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Aryabhata Ii: more detail |
81. Bhutas : Some Reflections On Modern Scientific Concepts And Traditional Indian T British Raj? Why the astronomical tradition from aryabhata to BhaskaraII did not continue beyond the twelfth century? For, during http://www.ignca.nic.in/ps_04003.htm | |
82. História Da Matemática - História Dos Problemas -alterações Translate this page Universidade de Yale. 7 de Abril 2003, Reformulação da página contendoproblemas sobre volumes do livro Lilavati de Bhaskara ii. 6 de http://www.malhatlantica.pt/mathis/ultimas.html | |
83. History/Culture Timeline 413 Construction of Constantinople s triple walls is begun under TheodosiusII. 425 Constantinople University. 499 aryabhata The aryabhata, India. http://www.labyrinth.net.au/~saul/history/to0500.html |
84. Biography-center - Letter A Anastasius ii, www.knight.org/advent/cathen/01454d.htm; Anastasius iiI, www.knight.org Aryabhatathe Elder, wwwhistory.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians http://www.biography-center.com/a.html | |
85. Essentialcontent.html MIDDLE AGES MIDDLE AGES INDIA during the Golden Age of the Gupta Dynasty KalidasaAryabhata Muslim invasions Urban ii 1096 Crusades; Innocent iiI 11981216 vs. http://emedia.leeward.hawaii.edu/neils/World_Civ_webct/Essentialcontent.html |
86. Pergunta Agora http://www.apm.pt/pa/index.asp?accao=showtext&id=3407 |
87. wj The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www2m.biglobe.ne.jp/~m-souda/mysouda/math/smith/chapter5/math3.html | |
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