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Al-karkhi: more detail |
61. 750-1258 The Caliphate Of The Abbasid Dynasty (Banu L- Abbas). 814 815? Death of Abu Nuwas, representative of new themes and formsin Arabic poetry. 816 Death of the Sufi Ma ruf alkarkhi. http://www.princeton.edu/~batke/itl/scroll/800tx.html | |
62. LIBRIS Nyförvärvslista Translate this page 157 s. Karkhi, ?Abbud, 1861-1946. Diwan al-karkhi / ?uniya bi-tab?ihi Husayn Hatimal-karkhi. - Bagdad, 19. Karkhi, ?Abbud, 1861-1946. Diwan al-karkhi. Juz? http://www.ub.uu.se/hum/sprak/nyforvarv.html | |
63. Muslim: Vaughan-Lee: Directing The Mind (p. 69). Ma`Ruf alkarkhi The saints of God are known by three signs theirthought is of God, their dwelling is in God, and their business is with God. http://www.digiserve.com/mystic/Muslim/Vaughan-Lee/put_mind.html | |
64. Welcom cjb.net/ Moddafer AlNawab http//www.jehat.com/sh-main.htm Badir Shakir Al-Sayabhttp//www.connection.com/~jabouri/ Mula Abood al-karkhi http//www.hope http://www.iraqcd.com/links.html | |
65. News Illuminating the Word the art of the Islamic book in Southeast Asia and the otherin Makassar, Indonesia, The amuletic cult of Maruf alkarkhi in the http://web.soas.ac.uk/aseasuk/news.htm | |
66. War On Iraq - Smh.com.au volunteers, who recovered the charred remains of civilians killed during the assaulton Baghdad, pray before the burial at Sheikh Maarufal-karkhi cemetery. http://www.smh.com.au/ftimages/2003/04/13/1050172480767.html | |
67. Tarihteki Matematikçiler 1150) cebirsel yöntemlerle bir çok problemi çözmüslerdir.Islam matematikçileriarasinda Mohammed ibn Musa alKhoWarizmi (MS 825) ve al-karkhi (MS 1100 http://www.istanbul.edu.tr/fen/matematik/erhanguzel/deneme.htm | |
68. Occupation Watch: A Suicide Bomber Kills At Least 2 Iraqis At A Police Station This is not a kind of resistance, said Hadi alkarkhi, the director of the school,as another man picked up the remnants of a human jaw, with several teeth http://www.occupationwatch.org/article.php?id=2583 |
69. Blogger: User Profile: Shahul Hameed Faizee 02 May 2004 Ma`ruf alkarkhi, one of the righteous imams of the early Muslims (salaf),said, Whoever says, Allahumma aslih Ummata Muhammad Allahumma farrij http://www.blogger.com/profile/1011778 | |
70. Pearl Publishing House: Endowment Of Divine Grace, Pref. Among these blessed servants of God Almighty were AlHassan Al-Basri, Al-Fadhil Bin Iyãd, Ma rouf al-karkhi and others, may God Almighty be pleased with them http://www.pearlpublishing.com/gilanipref.shtml | |
71. Iraqi Children Cover Their Noses From The Smell As The Remains Of ousted Iraqi regime. The Iraqis shouted, There is no God but God before burying the dead at Sheikh Maaruf alkarkhi cemetery. http://www.cnn.com/interactive/world/0405/gallery.iraq.anderson/content.3.html | |
72. HizmetBooks The ulama such as atTahawi, Abu l-Hasan al-karkhi, Shams al-aimma al-Halwani,Shams al-aimma as-Sarahsi and Qadi Khan were in this grade. http://www.hizmetbooks.org/Answer_to_an_Enemy_of_Islam/enemy37.htm | |
73. The Politburo Diktat: Iraq Today police, da!, PUPPPET PEOPLE, when glorious partizans set off bombs, say things likethis This is not a kind of resistance, said Hadi alkarkhi, the director http://www.acepilots.com/mt/archives/000427.html | |
74. Derwish.nl V2.9 - Q&A van Imam Abu Hanifah, via Abul Qasim anNasarabadi, die van Shibli, die weer vanSari as-Saqati, en die op zijn beurt van Maruf al-karkhi via Dawud at-Ta i http://www.derwish.nl/qa.php?qid=1079820759 |
75. CHRONOLOGY OF RECREATIONAL MATHEMATICS By David Singmaster c1010 alkarkhi (= al-Karagi) Alfakhri - first Robbing and Restoring; LazyWorker. 1020 Avicenna. 11C False dice, with two ones, were made. http://anduin.eldar.org/~problemi/singmast/recchron.html | |
76. Social Manners To illustrate this point, I will cite jurist Ali bin Mubarak alkarkhi ( -487H),who studied under Imam, Abi Y ala Al-Hanbali, himself a jurist and judge and http://www.alinaam.org.za/library/imanners05.htm | |
77. ãæÞÚ ÇáÏßÊæÑ ãÍãÏ ÓÚíÏ ÑãÖÇä ÇáÈæØí has given witness of their being close friends of Allah and of the high rank Allahendowed them such as Abd al-Qadir al-Jaylani, Ma ruf al-karkhi, al-Junayd http://www.bouti.com/bouti_e_monthly30.htm | |
78. AL-KARAJI: EL DEIXEBLE ÀRAB DE DIOFANT Abu Bekr ibn Muhammad ibn alHusayn Al-Karaji (953 - 1029), que també és conegutper al-karkhi, va ser deixeble de Abul-Wafa, que va fer una traducció de http://www.mallorcaweb.net/mamaguena/arabs/alka/alka.html | |
79. IBN AL-JAWZI IBN ALJAWZI. by Dr. G. F. Haddad. ` http://www.sunnah.org/history/Scholars/ibn_aljawzi.htm | |
80. AL AL GHAZALI. ABSTINENCE IN ISLAM. Kasr al Shahwatayn Al-Ghazali's Kasr al-Shahwatayn constitutes Book Three of Volume III of his Ihya http://www.muslimphilosophy.com/gz/works/abstin.htm | |
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