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Aida Yasuaki: more detail |
41. JOS Journal Vol.58(1999)INDEX Akiko TAKANO, Taira ONIKUBO, yasuaki aida, Masaru KIYOMURA, Satoshi YAMAGUCHI,Hiroaki HAYASHI, Haruo TAKEYAMA and Hiroshi KIYOMURA(353). http://www.jos.gr.jp/society/eng/e1999.html | |
42. JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE ORTHODONTIC SOCIETY Vol.58 No.5 P.353 _First author Akiko TAKANO, Taira ONIKUBO, yasuaki aida, Masaru KIYOMURA,Satoshi YAMAGUCHI, Hiroaki HAYASHI, Haruo TAKEYAMA and Hiroshi KIYOMURA. http://www.jos.gr.jp/mz/Jjos/E/je58-5-353.htm | |
43. ¤ÆÑ Ryokichi Onishi, Saneyasu Yamaguchi, Hiroaki Morino, Hitoshi aida, and Tadao Saito, A Kiyotaka Yamamura, Tooru Sekiguchi, and yasuaki Inoue, A fixedpoint http://www.21coe.chuo-u.ac.jp/security/page11-e.htm | |
44. Resource DDB (Detail) catalogue. These books are owned by Shinichiro Sakuma, a direct discipleof yasuaki aida, Edo Period mathematician. On-line catalogue. http://read.jst.go.jp/ddbs/plsql/SGN_EG_21?code=1000000250 |
45. Boxing Shosei Nitta, Beat, Jimmy Cordero, KO, 4, 0. yasuaki (Tensho) Ito, Lost to,Akira (Taiga) Sato, PTS, 8, 8. Tokyo. Nobuhito Honmo, Beat, Shoichiro aida,PTS, 4, 4. http://www.boxrec.com/country_search.php?country=JP&yyyy=1996 |
46. The Proceedings Of The 52nd Japanese Joint Conference For The Technology Of Plas for FEM simulation of shearing process Yoshinori YOSHIDA, yasuaki MURASE, Nobuki AlloyTsutomu MORI, Norio TAKTSUJI, Kenji MATSUKI, Tetsuo aida, Kazuo MUROTANI http://www.jstp.jp/en/proceed/sosei2001a.html | |
47. The Proceedings Of The 2001 Japanese Spring Conference For The Technology Of Pla forming limit) Shigekazu Tanaka, Tamotsu Nakamura, kunio Hayakawa yasuaki Hada209 cross section including circle Shinhou KURIYAMA Tokuo aida 409 Hydraulic http://www.jstp.jp/en/proceed/sosei2001s.html | |
48. CONTENTS . NISHIDA Tomomi, yasuaki aida s Commentary on Yoshinori Isomura s MathematicalWorks. «NO.127», WANG Qingxiang, A study of mathematical terminology in China. http://www.wasan.jp/english/math_indexe.html | |
49. JAPAN Japan and the Far EastInternationalization in History and Civilization (Wakokuto Kyokuto no aidaRekishi to Bunmei no naka no Kokusaika ) by yasuaki Onuma http://www.cceia.org/viewMedia.php/prmID/535 | |
50. Anime News Network - Texhnolyze (TV) Daisuke Kirii as Kaku. Eiji Yagisawa as Promoter aida. Eiji Yanagisawa as Showman.Hayashi Cha Fuu as Yamura. Ichirô Nagai as Isogai. Jin Horikawa as yasuaki Iwata. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=2304 |
51. Japan Info Proc Soc, 19-21 Oct 1991, Titles, Book 4. in IshinDenshin Broadcast Memory Ryuichi Ohno, Hitoshi aida, Tadao Saito by StructuralText Pattern TWIX (Text With Key Structure) yasuaki Hyodo, Takashi http://www.cs.arizona.edu/japan/www/atip/public/atip.reports.92/jifip43.4.html | |
52. vo[99 ?. Assoc.Prof. yasuaki ONODA. onoda@tjogi.pln.archi.tohoku.ac.jp. 2? ?. M1 Aya aida. aida@tjogi.pln.archi.tohoku.ac.jp. http://www.archi.tohoku.ac.jp/labs-pages/keikaku/Wel.ourLab./kenkyusitu1.html | |
53. MEMBERS (1998) Prof. Minoru KANNO, Assoc.Prof. yasuaki ONODA, Resarch Assoc. Taiyo SAKAGUCHI, D2,Lai SHI. D2, Tohru MAWATARI. M2, Aya aida. M2, Chisato SIOMI. M2, Akihito TAKAHASHI. http://www.archi.tohoku.ac.jp/labs-pages/keikaku/english/e-other/e-intro.html | |
54. Fisheries Science Takayuki Ashida, Eiji Okimasu, Masatoshi Ui, Mitsuhiro Heguri, yasuaki Oyama,and Noriaki Iijima, Junji Imayoshi, Chisako aida, and Mitsu Kayama···596. http://www.miyagi.kopas.co.jp/JSFS/PUBS/FS/contents/65-4.html | |
55. Women In Math: Biographies Y. yasuaki, aida Young, Anna Irwin (18731920) Young,Grace Chisholm (1868-1944) Young, Lai-Sang(1952 - ). http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~wmnmath/People/Biographies/Y.html | |
56. Japanese Literary Authors Name List aida, Tsunao, , aida, Tsunao, 1914 n from old catalog, PL845.I317. Deguchi,yasuaki, , Towada, Ry¯u,1930- n 85384888, PL862.O85. http://cealctp.lib.uci.edu/jname.htm |
57. ÅßTNÌ_¶ê Tamaki Nakano, yasuaki Hidaka, and Yoshio Okmaoto, Polym. Takuzo aida, DongLin Jiang,Eiji Yashima, and Yoshio Okamoto, Thin Solid Films, 331, 254-258 (1998). http://chiral.apchem.nagoya-u.ac.jp/~chiral/papar/papar03.htm | |
58. Pacifichem 2005 Symposia Paul A. D Agostino Veronica Borrett Sonochemistry ( 275) yasuaki Maeda KennethS Macromolecular Chemistry and Biotechnology ( 114) Takuzo aida Karen L http://www.pacifichem.org/symposia/ | |
59. "JAPAN SOCIETY OF MEDICAL HISTORY" . 1998, yasuaki FUKASE / Makoto MAYANAGI Prevalence of Asia Cholera in Okinawa 1998,Satoshi aida Wassermann s Reaction of Syphilis and Its Introduction into http://www.rc.kyushu-u.ac.jp/~michel/jsmh/journal_e.html | |
60. Location DVD. Location De DVD Illimitée. Louer Vos Dvd. DVD Cinéma. Sortie DVD Translate this page aida Gomez, ancienne directrice du Ballet National dEspagne et figure du monde Avec yasuaki Kurata, Saïd Serrari, Cyril Mourali, Dara-Indo Oum, Mai Anh http://www.cinesnap.com/liste.php?ordre=titre&lettre=S |
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