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         Alhazen:     more books (61)
  1. al-Ittijah al-ilmi wa-al-falsafi inda Ibn al-Haytham (Arabic Edition) by Dawlat Abd al-Rahim Ibrahim, 1995
  2. Witelona Perspektywy--ksiega IV: Przeklad na jezyk polski ze wstepem i komentarzami (Studia Copernicana) (Polish Edition) by Witelo, 1994
  3. The scientific method of Ibn al-Haytham (Publication) by Muhammad Saud, 1990
  4. Al-Biruni and ibn al-Haytham: A comparative study of scientific method (Millenary of Abū Raihān Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad al-Birūni) by Anton M Heinen, 1973

81. Portraits Of Twelve Muslim Scientists In Various Fields
Muhammad AlBuzjani - Mathematics, Astronomy - (940-997). Ibn Al-Haitham(alhazen) - Physics,Optics, Mathematics - (965-1040). Abu
Portraits of Twelve Muslim Scientists in Various Fields
These pages are edited by Prof. Hamed Abdel-reheem Ead
Professor of Chemistry at Faculty of Science-University of Cairo Giza-Egypt and director of Science Heritage Center
Web site:
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Jabir Ibn Haiyan (Geber) - Chemistry - (Died 803 C.E). Ali Ibn Rabban Al-Tabari - Medicine, Mathematics, Calligraphy - (838-870) Al-Razi (Rhazes) - Medicine, Ophthalmology, Smallpox , Chemistry, Astronomy - (864-930) Al-Farabi (Al Pharabius) - Sociology, Logic, Philosophy, Political Science, Music -(870-950) Abu Al-Qasim Al-Zahravi (Albucasis) - Surgery, Medicine - (936-1013) Muhammad Al-Buzjani - Mathematics, Astronomy - (940-997) Ibn Al-Haitham (Alhazen) - Physics,Optics, Mathematics - (965-1040) Abu Raihan Al-Biruni - Astronomy, Mathematics, determined Earth's circumference - (973-1048) Ibn Sina (Avicenna) - Medicine, Philosophy, Mathematics, Astronomy - (986-1037) Omar Al-Khayyam - Mathematics, Poetry - (1044-1123)

82. Al-Haytham
Translate this page La Réflexion. 2.1 Phénomènes de réflexion. Al-Haytham (alhazen). Ibn Al-haythamest né en 965 à Bassora en Irak mais viva à Alexandrie en Egypte.
Al-Haytham (Alhazen)
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    84. Bilder Zu Den Koordinaten 71.8 Grad, 15.9 Grad
    Kennislink font size=1 23 oktober 2003 /font br Wiskundige op de Babylonische koning Hammurabbi en de middeleeuwse wiskundige Abu Ali al-HasanIbn al-Haitham, bij Europeanen beter bekend als alhazen, een verbastering van

    85. Iþýðý Keþfedenler
    965 yilinda Basra da dogan, Bati daki Ortaçag bilgilerince alhazen olarak anilanIrakli matematikçi ve gökbilimci Ebu Ali El Hasan Ibn El Haytam in
    Ebu Ali El Hasan Ibn El Haytam Doðum Tarihi - 965, Basra
    Ölüm Tarihi - 1040
    Fizik, Optik, Matematik, Gökbilim.
    965 yýlýnda Basra'da doðan, Batý'daki Ortaçað bilgilerince Alhazen olarak anýlan Iraklý matematikçi ve gökbilimci Ebu Ali El Hasan Ibn El Haytam'ýn üzeride çalýþtýðý bulgularý sonradan deðerlendirildi.
    Nitekim, Ýspanya'nýn Müslüman üniversitelerinde öðrenimini tamamlayan Roger Bacon, "Opus Majos" adlý perspektif çalýþmasýnýn V. Bölümünü Ýbn Haytam'ýn "Optik"ini kopya etmek suretiyle tamamlamýþtýr. Bacon'u Batýda deneysel bilimin öncüsü ve modern bilimin yaratýcýsý olarak tanýtan eseri iþte bu kitaptýr. Roger Bacon'un kendisi dahi, en az felsefe dalýnda yaptýðý alýntýlarý itiraf etmekten çekinmemektedir.
    Ýngiliz dilinde iðne deliði (pinhole), fotograf literatüründe ise karanlýk oda ya da karanlýk kutu (camera obscura) adýyla anýlan fotograf tekniði oldukça basit bir ilkeye dayanýr. Söz konusu ilke, bugünkü bilgilerimize göre, yaklaþýk olarak milattan önce besinci yüzyýldan beri bilinmektedir. Çinli düþünür Mo Ti, deneysel gözlemleri sonucunda, karanlýk bir ortama açýlan küçük bir delikten giren ýþýðýn dýþarýda bulunan ýþýklý nesnenin tümüyle baþ aþaðý bir yansýmasýný meydana getirdiðini yazmýþtý.
    Iþýk ýsýnlarý ile araþtýrmacý insanin zeka pýrýltýsýnýn çakýþmasý, kuskusuz, Mo Ti ile sinirli kalmadý. MÖ 4. yüzyýlda Aristo; 10. yüzyýlda ise ýþýk ýþýnlarýnýn doðrusal yayýlýmý ilkesini bulan Ibn Al-Haytam; 15. yüzyýlda Al Haytam'ýn notlarýný getirten ve ýþýk bilgisini öðrenen Leonardo da Vinci ve Paolo Toscanelli; 16. yüzyýlda Gemma Frisius ve 19. yüzyýlda Sir David Brewster karanlýk bir ortama açýlan iðne deliðinden sýzan ýþýðýn giziyle ilgilendiler.

    86. Alhazen
    alhazen. alhazen (Abu Ali alHasan Ibn Al-Haitham), (965-1038) was an Arabianmathematician; he is sometimes called al-Basri, after his birthplace.
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    Alhazen (Abu Ali al-Hasan Ibn Al-Haitham) ) was an Arabian mathematician ; he is sometimes called al-Basri, after his birthplace. He was born at Basra and died at Cairo . He is to be distinguished from another Alhazen who translated Ptolemy 's Almagest in the 10th century. Having boasted that he could construct a machine for regulating the inundations of the Nile , he was summoned to Egypt by the caliph Hakim; but, aware of the impracticability of his scheme, and fearing the caliph's anger, he feigned madness until Hakim's death in 1021. Ibn al-Haitham was nevertheless a diligent and successful student, being the first great discoverer in optics after the time of

    87. Areen - Arabcin
    ABU ALI HASAN IBN ALHAITHAM (alhazen) (965 - 1040 CE). Al-Haitham, knownin the West as alhazen, is considered as the father of modern Optics.
    Arabcin's Magazine Areen
    No.25 November ABU ALI HASAN
    (965 - 1040 C.E.) Al-Haitham , known in the West as Alhazen
    His book "Kitab-al-Manazir"
    Al-Haitham was the first to describe accurately the various parts of the eye and gave a scientific explanation of the process of vision. He contradicted Ptolemy's and Euclid's
    In his book Mizan al-Hikmah, Al-Haitham

    88. Optique Et Monde Musulman
    Translate this page à la fin du Xe et au début du XIe siècle, l’œuvre de celui qui fut considérécomme le Ptolémée des Arabes Ibn al-Haytham, ou alhazen comme l
    HISTORIQUE aperçu général chronologie l'optique et le monde musulman ha q ben Hunayn (m. en 910), de e (m. en 873 environ), qui composa, en plus de son traité sur les miroirs ardents, plusieurs ouvrages dont le De aspectibus e et au début du XI e e Opticae thesaurus Alhazeni Arabis Alhazen, mathématicien et physicien, né à Ba s et la propagation lumineuse, représentation qui persistera chez Kepler et chez Descartes. al al-Din al-Farisi camera obscura aris i e et XVI e siècles. accueil guide démarrage sommaire

    89. Vinci Les Précurseurs

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    les origines grecques
    Archytas de Tarente
    IV-IIIe av. J.C. Archytas CHRONOMATHS
    (en anglais) Univ.St-Andrew
    Courbes d'Archytas
    R. FERRÉOL, J. MANDONNET Archytas de Tarente le pigeon volant d'Archytas invention de la vis,de la poulie, du cerd-volant F LUCKEL Alexandrie Franck Duffaud Trois tacticiens grecs O. BATTISTINI principaux aspects de la science d'Alexandrie François Luckel Alexandrie, la naissance de la mécanique, IIIe av. J.C. Histoire de l'orgue hydraulique Nelly JOHNSON la petite histoire de l'orgue N.Johnson girouettes et automates hydrauliques Autrement-dit Philon de Byzance reconstitution XIXe les Mécaniques traite des appareils de levage et de traction et tente de faire la théorie des machines simples. Il dresse l'inventaire des problèmes de rapport et de démultiplication des engrenages et cite certaines inventions nouvelles, comme les presses (presse à vis, presses à vis et levier, presses à levier et treuil...). Metrica Heron d'Alexandrie Heron Chronomaths The Pneumatics of Hero of Alexandria traduction des Pneumatiques Bennet Woodcroft les romains Vitruve Ier avant J.C.

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