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41. IndoUSPlaza : Books :: Philosophy VEDA, YOGA, PHILOSOPHY. Dharmasutras The Law Codes of apastamba Gautama,Baudhayana Vasistha. Product Id 26005 Author Patrick Olivelle. http://www.indousplaza.com/data/products/books/philosophy_d.asp?ProdID=4939 |
42. Dharam : Alle Produkte Mon May 31 12:17:40 2004 Translate this page 3. Dharam Sutras The Law Codes of apastamba, Gautama Baudhayana and VasisthaThe Law Codes of apastamba, Gautama, Baudhayana and Vasistha. http://www.e-loh.de/Dharam.shtml | |
43. Brahmanism And The Final Development Of Hinduism the human race after the flood; the Institutes of Vishnu, delivered, it was said,personally by the god; and many others, of which the apastamba, the Baudhayana http://paganizingfaithofyeshua.netfirms.com/no_8_brahmanism.htm | |
44. Badarayana Parasarya as such is quoted/mentioned in several texts also 1. Asvalayana Srautasutra 12.15.2 2 apastamba Srauta sutra 24.10.6 3. Hiranyakesin Srauta sutra http://www.ramanuja.org/sv/bhakti/archives/feb2001/0180.html | |
45. [sv-rituals] Some Observations On SandhyAvandana - 1 Yajur Vedins follow the rules prescribed in either the apastamba Sutraor the Bodhayana Sutra. I belong to the apastamba Sutra but http://www.ramanuja.org/sv/bhakti/archives/rituals/may2002/0029.html | |
46. Spiritual Library 1 of 2 The sacred laws of the Aryas as taught in the school of apastamba,Gautama, Vâsishtha, and Baudhâyana. pt. I. apastamba and Gautama. http://groups.msn.com/SpiritualLibrary/sacredbooksoftheeastindex.msnw | |
47. SHASTRAS - URDAY.com Baudhayan Shraut Sutra and apastamba Shraut Sutra have the complete details of allthe four precept scriptures (sutra grantha) of the Kalpa ie Shraut, Grihya http://www.urday.com/kalpa.htm | |
48. Panchangam: Hindu Calendar-http://mailerindia.com. Only a few Smrtis like the Yajnavalkya, the apastamba and the Satatapa prescribebathing for husband after coition, though the wife is exempted form this http://mailerindia.com/cgi-bin/main.cgi?garbhadhan |
49. Untitled Document apastamba, 7.28.8); It is said in the scripture that by performing the animalsacrificeone buys himself off from the death, and one has all his desires http://lett.ubbcluj.ro/~echinox/caiete4/15.htm | |
50. Swaveda - Background - Mathematics In Ancient India - Introduction 500 BC Surya Prajnapti. 500 BC Jamboo Dwipa Prajnapti. 400 BC apastambaSulba Sutra by apastamba. 400 BC - Katyayana Sulba Sutra by Katyayana. http://www.swaveda.com/background.php?category=science&title=Mathematics in Anci |
51. 108 NAMES OF BHAGAVAN SRI SATHIA SAI BABA Let us praise That that destroys the whole fear. 026. OM SRI SAI apastamba SUTRAYANAMAH. Let us praise That that was born of the wise lineage of apastamba. 027. http://www.drjoshuadavidstone.com/nmsbhaga.htm | |
52. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results .. Quigley 1993. ABBREVIATIONS AND BIBLIOGRAPHY ApDh apastamba Dharmasutra,in Buhler 187982 and Olivelle 2000. AV Atharva Veda. http://www.highbeam.com/library/search.asp?FN=AO&refid=ency_refd&search_thesauru |
53. THE GOTRA SURVEY PAGE The apastamba sutra usually goes with the Krishna Yajurveda of Taittriya school.Breakup by Sutra Affiliation. apastamba. 118. Ashvalayana. 8. http://home.earthlink.net/~ravi/gotraresults.html | |
54. 108 Nomi Di Dio apastamba SutrayaNamah. M arrendo a Te, apastamba che ha rinnovato i rituali vedici. 27. http://www.saibaba.it/bhajans/108NomidiDio.html |
55. Englische Bücher : Religion & Spirituality - Kaufen, Bestellen, Shop, Vorbestel Translate this page Englische Bücher Dharam Sutras The Law Codes of apastamba, Gautama Baudhayanaand Vasistha The Law Codes of apastamba, Gautama, Baudhayana and Vasistha, http://www.firstsfind-shop.de/shop-mode-books_de_intl_us-page_num-121-node-22-lo | |
56. Sbe02 THE. SACRED LAWS OF THE ARYAS. AS TAUGHT IN THE SCHOOLS OF. apastamba, GUATAMA, VASISHTHA,.AND BAUDHAYANA. TRANSLATED BY. GEORG BÜLER. PART I. apastamba AND GAUTAMA. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/sla/sbe02.htm | |
57. Patrick Olivelle - Buch / Bücher - International Online Suche - 11 Mal Gefunden apastamba, Gautama,Baudhayana, and Vasistha (Oxford World s Classics (Paperback)). Patrick Olivelle. http://www.nomax.de/suche/intbuecher/sb-Patrick Olivelle/s-1.html | |
58. Law - Buch / Bücher - International Online Suche - 32000 Mal Gefunden Translate this page Dharam Sutras The Law Codes of apastamba, Gautama Baudhayana and Vasistha TheLaw Codes of apastamba, Gautama, Baudhayana and Vasistha. Patrick Olivelle. http://www.nomax.de/suche/intbuecher/sb-Law/s-18.html | |
59. 4 II. Sulba Sutras Of the Sulvas so far uncovered the four major and most mathematically significantare those composed by Baudhayana, Manava, apastamba and Katyayana (perhaps http://www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/history/Projects/Pearce/Chapters/Ch4_2.h | |
60. Apastamba Vedic Physics by Golden Egg Publishing, a Treatise on Science and to Rigveda, Masaka, Latyayana and Drahyayana Shrautasutras to Samaveda, KatyayanaShrautasutra is related to white Yajurveda, apastamba, Hiranyakeshina and http://turnbull.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/history/Mathematicians/Apastamba.html | |
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