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         Al-karkhi:     more detail

61. 750-1258 The Caliphate Of The Abbasid Dynasty (Banu L- Abbas).
814 815? Death of Abu Nuwas, representative of new themes and formsin Arabic poetry. 816 Death of the Sufi Ma ruf alkarkhi.
750-1258 The caliphate of the 'Abbasid dynasty (Banu l-'Abbas). and its successor states endures, with decreasing political authority, until the Mongols destroy Baghdad in 1258. 749-54 Caliphate of Abu 'l-'Abbas al-Saffah. The last Umayyad caliph Marwan II was defeated in the decisive battle on the Great Zab and fell in Egypt (751). Massacre of the Umayyad family and its high officials. 751 Battle of Atlakh on the Talas: the Arabs defeated a Chinese army in Central Asia and become acquainted with paper from prisoners. The production of paper begins at Samarqand. 754-75 Caliphate of al-Mansur.
Break with the radical Shi'a, uprisings of 'Alid pretenders. Establishment of a standing army of Khurasanians. The post of Minister of Post and Infornmation (sahib al-barid wa'l-khabar) is made into an instrument of government control. 755 Al-Mansur has Abu Muslim murdered. 755-88 'Abd al-Rahman I, since 756 amir of Cordoba, establishes the SpanishUmayyad dynasty (755 - 1031).At first the rulers bear the title amir, but from 929 they take the title of caliph. Persistent unrest through the mutual rivalry of Arab tribes and with newly-converted Muslims. 756 (?) Execution of the Iranian writer 'Abdallah ibn al-Muqaffa' (Ibn Khordadbeh), the translator of Persian literature (Mirror for Princes, histoncal and philosophical works) into Arabic.

62. LIBRIS Nyförvärvslista
Translate this page 157 s. Karkhi, ?Abbud, 1861-1946. Diwan al-karkhi / ?uniya bi-tab?ihi Husayn Hatimal-karkhi. - Bagdad, 19. Karkhi, ?Abbud, 1861-1946. Diwan al-karkhi. Juz?
Språkbibliotekets nyförvärv mars 2004
A - Bok- och biblioteksväsen
Aalz - Bibliografi: särskilda personer
Cachia, Pierre Taha Husayn : is place in the Egyptian literary renaissance / by Pierre Cachia. - London : Luzac, 1956. - ix, 260 s.
?Izz al-Din, Yusuf Min rihlat al-hayah / Yusuf ?Izz al-Din. - Baghdad : Dar al-Basri, 1969. - 56 s.
Ad - Bokförlag och bokhandel
Alvstad, Cecilia, 1971 La traducción como mediación editorial : un estudio de 150 libros para niños y jóvenes publicados en Argentina durante 1997 / Cecilia Alvstad. - Göteborg : Institutionen för romanska språk, Univ. 2003. - 228 s. ; 21 cm. Diss. Göteborg : Univ., 2003
B - Allmänt och blandat
Bb - Allmänna samlingsverk
Kamil, Mahmud Qari? bayna ?asharat kutub / Mahmud Kamil. - [Kairo] : Dar al-Jami?ah, 1949. - 88 s.
Norden und Süden
Bda - Tidskrifter och serier: kultur, litteratur, politik
Be - Allmän idé- och lärdomshistoria
Kaak, ?Uthman Muhadarat fi marakiz al-thaqafah fi al-Maghrib min al-qarn al-sadi ?ashar ilá al-qarn al-tasi? ?ashar / alqaha ?Uthman al-Kaak. - [Kairo] : Jami?at al-duwal al-?arabiyah, Ma?had al-dirasat al-?arabiyah al-?aliyah, 1958. - 134 s.
Bs - Masskommunikation: allmänt
Cultural studies (Print Cultural studies. - London : Routledge, 1987. - Vol. 1(1987. ISSN 0950-2386

63. Muslim: Vaughan-Lee: Directing The Mind
(p. 69). Ma`Ruf alkarkhi The saints of God are known by three signs theirthought is of God, their dwelling is in God, and their business is with God.
Redirecting your attention
(Quotations from Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee)
Abu Sa`id Ibn Abi-L-Khayr:
Recollection is forgetting everything besides Him.
(p. 69)
Ma`Ruf Al-Karkhi:
The saints of God are known by three signs: their thought is of God, their dwelling is in God, and their business is with God.
(p. 43)
Select a new topic, or explore this topic further within Islam or across religions Browse additional quotations from Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee. Refer to bibliography Go to home page

64. Welcom Moddafer AlNawab http// Badir Shakir Al-Sayabhttp// Mula Abood al-karkhi http//www.hope
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65. News
Illuminating the Word the art of the Islamic book in Southeast Asia’ and the otherin Makassar, Indonesia, ‘The amuletic cult of Ma’ruf alkarkhi in the
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Prof Duncan McCargo delivered his inaugural lecture on ‘Rethinking Southeast Asian Politics’ at the University of Leeds on 17 October 2003. His lecture and the reception that followed was also the start of the 21 st Aseasuk conference (see Conference reviews). Prof John Taylor South Bank University , London) was working for the UNDP as a senior development adviser to the East Timorese Government, from January 2002 until March 2003. Prior to independence in May 2002, he worked with international consultants and groups within the ministries of the country’s transitional administration, to assist in the drafting of sectoral strategies, policies and programmes for the country’s first National Development Plan. He focused particularly on the areas of health, education and capacity building working with Ministerial Groups both on the Plan and its accompanying East Timor: State of the Nation Report. Following independence, John worked on monitoring systems for plan implementation, and devised training programmes for action planning and quarterly monitoring. He supervised a team drafting reports for the Government to the first donors meeting after independence, and worked with Ministerial groups to draft a

66. War On Iraq -
volunteers, who recovered the charred remains of civilians killed during the assaulton Baghdad, pray before the burial at Sheikh Maarufal-karkhi cemetery.
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67. Tarihteki Matematikçiler
1150) cebirsel yöntemlerle bir çok problemi çözmüslerdir.Islam matematikçileriarasinda Mohammed ibn Musa alKhoWarizmi (MS 825) ve al-karkhi (MS 1100
Cebir Ýlginç ! Ana Sayfa Ders Problem Soru ... Kitap Hediye Ediyoruz " Bilim, doðayý algýlama çabasýdýr " Cahit Arf Matematik ve genel olarak bilim ile ilgili, pek çok yerde kolayca bulunabilen yada bulunamayan bilgileri , hikayeleri bir araya toplamak için, bulduklarýnýzla derlediklerinizle yada kendi yazdýklarýnýzla katkýda bulunursanýz sevinirim. E-Mail LÜTFEN DÝKKAT Gönderdiklerinizin yayýnlanmasý halinde,aksi belirtilmedikçe, adýnýz kullanýlacaktýr Sýfýr (0) ýn Tarihi Cebir Tarihi Geometri ...
Matematik Bunun Neresinde?
Sýfýr (0) ýn Tarihi
Sýfýr 'ýn çok eskiden beri bilindiði sanýlmaktadýr.Kuzey Hindistan da 7-inci asýrda kullanýlmaya baþlandýðý bilinmektedir. Orta Amerika da Maya medeniyetinden günümüze kadar gelen kalýntýlarda rastlanmýþtýr.Sýfýr, Arapça ya "aþ-þifr" yada "þsifr" olarak Hindistan dan geçmiþtir.eski Latin matematikçileri bu kelimeyi "zephyrum" olarak tercüme etmiþlerdir. Daha sonra,diðer avrupa dillerine "cifra","zeuero","cifre" ve "chiffre" kelimeleri halinde geçmiþtir.

68. Occupation Watch: A Suicide Bomber Kills At Least 2 Iraqis At A Police Station
This is not a kind of resistance, said Hadi alkarkhi, the director of the school,as another man picked up the remnants of a human jaw, with several teeth

69. Blogger: User Profile: Shahul Hameed Faizee
02 May 2004 Ma`ruf alkarkhi, one of the righteous imams of the early Muslims (salaf),said, Whoever says, Allahumma aslih Ummata Muhammad Allahumma farrij
Push-Button Publishing
Shahul Hameed Faizee
  • Age Gender : male Astrological Sign: Scorpio Born in the Year of the : Tiger Location Chennai Tamilnadu India
Recent Posts
A Seekers First Step
30 May 2004 A brief text of a speech by Shaikh Faizee Shah Noori stressing the importance of dhikr to a seeker is available at
Belief - The Greatest Favor of Allah
30 May 2004 A breif text on Shaikh Faizee Shah Noori's speech on Iman - belief in Allah is available at
Islam, Sufism and Qur'an
30 May 2004 A concise translation of a speech by Shaikh Syed Noori Shah Qibla, my Shaikh's shaikh is available at It provides sufficient evidence from the Qur'an and Hadeeth on Sufism.
Way to enter Paradise
30 May 2004 An anecdote told by my Shaikh: "Three men, who strictly adhere to Islam, were talking to each other. Suddenly, the talk about the heaven came up. They started discussing who are all the people who would be entering heaven. The first person was very pleased with himself and his amals (actions)...
My other Blog
28 May 2004 Just thought will compile my Shaikh's sayings as a separate blog and started on Please visit it and let me know your comments.

70. Pearl Publishing House: Endowment Of Divine Grace, Pref.
Among these blessed servants of God Almighty were AlHassan Al-Basri, Al-Fadhil Bin Iyãd, Ma rouf al-karkhi and others, may God Almighty be pleased with them
The Endowment of Divine Grace
by Sidi Shaykh Muhyiddeen Abdul Qadir Gilani
trans. by Shaykh Muhammad Al-Akili
In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate Dear friend: "Your heart is a polished mirror. You must wipe it clean of the veils of dust which have gathered upon it, because it is destined to reflect the light of divine secrets... which will fall upon it if you wish for Him, from Him, and with Him... If only the lamp of divine secrets is kindled within your inner self, the rest will come, either all at once or little by little... Then you will see the sun of inner knowledge rising from the horizon of divine reason... " "Some you already know, some we will tell you here. Read, listen and try to understand." In an age of self-help books, this compilation of spoken talks addresses the questions of life and existence in clear, practical terms that are both timely and timeless. The concise explanations reverberate like the single, sweet note of a reed flute penetrating the noise and confusion of today's world.
In his greatness, he stood humbly with children and servants and spoke kindly to them. He frequently sat in the company of poor people and befriended them, stroking their shoulders. He never knocked at the door of any minister or sultan. When the Caliph or his ministers visited him, he would leave the room before their arrival, then afterwards reenter to avoid standing up for them.

71. Iraqi Children Cover Their Noses From The Smell As The Remains Of
ousted Iraqi regime. The Iraqis shouted, There is no God but God before burying the dead at Sheikh Maaruf alkarkhi cemetery.
Go to: Iraqi children cover their noses from the smell as the remains of seven civilians, picked up by volunteers, are paraded through the streets of Baghdad, April 13, 2003. The seven Iraqis were killed in fighting between U.S. troops and forces of the ousted Iraqi regime. The Iraqis shouted, "There is no God but God" before burying the dead at Sheikh Maaruf al-Karkhi cemetery.

72. HizmetBooks
The ulama such as atTahawi, Abu l-Hasan al-karkhi, Shams al-aimma al-Halwani,Shams al-aimma as-Sarahsi and Qadi Khan were in this grade.
Select Book New Books Endless Bliss First Fascicle Endless Bliss Second Fascicle Endless Bliss Third Fascicle Endless Bliss Fourt Fascicle Endless Bliss Fifth Fascicle The Religion Reformers in Islam The Sunni Path Belief and Islam Proof of Prophethood Advice for the Muslim Answer to an Enemy of Islam Islam and Christianity Could not Answer Confessions of a British Spy Documents of the Right Word Why Did They Become Muslims? Ethics of Islam SAHÂBA ‘The Blessed’ Answer to an Enemy of Islam Index Chapter # Preface
37 - The religion reformer, at the beginning of the Eleventh Dialogue, writes on behalf of the preacher: "We were prohibited from looking at and acting upon what we would see in any books other than the books of the scholars of our own madhhab. In fact, we were told that those writings of Kamal Ibn Humam, who was a mujtahidi fi 'l-madhhab, which disagreed with the rules of the madhhab, were not to be acted upon even if they would be based upon sound evidences."
HizmetBooks © 1998

73. The Politburo Diktat: Iraq Today
police, da!, PUPPPET PEOPLE, when glorious partizans set off bombs, say things likethis This is not a kind of resistance, said Hadi alkarkhi, the director
The Politburo Diktat
Exposing Imperialist Lackeys, Capitalist Reactionaries, and Zionist Running Dogs Main
January 15, 2004
Iraq Today
Over morning chai , The Commissar reads bolshoi bad news from Iraq. In past six days partizans have killed only one Amerikan soldier . Bah! Liars at Pentagon must be covering up hundreds of deaths, da? New puppet money now in circulation. Notes featuring glorious Comrade Saddam no longer legal. So what? But here is bad news ... "A dollar is now worth between 1,200 and 1,300 dinars, compared with about 2,000 dinars before the U.S.-led invasion in March. The statement said the dinar has appreciated by 25 percent since Oct. 15, when the new currency began circulating and the three-month exchange period began." Puppet money is increasing in value? bah! Is not so. Market lies. Lies. Lies!!! Resistance is increasing. Sean Penn told me so ! "People from all sides of the debate acknowledge that the insurgency movement builds every day in manpower and organizational strength," Instability is increasing. Resistance building. Secret Amerikan plans failing!

74. V2.9 - Q&A
van Imam Abu Hanifah, via Abul Qasim anNasarabadi, die van Shibli, die weer vanSari as-Saqati, en die op zijn beurt van Ma’ruf al-karkhi via Dawud at-Ta i

c1010 alkarkhi (= al-Karagi) Alfakhri - first Robbing and Restoring; LazyWorker. 1020 Avicenna. 11C False dice, with two ones, were made.
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76. Social Manners
To illustrate this point, I will cite jurist Ali bin Mubarak alkarkhi ( -487H),who studied under Imam, Abi Y ala Al-Hanbali, himself a jurist and judge and
assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaah ISLAMIC MANNERS ... 5
by Shaykh Abdul-Fattaah Abu Ghuddah (RA)
Recognize the status of the elderly and give them due respect. When walking with them, walk slightly behind, to their right. Let them enter and exit first. If you meet them, greet them properly and respectfully. If you discuss something with them, let them speak first, and listen to them attentively and graciously. If the conversation involves debate, you should remain polite, calm, and kind-hearted and you should lower your voice. Never forget to remain respectful. Let me review with you some of the Prophet's sayings and traditions that uphold these polite manners. Imam Bukhari and Muslim 1 reported that Abdullah bin Sahl made a trip with Mahisa bin Masoud in Zayed to Khaibar. When they were to about to return, Mahisa found Abdullah had been murdered. He went to the Prophet with his older brother, Howaisa and the victim's brother, Abdul Rahman bin Sahl. Mahisa who witnessed the incident started to talk, but the Prophet said, 'the elder, the elder.' At that, Howaisa spoke and then Mahisa Another story emphasizes this behaviour further. When he was young, Abdullah bin Omar was at a gathering of the Prophet and his senior companions like Abu Bakr and his father. The Prophet asked his companions, 'Tell what is the tree that does not shed its leaves and which is like the Muslim.' The companions started suggesting names of desert trees. Abdullah bin Omar thought it was the date-palm. Since he was the youngest, and seeing Abu Bakr and Omar silent, he shied away and said nothing. The Prophet told his companions: 'It is the palm tree'. Later, Abdullah told his father that he knew the right answer but shied away. Omar said to his son 'For you to have said it right then, would have been worth a lot to me.'

77. ãæÞÚ ÇáÏßÊæÑ ãÍãÏ ÓÚíÏ ÑãÖÇä ÇáÈæØí
has given witness of their being close friends of Allah and of the high rank Allahendowed them such as Abd al-Qadir al-Jaylani, Ma ruf al-karkhi, al-Junayd
Monthly Word - February An Open Letter
To the Iraqi president and the Iraqi People His Excellency, President Saddam Husayn, would to Allah inspire him good guidance and intact judgement, Al-Salam Alaykum wa-Rahmat Allah, I do not think I am one of those who are ignorant of, or ignore, the importance of the equipment and the materiel for encountering tyranny and withstanding aggression, especially as for those who are not enslaved in the whole universe except by the greatness of materiel, the workability of weapons, the mastery of men, etc. Rather, I think I am one of those who enjoin preparing as much equipment as a Muslim people and presidents can, which Allah, of course, enjoins of. However, here is the American tyranny lying on its nuclear weapons and its massive destruction weapons rapturously [which reminds us of a hen lying on its eggs, getting ready to jump] waiting for the fitting moment to pounce with all those destructive weapons upon the resources of welfare in your Iraq, and, afterwards, upon everyone around you enjoying hoard and power!.. And here are the dwarf Arab leaders preferring to be conveyed by the power of the American tyranny to support it with the humility of the slave who finds his pleasure in the whips of disgrace. Accordingly, they have rendered land, honor, hoard and states to your and their enemy!..

Abu Bekr ibn Muhammad ibn alHusayn Al-Karaji (953 - 1029), que també és conegutper al-karkhi, va ser deixeble de Abu’l-Wafa, que va fer una traducció de
+ bx n = c . Va estar a prop d’arribar al resultat x m n = x m+n , (a-b) i (a+b) arribant a (a+b) Per exemple, en el cas dels cubs, demostra que (1 + 2 + ... + 10) . per fer-ho, demostra que (1 + 2 + ... + 10) i seguint el mateix raonament per als nou primers nombres, i successivament fins arribar al resultat desitjat.

IBN ALJAWZI. by Dr. G. F. Haddad. `
by Dr. G. F. Haddad
`Abd al-Rahman ibn `Ali ibn Muhammad ibn `Ali ibn `Ubayd Allah ibn `Abd Allah ibn Hammadi ibn Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Ja`far ibn `Abd Allah ibn al-Qasim ibn al-Nadr ibn al-Qasim ibn Muhammad ibn `Abd Allah ibn al-Faqih `Abd al-Rahman ibn al-Faqih al-Qasim ibn Muhammad ibn Khalifat Rasul Allah Allah bless and greet him Abi Bakr al-Siddiq, Abu al-Faraj ibn al-Jawzi al-Qurashi al-Taymi al-Bakri al-Baghdadi al-Hanbali al-Ash`ari (509/510-597). He was, with Shaykh `Abd al-Qadir al-Gilani, the imam of Hanbalis and foremost orator of kings and princes in his time whose gatherings reportedly reached one hundred thousand, a hadith master, philologist, commentator of Qur'an, expert jurist, physician, and historian of superb character and exquisite manners. Orphaned of his father at age three, Ibn al-Jawzi was raised by his aunt who later brought him to the hadith scholar Ibn Nasir, his first shaykh. He took hadith from him as well as over eighty shaykhs and was teacher to his grandson Shams al-Din Yusuf ibn Qazghali al-Hanafi - Sibt al-Jawzi - as well as some of the greatest Hanbali hadith masters and jurists such as Muwaffaq al-Din Ibn Qudama, Ibn al-Najjar, and Diya' al-Din al-Maqdisi. Ibn al-Jawzi took a staunch Ash`ari stance in doctrine and courageously denounced the anthropomorphism of his school in the interpretation of the divine Attributes in his landmark work Daf` Shubah al-Tashbih bi Akuff al-Tanzih ("Rebuttal of the Insinuations of Anthropomorphism at the Hands of Divine Transcendence"), also known as

80. AL
AL GHAZALI. ABSTINENCE IN ISLAM. Kasr al Shahwatayn Al-Ghazali's Kasr al-Shahwatayn constitutes Book Three of Volume III of his Ihya
(Curbing the Two Appetites) FROM Ihya"Ulum al-Din
(Revivification of the Sciences of Religion) Translation and Notes by Caesar E. Farah University of Minnesota BIBLIOTHECA ISLAMICA Minneapolis ©1992 by Caesar E. Farah
Manufactured in the United States of America
All Rights reserved ISBN: 0-88297-048-8 Paper ISBN: 0-88297-049-6 Cloth BIBLIOTHECA ISLAMICA, INC.
Box 14474/ Minneapolis, MN 55414 / U.S.A.
612/221-9883 - Fax 612.332-1316 IN LOVING MEMORY OF Madelain CONTENTS PREFACE INTRODUCTION PROLOGUE I. On The Virtue of Hunger and Rejection of Satiation II. The Benefits of Hunger and Ills of Satiation III. Exercising to Curb the Lust of the Stomach IV. Differences Concerning the Impact of Hunger, Its Virtues, and How it Affects Differently Conditions in People . V. Impact of the Ailment of Dissimulation on Those Who Abandon Lustful Appetites and Eat Less VI. Sayings Concerning the Lust of the Genital VII. Marriage and Abstinence for the Novice VIII. The Virtue of the One Who Defies the Lust of the Genital and the Eye ANNEX BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES PREFACE For pious Muslims of the Sufi persuasion, abstinence is a necessary virtue for the conduct of spiritual exercises leading to union with God. They preached against all that which distracted from concentration on the worship of God. They looked upon excessive eating and copulation as the major media of distraction, a sort of ailment to be shunned and if too entrenched, a weakness to be overcome by rigorous exercises. Marriage was recommended only as a last resort for those whose sexual urges were too strong to contain. The Sufi perception tended to contradict the official Muslim conviction that marriage was necessary for the propagation of race and faith and accounted for much of the date that centered on the subject historically.

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