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Al-karkhi: more detail |
21. Copyright Notice And Open Publication License AlSuyuti himself was transmitting from al-Subki, who was transmitting from otherstill we reach al-Dabusi and before him al-karkhi (with each later author http://www.nyazee.com/Copyright Notice and Open Publication License.htm | |
22. It's 6:19. Do You Know Where You Are?: Struik: A Concise History Of Mathematics: alkarkhi (dc 1029) was monomaniacal interested in Greek and wrote an algebrainspired by Diophantus and was interested in surds (sq roots). http://arsenal.media.mit.edu/notebook/archives/000105.html | |
23. Quduri AbulHasan al-Quduri took his knowledge of fiqh from Abu `Abdillah Muhammad ibnal-Jurjani, from Abu Bakr al-Razi, from Abul-Hasan al-karkhi, from Abu Sa http://webpages.marshall.edu/~laher1/introQ.html | |
24. FIGURPUBLIK.COM saya. Namun,ketika saya beranjak pulang tidak satupun nasehat0nasehatnyamasih membekas. selanjutnya DO A MA RUF al-karkhi Di http://www.figurpublik.com/cgi-bin/hikmah.cgi?page=hikmah |
25. FIGURPUBLIK.COM mereka adalah orangorang yang fasik (QS. Al Hadid, 57 16). DO AMA RUF al-karkhi Di ceritakan oleh Muhammad bin Abdullah bin http://www.figurpublik.com/cgi-bin/hikmah.cgi?page=hikmah_ed003a |
26. Testimony Of The Scholars Of External Knowledge In Support Of The Precedence Of from Abul Qassim anNasarabadi, who received it from ash-Shibli, who received itfrom Sariyy as-Saqati who received it from Ma c ruf al-karkhi, who received it http://meccamedina.net/subjects/spiritualism.htm | |
27. Qala'id Al-Jawahir - Necklaces Of Gems-Part1 alFarsi, Abu Bakr Ahmad ibn al-Muzaffar, Abu Ja far ibn Ahmad ibn al-Husain al-Qarias-Sarraj, Abu l-Qasim Ali ibn Ahmad ibn Bannan al-karkhi, Abu Talib http://www.al-baz.com/shaikhabdalqadir/Books_and_Text_of_Wisdom/Qala_id_Al-Jawah | |
28. Necklaces Of Gems-6 Shaikh Dawud alBaghdadi has told us One night in my dream, in the year AH 548,I saw Shaikh Ma ruf al-karkhi (may Allah be well pleased with him), and he http://www.al-baz.com/shaikhabdalqadir/Books_and_Text_of_Wisdom/Qala_id_Al-Jawah | |
29. :|: Go Back And Pray, For You Have Not Prayed! :|: He said, He does not perfect his concentration, nor his humbleness, nor his focuson Allah Azza wa Jall. Once, Maruf al-karkhi (Rahimahu AllahimahUllah http://www.geocities.com/mutmainaa/prayer/go_back_pray.html | |
30. Muslims And Maths sexagesimal system. alkarkhi was primarily responsible for popularisingHindu numerals before the advent of Arabic ones. His book http://www.geocities.com/WestHollywood/Park/6443/Maths/maths.html | |
31. Usul1. alkarkhi said that if it is specified with separate evidence, then it is permitted. Thereis no disagreement between al-karkhi and Isa ibn Aban on that. http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/ABewley/usul1.html | |
32. Usulgloss2. He died in 150/167. Abu lHasan al-karkhi A Hanafi faqih who wrote al-Usul.d. 390. Abu Hurayra He became Muslim in the year of Khaybar. http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Abewley/usulgloss2.html | |
33. Islamic Forum -> Awliya And Sali7een Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani, Junaid ibn Muhammad, Hasan alBasri, al Fudayl ibn al-Ayyad,Ibrahim bin al-Adham, Abi Sulayman ad-Daarani, Ma ruf al-karkhi, Siri as http://forums.gawaher.com/show.php/showtopic/2243 | |
34. :: Said Aqil Siradj Web Site :: Maruf alkarkhi pernah berkunjung kepada Abul-Hasan ibn Basyar denganmemakai jubah wol. Abul Hasan bertanya Wahai Maruf http://www.said-agil.com/view.asp?origin=jurnalkhastasawuf&mode=content&id=61 |
35. Syaikh As-Sariy As-Saqathy itu,? Tanya Sariy Saqathy. Kami mengadakan pertemuan dengan rakankami, iaitu Ibrahim Bin Adham Ma ruf alkarkhi. Dan saat ini http://members.tripod.com/~suluk98/Wali7.htm | |
36. Necklaces Of Gems-6 Like Shaikh Ma ruf alkarkhi before him, Shaikh Abd al-Qadir believesthat problems are best referred to Allah (Exalted is he). http://www.islam.co.za/abdalqadirjilani/necklaces_6.htm | |
37. wj or alHosein), al-karkhi. ?. 2. Book of Satisfactions. A.Hochheim, Kafi fil Hisab des Abu Bekr Muhammed Ben Alhusein Alkarkhi, 3 parts http://www2m.biglobe.ne.jp/~m-souda/mysouda/math/smith/chapter7/math4.html | |
38. Untitled 3 places!! Abu Bakr alKaraji ( al-karkhi) early 11 century). Arabicdisciple of Diophantus - without Diophantine analysis. Gave http://www.math.tamu.edu/~don.allen/history/arab/arab.html |
39. Silsalah-e-Qadriah - Syedena Abdul Qadir Gillani his Ashabs and Ahlebaith, the highest rank among walis, is held by Hazrat GhousulAzam Abdul Qadir Jilani, followed by (1) Marouf-al-karkhi (2) Junaid-Al http://www.algillani.org/saq/parting_admonitions.shtml | |
40. Science, Civilization And Society with sexagesimal fractions (probably an inheritance from Mesopotamian astronomy),and it was not until about 990 that the mathematician alkarkhi (Abu Bakr http://www.es.flinders.edu.au/~mattom/science society/lectures/lecture16.html |
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