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Aryabhata Ii: more detail |
21. ISHM | Ganita Bharati | Contents 59. VN JHA aryabhata iis Methods for finding Cube Root of a Number6068. MD PANDIT Mathematicians in Ancient India 69-85. NOTES http://www.indianshm.com/ganitabharati/toc/show.php?id=000040 |
22. All Comments On MATHEMATICS IN ANCIENT INDIA By Bhattathiri On Sulekha Weblogs c. 598c. 670) Govindaswami (c. 800-850) Mahavira (Mahaviracharya) (850) Pruthudakaswami(850) Sridhara (900) Manjula (930) aryabhata ii (950) Prashastidhara http://www.sulekha.com/weblogs/commentsbyentries.asp?cid=9086 |
23. .::Vedic Mathematics::. Apastamba Aryabhata I aryabhata ii Baudhayana Bhaskara I Bhaskara II Bose BrahmadevaBrahmagupta De Morgan, Govindasvami HarishChandra Jagannatha Jyesthadeva http://www.sanalnair.org/articles/vedmath/india-1.htm | |
24. Indian Mathematics The main mathematicians of the tenth century in India were aryabhata ii and Vijayanandi,both adding to the understanding of sine tables and trigonometry to | |
25. Changes Index Apastamba Baudhayana Brahmadeva Cannell Dowker Eilenberg Gnedenko GovindasvamiGuenther Hopkinson Bhaskara I aryabhata ii, Jagannatha Jyesthadeva Kamalakara | |
26. This Article Appeared In The Indian Journal The medieval mathematicians like Aryabhata I (AD 476), Brahmagupta (AD 598), BhaskaraI (AD 600), Mahaviracarya (AD 850), aryabhata ii (AD 950), Sridharacarya http://www.vmacademy.com/kenneth/articles/kansara/kansara.htm | |
27. 8 II. Aryabhata And His Commentators Next page (8 iiI. Brahmagupta, and the influence on Arabia). 8 ii.aryabhata and his commentators. aryabhata, who is occasionally http://www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/history/Projects/Pearce/Chapters/Ch8_2.h | |
28. Syndex II A Synergetic Revisioning Of Number Dynamics In Light Of Ancient Metrol 500 AD aryabhata argues for a moveable and rotating earth First brought to Europeby Moors; introduced by Gerbert of Aurillac (Pope Sylvester ii), about 1000 AD http://www.geocities.com/ResearchTriangle/Campus/7107/syn2intr.html | |
29. Philosophengallery Translate this page PHILOSOPHENGALLERY ii de Gournay Die Mathematiker vlnr Gauss, Boole, Cantor frühereAhmes, Euklid, Eratosthenes, Diophantos, aryabhata, Brahmagupta, Al http://www.schepart.ch/mho/Philosophie/Philosophengallery/Philosophengallery2.ht | |
30. Bhaskara II -- Britannica Student Encyclopedia of aryabhata I (born 476). More results . 100 Student Encyclopedia Britannica articles,specially written for elementary and high school students. , Bhaskara ii http://www.britannica.com/ebi/article?eu=342278&query=decimal number system&ct=e |
31. SATELLITE TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT aryabhata carried three payloads one each for X-ray, astronomy, solar physics and Bhaskara-I ii Bhaskara - I and ii were the first two experimental remote http://ceos.cnes.fr:8100/cdrom-00b2/ceos1/isro/abisro/old_sat.htm | |
32. Ariel Foo Project iiOwen Gingerich, Islamic Astronomy, April 1986, http//home.naxs.com/hiro ofÀryabhata, http//www.geocities.com/Athens/Olympus/4844/aryabhata.html . http://courses.nus.edu.sg/course/phibalas/dialogue2001/Contribute/Ariel Foo Proj |
33. Bineesha Project CCSP04 Scientific Method and Strategies of Critical and Creative Thinking (Project Semester ii, 2000-2001). The Indian astronomer aryabhata is regarded as http://courses.nus.edu.sg/course/phibalas/dialogue2001/Contribute/Bineesha proje |
34. Old Satellites aryabhata First Indian satellite, launched into a near earth orbit on April 19 BhaskaraI ii Experimental remote sensing satellites launched on June 7, 1979 http://www.isro.org/old_sat.htm | |
35. SIT-Dept. Of CS&E-Facilities aryabhata COMPUTER CENTRE. HARDWARE. DESKTOP SYSTEMS. (i) Pentium iiI @500 Mhz,Asus Board, 64 MB RAM, 8.4 GB HDD, 15 Color Monitor. (ii) Pentium ii @333 Mhz http://www.sit.ac.in/Departments/cse/facilities.html | |
36. Mth1124 Engineering Calculus II c. The mathematician Qin Jiushao. 2. Use the algorithms of aryabhata and Brahmaguptato find all solutions to the. indeterminate linear equation 31x + 24y = 7. http://www.math.neu.edu/~gilmore/U201sp04files/201q3'.htm | |
37. Kuttaka 23 + 137m, for m an integer. Bhaskara ii later made a modificationto aryabhata s Kuttaka. Go back to the Indian History timeline. http://www.math.sfu.ca/histmath/India/5thCenturyAD/Kuttaka.html |
38. Science After Aryabhatta aryabhata (born 476) is the author of the first of the later siddhantas chapters(i) the astronomical constants and the sine table, (ii) mathematics required http://www.hindunet.org/science_after_aryabhatta/ | |
39. ISRO Success Stories BhaskaraI and ii, which were evolved from aryabhata and carrying remote sensorsin the visible, infrared and microwave region of the electromagnetic spectrum http://www.flonnet.com/fl1809/18090180.htm | |
40. A Timeline Of Ancient India in the rock at Bamiya, Bactria (Afghanistan) 390 Chandra Gupta ii extends the Gupta workat the Ajanta caves 499 the Hindu mathematician aryabhata writes the http://www.scaruffi.com/politics/indians.html | |
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