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Aryabhata Ii: more detail |
1. Newsletter 44, November 2000: History And Culture In Mathematics Education rule 47), Thakkura Pheru (c. 1300) in his Ganitasara, and aryabhata ii in his Mahasiddhanta(now placed in the 16 th century) give (6) with k = v10/3. As a http://www.hpm-americas.org/nl48/nl48frm.html | |
2. Madhurima's Page - Scientific Literature Of Ancient India a physician, moralist and philopher.(ii)Sushruta Samhita of Sushruta is a Manjulacharya's (932 AD) Laghumanasa; aryabhata ii's (950AD) Mahasddhanta; BhaskaracharyaII's (1114 http://www.geocities.com/fisik_99/sci_liter.htm | |
3. SDDS Volume 1 Issue 16 KAUTILYA's ARTHA SASTRA ii. RAMA BARATHA SAMVADA in Ramayana a.k.a RAMA GITA 6 JYOTISH SASTRA (ASTRONOMY AND ASTROLOGY) i. aryabhata ii. VARAHAMIHIRA iii. PARASARA iv http://www.srivaishnava.org/sgati/sddsv1/v01016.htm | |
4. The Date Of Mahabharata Based On The Indian Astronomical Works with Saka era in some places later. Aryabhata makes a specific mention about Bharata in his Aryabhatiyam i.4), MahaSiddhanta of aryabhata ii (i.5), Siddhanta-sekhara (i http://www.hindunet.org/saraswati/colloquium/astronomy01.htm | |
5. History Of Mathematics: Chronology Of Mathematicians 965) *SB. aryabhata ii (fl. c.? 9501100) *SB Gerbert d'Aurillac, Pope Sylvester II (c. 945-1003) *SB http://aleph0.clarku.edu/~djoyce/mathhist/chronology.html | |
6. Aryabhata_II aryabhata ii. Born about 920 in India Died about 1000 in India. Essentiallynothing is known of the life of aryabhata ii. Historians http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Aryabhata_II.html | |
7. Aryabhata_II Biography of aryabhata ii. (9201000) Essentially nothing is known of the life of aryabhata ii. Historians have argued about his date and arguments such as which authors aryabhata ii refers http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/history/Mathematicians/Aryabhata_II.html | |
8. References For Aryabhata_II References for aryabhata ii. SK Jha and VN Jha, Computation of sinetable basedon the Mahasiddhanta of aryabhata ii, J. Bihar Math. Soc. 14 (1991), 9-17. http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/References/Aryabhata_II.html | |
9. Swaveda - Background - Mathematics In Ancient India - Introduction arithmetic with other systems, such as the Greek system of numerals I, II, III, X, G, L etc 950 AD Maha-Siddhanta by aryabhata ii. 1039 AD - Siddhanta-Sekhara http://www.theinquirer.net/clickthru.aspx?id=566 |
10. 8 IV. Mathematics Over The Next 400 Years (700AD-1100AD) Prior to Bhaskara II it is worth noting the contributions of aryabhata ii (c 9201000AD) a mathematical-astronomer who notably made important contributions to http://www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/history/Projects/Pearce/Chapters/Ch8_4.h | |
11. Great Indian Mathematicians Mahavira (Mahaviracharya), (850). Pruthudakaswami, (850). Sridhara, (900). Manjula,(930). aryabhata ii. (950). Prashastidhara, (958). Halayudha, (975). Jayadeva,(1000). http://hinduism.about.com/library/weekly/extra/bl-indianmathematicians.htm | |
12. Swaveda - Background - Mathematics In Ancient India - Introduction 932 AD Laghu-Manasa by Manjula. 950 AD - Maha-Siddhanta by aryabhata ii. 1039AD - Siddhanta-Sekhara by Sripati. 1039 AD - Ganita-Tilaka by Sripati. http://www.swaveda.com/background.php?category=science&title=Mathematics in Anci |
13. 8th Grade 534) *SB *MT ·. Aryabhata (476c. 550) *SB *MT 965) *SB ·. aryabhata ii (fl. c.? 950-1100) *SB http://mslombardo.freehosting.net/catalog.html | |
14. Expand Ghiyath alDin al-Kashi (d. 1429) India. Aryabhata (476-c. 550 C.E Mahavira (Mahaviracharya) (fl. 850) aryabhata ii (fl. 950) Bhaskara (1114-c http://www.csce.uark.edu/~crane/workon/expand.html | |
15. Math Words Page 17 of Numbers, I, 337346 - J. Tropfke (1980) Geschichte der Elementar Mathematik,p 166 erstmals bezeugt in den Mahasiddhanta von aryabhata ii (c. 950) - D http://www.pballew.net/arithm17.html | |
16. Sanscrito 4 sistemas de codigos principales , a saber KATAPAYA. aryabhata ii. KATAPAYA II. KATAPAYA III ( Pali) Alfabeto completo, analizaremos el Katapaya II(mas simple), los nombres de los http://www.angelfire.com/fl/ugf/sanscrito.html | |
17. CHRONOLOGY OF RECREATIONAL MATHEMATICS By David Singmaster 943 elMasudi Meadows of Gold - first Chessboard Problem. 950 aryabhata ii.10C Europeans learn chess from north Africa, probably via Moorish Spain. http://anduin.eldar.org/~problemi/singmast/recchron.html | |
18. QUERIES ON ORIENTAL SOURCES IN RECREATIONAL MATHEMATICS By David Singmaster It appears in alKhw_rizm_ (c820) and al-Uql_dis_ (952/953) as well as in AryabhataII s Mah_-siddh_nta THE CHESSBOARD PROBLEM. aryabhata ii, Maha-Siddhanta. http://anduin.eldar.org/~problemi/singmast/mideastr.html | |
19. Did You Know? great astronomermathematicians of the Siddhanta period, in a chronological orderwere Aryabhata I, Varahamihira, Brahmagupta, aryabhata ii, Sripati, Bhaskara http://www.infinityfoundation.com/mandala/t_dy/t_dy_Q13.htm | |
20. Ancient Jaina Mathematics: An Introduction The formula for the arc of a segment less than a semicircle reappears in the Ganitasara-samgrahaof Mahavira and the Mahasiddhanta of aryabhata ii (AD 950). http://www.infinityfoundation.com/mandala/t_es/t_es_agraw_jaina.htm | |
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