.7 Moritz AS-Indexsatz und klassischer Beweis LM III.13 bis 13.8 Andriy LM III.11,III.12, III.13 ab 13.8 Sven Dirac Operatoren I LM I.1-I.3, I.5, II.1-II.6 Anja+Robert Dirac Operatoren II LM I.1-I.3, I.5, II.1-II.6 Anja+Robert Existenz von Einbettungen in LM IV.1, IV.2 LM II.8, IV.5 Elias R 10 C, 11 Georg+Norbert R 10 C, 11 Georg+Norbert Familien-, Cl- und G-Indexsatz und Anwendungen LM
Lawson, Blaine and Michelson, Marie-Louise: Spin Geometry; Princeton University Press
Roe, John: Elliptic operators, topology, and asymptotic methods; Longman Scientific
Atiyah, Michael; Singer, Isaac: Originalarbeiten [(K)] Wells: Differential Analysis on complex manifolds ((Pseudo)Differentialoperatoren) [(MS)
Milnor, John and Stasheff, Jim: Chracteristic classes; Princeton University Press (Basics zu den Kohomologischen Formeln)

86. AMC - Carta Informativa Agosto-septiembre 2001
Translate this page michael atiyah destacó el apoyo que debe brindarse a la educación Los científicosdeben contribuir a la comprensión pública de la ciencia.
Michael Atiyah destacó el apoyo que debe brindarse a la educación Los científicos deben contribuir a la comprensión pública de la ciencia La enseñanza de la ciencia representa un gran reto en todas las naciones, que debe asumir la sociedad en su conjunto La colaboración entre científicos y medios de comunicación es indispensable para lograr la comprensión pública de la ciencia y esta relación tiene que ser muy estrecha, afirmó Michael Atiyah, profesor honorario de la Universidad de Edimburgo. "Es muy importante que la gente entienda la ciencia; los medios de comunicación tienen un papel muy importante, porque son la vía por la que las personas acceden a ella", afirmó, "Pero para ello, debe haber mucha colaboración con los científicos". Considerado como uno de los matemáticos más importantes del siglo XX, Atiyah visitó México el pasado septiembre, invitado por el Instituto de Matemáticas, donde impartió una conferencia. Posteriormente la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México le otorgó el Doctorado Honoris Causa. El científico británico consideró que la enseñanza de la ciencia es muy importante para todas las sociedades, pero que su impartición, sea en matemáticas, ciencias naturales o en cualquier área, tiene múltiples obstáculos.

87. News: The Mathematical Institute, Oxford University
michael atiyah awarded Abel Prize. Sir michael atiyah, OM, FRS, was electedto a Fellowship at St Catherine s College, Oxford, in 1961.
University of Oxford Mathematical Institute Locator: Home News Site Map
Mathematical Institute News
Michael Atiyah awarded Abel Prize
The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters has to-day awarded the Abel Prize jointly to Sir Michael Francis Atiyah and Isadore M. Singer. Sir Michael Atiyah, OM, FRS, was elected to a Fellowship at St Catherine's College, Oxford, in 1961. He held the Savilian Chair of Geometry from 1963 to 1969. After three years at the Institute for Advanced Studies, Princeton, he returned to Oxford and held a Royal Society Research Chair at the Mathematical Institute until 1990, when he left to become Master of Trinity College, Cambridge. Isadore Singer was a frequent visitor during Michael's long and distinguished Oxford career. This page last modified by Keith A. Gillow
Friday, 26-Mar-2004 10:13:02 GMT
from a page originally written by Keith A. Gillow
Email corrections and comments to

88. Encyclopedia: Michael Francis Atiyah
Encyclopedia michael Francis atiyah. Sir michael Francis atiyah OM (born22 April 1929) is a British mathematician. He was born in London.

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    Encyclopedia : Michael Francis Atiyah
    Sir Michael Francis Atiyah OM (born 22 April ) is a British mathematician. He was born in London . His mother was Scottish, his father Arab from a Lebanese background. He was brought up mostly in the Sudan . He later went to Manchester Grammar School and then the University of Cambridge
    He was one of the founders, with Friedrich Hirzebruch, of topological

    89. IHP - Catalogue Des Vidéo-cassettes De La Bibliothèque
    by michael atiyah atiyah, michael Francis, 1929- Apostol, Tom.

    Fichier Vid‚o pour Guidi, cr‚‚ le 21/02/00
    transfert fait le 12/11/03
    X IHP
    Visions in mathematics towards 2000 : conference held in Israel in august 1999
    Gromov, Mikhael#Hofer, H.#Eliashberg, Y.#Furstenberg, H.
    Visions in mathematics towards 2000 : conference held in Israel in august 1999 ; conference and discussion
    Margulis, G.#Sinai, Y.
    Visions in mathematics towards 2000 : conference held in Israel in august 1999 Fr÷lich, J.#Ne'eman, Y.#Connes, Alain IHP Visions in mathematics towards 2000 : conference held in Israel in august 1999 Shor, P.#Razborov, A.#Wigderson, A.#Rabin, M. IHP Visions in mathematics towards 2000 : conference held in Israel in august 1999 ; conference and discussion Jaffe, A.#Novikov, S.#Connes, Alain#Gromov, Mikhael IHP Visions in mathematics towards 2000 : conference held in Israel in august 1999 ; discussion Coifman, R.#Rabin, M. IHP Visions in mathematics towards 2000 : conference held in Israel in august 1999 ; conference and discussion Coifman, R.#Jones, P.#Stein, E. IHP Visions in mathematics towards 2000 : conference held in Israel in august 1999 ; conference and discussion

    90. M V O: Affidavit Of Sir Michael Atiyah
    1986 M. 7710. Affidavit of Sir michael Francis atiyah. Affidavit of Professor Sirmichael Francis atiyah, sworn 7th March 1990, applying to set aside Subpoena.
    Affidavit of Sir Michael Francis Atiyah
    Affidavit of Professor Sir Michael Francis Atiyah, sworn 7th March 1990, applying to set aside Subpoena. Applications to set aside this and the two other similar subpoenas resulted in a hearing before Chancery Master Barratt on 9th March 1990 attended by a phalanx of Oxford lawyers, who, for their three days' work, proudly presented me with bills totalling £8,624.67. Some jape. - A. M. I Sir Michael Francis Atiyah of Shotover Mound, Headington, Oxford MAKE OATH and say as follows: 1. I am a Royal Society Research Professor at the University of Oxford. 2. On last Saturday, 3rd March, 1990, I was served with a writ of subpoena requiring attendance on Monday 12th March 1990 at 10:30am at the Royal courts of Justice in order to give evidence on behalf of the plaintiff in this action. At the same time I was handed £25 by way of conduct money. 3. As I understand it, the action concerns the question of whether or not the Oxford University Press contracted to publish a manuscript written by the plaintiff. Paragraph 26 of the plaintiff's re-amended statement of claim refers to a meeting on 23rd July 1985 of the Delegates of the Oxford University Press. 4. During 1985 I was indeed one of those Delegates but in fact I was not present at the meeting on Tuesday 23rd July 1985. There is now produced to me a bundle of correspondence and other documentation marked "MFA 1". The document numbered 1 in this bundle is the first page of the

    91. Fields Medal
    Germany 32 1958 Thom, Rene Montbeliard France 35 1962 Hormander, Lars Mjallby Sweden31 1962 Milnor, John Orange, NJ USA 31 1966 atiyah, michael London UK 37
    Next: Erdos Number Up: Human Interest Previous: Indiana bill sets the
    Fields Medal
    Historical Introduction
    This is the original letter by Fields creating the endowment for the medals that bear his name. It is thought to have been written during the few months before his death. Notice that no mention is made about the age of the recipients (currently there is a 40 year-old limit), and that the medal should not be attached to any person, private or public, meaning that it shouldn't bear anybody's name. It is proposed to found two gold medals to be awarded at successive International Mathematical Congress for outstanding achievements in mathematics. Because of the multiplicity of the branches of mathematics and taking into account the fact that the interval between such congresses is four years it is felt that at least two medals should be available. The awards would be open to the whole world and would be made by an International Committee. The fund for the founding of the medals is constituted by balance left over after financing the Toronto congress held in 1924. This must be held in trust by the Government or by some body authorized by government to hold and invest such funds. It would seem that a dignified method for handling the matter and one which in this changing world should most nearly secure permanency would be for the Canadian Government to take over the fund and appoint as his custodian say the Prime Minister of the Dominion or the Prime Minister in association with the Minister of Finance. The medals would be struck at the Mint in Ottawa and the duty of the custodian would be simply to hand over the medals at the proper time to the accredited International Committee.

    92. Melanie Phillips's Diary: Goebbels Corner
    in the Guardian with the eminent mathematician Sir Miichael atiyah concludes with whoare being murdered in droves, somehow has escaped Sir michael s attention
    Melanie Phillips's Diary
    Home Diary Articles ... Contact Articles

    Search the diary:
    April 21, 2004
    Goebbels corner
    These days, you can be quietly reading an article in a British newspaper about one of the great minds of our time, and then suddenly out of nowhere wallop! you get mugged by a bigot wielding another grotesque libel against the Jews. Today's interview in the Guardian with the eminent mathematician Sir Miichael Atiyah concludes with the following sally by the great man: 'I think Tony Blair really is in a terrible, terrible dilemma. So, of course, is George Bush, but George Bush you can make allowances for: he's just stupid. And Tony Blair is smart, and it's much more difficult to understand why he's driven himself into this position. The real fundamental cause of these things arises out of the Israeli-Palestinian problem. Much more generally, it's the influence of the west on its former colonies. The impact of the west is very complicated, some plus, some minus, but what's being implemented now is the negative part, imposing western power for economic, political, strategic reasons, which I think more and more leads to hostility, and the Israeli-Palestinian thing is at the core of that. As long as that's not stopped in a satisfactory way, the problem will continue. It is the terrible irony of the world that the Jews suffered terribly during the war in the Holocaust, and now are in some senses the cause of the next Holocaust." ' And unfortunately, Sir Michael is far from alone now in Britain in thinking such monstrous thoughts. Truly, this country is in the grip of some terrible alchemy that turns truth into lies, ignorance into erudition and the victims of fascism into its perpetrators. On such bigotry this nation now fawns.

    93. Sir Michael Cometh (Eureka 50 Page 59)
    Sir michael Cometh. Sir michael atiyah is coming to Cambridge at thestart of the new academic year. Sir michael will take up residence
    Sir Michael Cometh
    Sir Michael Atiyah is coming to Cambridge at the start of the new academic year. Sir Michael will take up residence as Master of Trinity, replacing the retiring Sir Andrew Huxley. The Archimedeans wish him well there, and also at the new Mathematical Institute, which he will head when it is founded. alma mater has been mooted; it was in the air when the mastership last became vacant. The incident was recorded in Eureka thus: Sir Michael Atiyah
    Was coming here,
    But the fellows of Trinity
    Showed no affinity. The appointment was the subject of a charming but wholly fictitious story in the Observer Observer story, Downing Street hinted that he might be appointed as Master of Trinity, and the fellows, detecting an ulterior motive behind the announcement, created. In fact when the appointment came due the Prime Minister had other things on her mind, having lost a couple of Cabinet ministers recently in a well-publicised manner, and was more than happy to rubber-stamp the first choice of the Trinity fellows. I am tempted to break into verse myself: Professor Sir Peter Swinnerton-Dyer
    Rose progressively higher and higher
    In the Universities Funding Committee

    94. Clay Mathematics Institute Paris 2000 MILLENNIUM EVENT- A Celebration Of The Uni
    May 24, 2000 College de France Paris, France. Millennium Prize Problems, SirMichael atiyah, introduction by Arthur Jaffe. Optimized for 56k connections.
    Clay Mathematics Institute - Paris 2000
    MILLENNIUM EVENT: A Celebration of the Universality of Mathematical Thought
    May 24, 2000
    College de France
    Paris, France Millennium Prize Problems, Sir Michael Atiyah, introduction by Arthur Jaffe Optimized for 56k connections Optimized for broadband (196k) connections More on the Millennium Event

    95. Universitätsbibliothek Karlsruhe

    96. Lista Di Autorità (autori Persone) A-F
    A-F G-M N-Z Legenda
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    In corsivo le qualificazioni da inserire nel sottocampo " c " dei campi del 7xx, ad eccezione delle date per gli autori personali
    Tra <uncinate> le date per gli autori personali che vanno inserite nel sottocampo " f " Lista completa Rinvii Abadal i de Vinyals, Ramón d' Vedi: Abadal y Vinyals, Ramón de Abadal y Vinyals, Ramón de Abaelardus, Petrus  Abailard, Pierre Vedi: Abaelardus, Petrus  Abbattuti, Giovanni Alessio Vedi: Abbattutis, Gian Alesio Vedi: Abelard Vedi: Abaelardus, Petrus  Abélard, Petrus  Vedi: Abaelardus, Petrus  Abelardo Vedi: Abaelardus, Petrus  Abelardo, Pietro  Vedi: Abaelardus, Petrus  Aben Guzmán Vedi: Ibn Quzman Abravanel, Judah Vedi: Abro, A. d' Abu Bakr `Abd al-Malik Vedi: Ibn Quzman Accademico Ozioso Incognito  Vedi: Errico, Scipione  Achmadulina, Bella  Vedi: Ahmadulina, Bella 

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