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         Visual Anthropology:     more books (101)
  1. Visual Anthropology: Photography as a Research Method by John,Jr. Collier, Malcolm Collier, 1986-10-01
  2. Cinema: A Visual Anthropology (Key Texts in the Anthropology of Visual and Material Culture) by Gordon Gray, 2010-03-15
  3. Principles of Visual Anthropology
  4. Rethinking Visual Anthropology
  5. Picturing Culture Explorations of Film and Anthropology by Jay Ruby, 2000-08-15
  6. Doing Visual Ethnography by Dr Sarah Pink, 2006-11-21
  7. Observational Cinema: Anthropology, Film, and the Exploration of Social Life by Anna Grimshaw, Amanda Ravetz, 2009-10-27
  8. Visualizing Anthropology: Experimenting with Image-Based Ethnography by Amanda Ravetz, 2004-10-01
  9. The Future of Visual Anthropology: Engaging the Senses by Sarah Pink, 2006-02-14
  10. Working Images: Visual Research and Representation in Ethnography
  11. Anthropological Filmmaking: Anthropological Perspectives on the Production of Film and Video for General Public Audiences (Visual Anthropology) (Vol 1)
  12. Fields of Vision: Essays in Film Studies, Visual Anthropology, and Photography
  13. Visual Methods in Social Research by Dr Marcus Banks, 2001-05-01
  14. Visual Interventions: Applied Visual Anthropology (Studies in Applied Anthropology)

1. Visual Anthropology: Introduction
Understanding What We See Subject, Author, and Audience in visual anthropology. W. Matthew Ball (5/97) I. Introduction. " Why and for whom do we put the camera amongst people? many ways, visual
U nderstanding W hat W e S ee:
Subject, Author, and Audience in Visual Anthropology
W. Matthew Ball (5/97)
I. Introduction
"Why and for whom do we put the camera amongst people? Strangely enough, my first response to this will always be the same: 'For myself'." - Jean Rouch, The Camera and Man I n This paradox is but the first of many problems anthropologists have had to take up with visual anthropology. Another immediate question is Why do visual anthropology? How are photographic methods and their resulting products valuable to anthropology, and what do the ethnographer, his audience, or the people studied have to gain from such a seemingly problematic practice? Aside from epistemological considerations, there are many concerns with methodology, analysis, and presentation in visual anthropology which still have not been resolved. So why is visual anthropology being practiced today? Because despite its problems, it is a practice which has the potential for increased anthropological understanding of the cultures it touches. By its nature, it is a practice which like ethnography itself adds to our existing knowledge base of the many differing cultures of our world. As human beings, we can not know what it is to be another human being. The history of anthropological theory can attest to this empirical truth. Nor can we know a culture as we know our own. But the goals of visual anthropology are the same as the larger discipline itself - to increase our understanding of others beyond current levels through the study and interpretation of culture. We can only gain increased understanding through the continuing efforts to this end with efficient use of increasingly viable visual technology. Margaret Mead begins the book

The Web s the most comprehensive crossindex of sites related to visual anthropology. UR-LIST WEB RESOURCES FOR visual anthropology.
2. Chats, Discussion Groups

3. To Contact Individuals

4. Homepages
Peter Biella
Updated September, 2001
The Ur-List: Web Resources for Visual Anthropology facilitates web searches by cross-indexing three hundred and seventy-five anthropological sites according to the categories of information they contain. The Ur-List's cross-index is more accurate than most Web-resource guides which typically reduce a site's multifaceted content to only one category. In the Ur-List, sites may be accessed according to the twenty-two subject-categories listed above. Multifaceted sites are cross-referenced under all appropriate categories. A mouse-click selection of any of the subject-categories gives access to two kinds of Web resources. The first is dedicated exclusively to the subject that was selected. For example, Wendy Vissar's dark visual ethnography of rural Albania, Lekso's Codebox is listed only once under the "Dedicated Sites" heading of "Visual Ethnographies" (Category 5). The second kind of resources accessed are listed under multiple Ur-List categories.

3. Visual Anthropology Review
Dukes email The visual anthropology Review is the official publication of the Society for visual anthropology, a section of the American
Click HERE for a non-frame version.

4. SIGHTS - Visual Anthropology Forum
Collection of working papers from a workshop organized by the Centre for CrossCultural Research.
This website has its background in the visual anthropology workshop and course "Transcultural Images and Visual Anthropology" organized by The Centre for Cross-Cultural Research at the Australian National University, Canberra, 3 to 28 August, 1998. This site is under construction. New documents will be added and additional sections will be included in due time. Click here to view the Transcultural Images and Visual Anthropology course group photo by Neal McCracken, Australian National University Photography. Canberra. August 1998. VISUAL ANTHROPOLOGY LINKS Email to webweaver 28 October 2003

5. !!!NEW LOCATION FOR: Web Archive In Visual Anthropology!!!
Features outof-print and unpublished materials for teaching and research.
The WAVA website has been moved to
You should be automatically redirected in 5 seconds (if not, click the link above).
Please update your bookmarks as this redirect will cease to exist beginning 1/1/2004.
- Jay

6. Links To Visual Anthropology Resources
Links to Web sites of interest to visual anthropology. Web Resources for visual anthropology. (maintained by Peter Biella); Documentary
Links to Web sites of interest to Visual Anthropology
  • : Web Resources for Visual Anthropology. maintained by Peter Biella
  • Documentary Educational Resources (D.E.R., Inc.) is a producer and distributor of films and videos in broadly defined areas of anthropology/ethnography, sociology and documentary.
  • Royal Anthropological Institute Ethnographic Film, UK
  • Visual Research at the Center for Cross-Cultural Research, Australia
  • Institut fuer Wissenschaftliche Film, Germany
  • John Bishop's web page for the Center for Digital Arts, UCLA
  • ANTHRO NET , a web search engine for Anthropological Topics. ( Maintained by Eric J. White at the University of California, Santa Barbara.
  • Anthropology Review DATABASE maintained by Anthropology at the University of Buffalo.
  • The Department of Anthropology at Temple University has put Sol Worth's long out of print book, Studying Visual Communication on line. It is there for everyone.
  • Picturing Paradise: Colonial Photography of Samoa , 1875 to 1925. This exhibition has been produced by the Southeast Museum of Photography, Daytona Beach Community College, Daytona Beach, Florida in collaboration with the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum of Ethnology, Cologne, Germany.
  • Fixing Shadows: A site devoted to aspects of still photography. One set of pages, under development, addresses problems of

7. Visual Anthropology
visual anthropology, Anthropologie Visuelle, Ethnographic Film, Anthropology of Visual Communication, Antropologia Visuale, Antropologia Visiva, Film Etnografico In Italia. Video. visual anthropology. Vol. 17(1) Gillian Rose. Visual Methodologies. Sage Publications
News Tools Publications Community ... Advertising Publications News In Italia Video Visual Studies Vol. 19(1) April 2004 Journals Roberta Altin L'identità mediata Udine, Forum Editore Libri Teresa Megale Visconti e la Basilicata. Visconti in Basilicata Marsilio, 2003 Libri Click on Bibliografia Italiana di AV Il database contiene oltre 800 titoli aggiornati al 2003. Puoi eseguire ricerche per autore, titolo e soggetto. Riservata agli iscritti alla Newsletter. Per consultare il database inserisci user e pwd nel box qui sotto e clicca su login. Search through English keywords too. Reserved to subscribers Login below and go to the database. User Pwd Varia Interview of Asen Balikci Interview of Peter Loizos

8. Mateo's Anthropology Page
V i s u a l. A n t h r o p o l o g y. This was an area of fascination for me during my undergrad years at Oberlin College. visual anthropology is the discipline concerned with the visual representation of culture. Subject, Author, and Audience in visual anthropology"
V i s u a l
A n t h r o p o l o g y
This was an area of fascination for me during my undergrad years at Oberlin College. Visual Anthropology is the discipline concerned with the visual representation of culture. Just as a written ethnography is a textual account of the anthropologist's contact and observation of another culture, a visual ethnography is a filmic account of this.
M y H y p e r t e x t s Some papers I wrote in college concerning ethnographic filmmaking.
"Understanding What We See:

Subject, Author, and Audience in Visual Anthropology"
"Subject, Author, and Audience Revisited:
Ethnographic Film Study, Winter Term '98"

T r i n h T. M i n h - h a
A wonderful filmmaker and the best anthropology professor I never had.
"Infinite layers: I am not i can be you and me"

"The order and the links create an illusion of continuity,
which I highly prize for fear of nonsense and emptiness . . ."

"Grandma's Story"

"The story depends upon every one of us to come into being. It needs us all, needs our remembering, understanding, and creating what we have heard together

9. EAIVA East Asia Institute Of Visual Anthropology
EAIVA conducts anthropological, crosscultural research projects, films, photographs, and multimedia productions in China. Page in English and Chinese, offers curriculum, concepts, project structure, and events.

10. Anthropology : Visual Anthropology
visual anthropology a guide to library resources. Motion pictures in ethnology Photography in ethnology visual anthropology Visual communication.
@import "/lib/house.css"; The University of Adelaide Library Guides Help ... Help/Feedback The University of Adelaide Library
North Terrace
Visual anthropology :
a guide to library resources
Last update: 29 September 2003 by Chris Smith Contents
Finding books using the library catalogue

Finding journal articles
Web resources

Related library guides which may be helpful: Australian film resources Media Studies Popular Culture
Australian Centre for the Moving Image
Australian films : a catalogue of scientific, educational and cultural films 1940-1958 REFERENCE 791.40994 A938 Film Australia HADDON [Online catalogue of archival ethnographic films and film footage shot during the first half-century of cinema. The material is largely documentary and was largely shot outside Western Europe; it is stored in archives, museums and other institutions around the world] National Anthropological Archives (USA) [The NAA at the Smithsonian collects and preserves historical and contemporary anthropological materials that document the world's cultures and the history of the discipline. Various guides to the collections as well as access to SIRIS: the Smithsonian Online Catalog are available from this site] Picture researcher's handbook : an international guide to picture sources and how to use them / H. Evans, 5th edition, 1992

11. Ruby & Chalfen Visual Anthro At Temple
Jay Ruby and Richard Chalfen challenge the idea that film is art and science is an objective chronicler of reality in an article that discusses the difficulties experienced in the development of a truly anthropological cinema.
THE SOCIETY FOR THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF VISUAL COMMUNICATION NEWSLETTER VOL 5 NO 3, SPRING 1974:5-7 THE TEACHING OF VISUAL ANTHROPOLOGY AT TEMPLE Jay Ruby and Richard Chalfen (A paper originally presented at the 1973 American Anthropological Association Meetings, New Orleans) The teaching of visual anthropology at Temple University has two larger contexts which, to some degree, define and give a specific focus to the training. The first is a departmental philosophy of graduate education and the second is the fact that this training occurs within a program of graduate studies in culture and communication. (Other graduate program emphases include urban anthropology and biocultural adaptation.) Graduate education in anthropology at Temple is based on the traditional assumption that anthropologists should have a foundation in all areas of their discipline. Students are required to pass comprehensive examinations in linguistics, archaeology, and cultural and physical anthropology. Only after successful completion of these exams are students encouraged to specialize. Students with an interest in visual communication pursue their specialty within the broader context of the culture and communication program. The program is designed to train students of anthropology who wish to study various modes of communication in a cultural context. The basic assumption underlying the program is that all communicative, interactive, and expressive forms of behavior are legitimate subjects of anthropological inquiry.

12. "Visual Anthropology" By Joseph Flaherty
visual anthropology. by Joseph Flaherty. From Vol. 1, no. 2 (April 1972) back to 25 Years visual anthropology, for all of its Robert Flahertys' and Edward Curtis' of the past, is a relatively new
Visual Anthropology by Joseph Flaherty From Vol. 1, no. 2 (April 1972) back to 25 Years Visual anthropology, for all of its Robert Flahertys' and Edward Curtis' of the past, is a relatively new and open area of the social sciences exhibiting all of the adolescent insecurities (and possibilities) inherent in the growing process. The recent Anthropological and Documentary Film Conference held at Temple University in Philadelphia said as much about the nature and structure of conferences as it did about the subject of visual anthropology. It was, however, an important arena for bringing some important questions into the open. The fact that few answers were given was of little importance; the time and setting called more for whys than hows. A split developed first and most obviously over the old question of visual versus verbal anthropology: can pictures as well as words serve as objective data? One anthropologist suggested that the only way film could be useful as an objective tool would be to turn the camera on and let it run twenty-four hours a day. While this was admittedly one of the more extreme suggestions, it reflected a still-held distrust, not especially of the camera, but of its operator. A constant criticism of the films shown and especially of Robert Gardner's Dead Birds The Bikeriders

13. CVA - NewsNet (Commission On Visual Anthropology)
Commission on visual anthropology. Contains information, newsletter, publications, events, countries, and links.
Commission on Visual Anthropology is one of the branches
of the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences
Your Browser should support frames

14. Visual Anthropology Review Home Page
The visual anthropology Review is the official publication of the Society for visual anthropology, a section of the American Anthropological Association.
Editor: Nancy Lutkehaus
Assistant Editor: Jeanne Fitzsimmons
Film Review Editors: Christopher Pinney, Frode Storaas
Editorial Consultants: Bill Nichols, Gary Seaman
Production Manager: Rick Custer
The Visual Anthropology Review is the official publication of the Society for Visual Anthropology , a section of the American Anthropological Association. It is published with support and assistance from the Center for Visual Anthropology of the Department of Anthropology at The University of Southern California.
CONTRIBUTIONS ... Revised 4/2/97

15. !!!NEW LOCATION FOR: Web Archive In Visual Anthropology!!!
Web Archive in visual anthropology. . WAVA is an archive resource for people interested in the anthropology of visual communication. It features outof-print and unpublished materials useful for teaching and research.
The WAVA website has been moved to
You should be automatically redirected in 5 seconds (if not, click the link above).
Please update your bookmarks as this redirect will cease to exist beginning 1/1/2004.
- Jay

16. ISCA Home Page
Offers graduate degree programs in social anthropology, material anthropology and museum ethnography, visual anthropology and medical anthropology. Features seminars and events, student research and department vacancies. Located in Oxford.

University of Oxford
Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology (ISCA)
Head of Department - David Parkin
51 Banbury Road
Oxford, OX2 6PE,UK
Tel: +44 (0)1865 274670
Fax: +44 (0)1865 274630
General information

Please note that the address for this website has now changed to
About ISCA
Seminars and Events Student Research ... Vacancies

17. Society For Visual Antropology
The Society for visual anthropology (SVA), a section of the American Anthropological Association, promotes the study of visual representation and media.

18. Media Anthropology
Updated version of an article from the Spring 1991 issue of Commission on visual anthropology Review.
This article originally appeared in Commission on Visual Anthropology Review, Spring, 1991. DR. RON BURNETT ARCHIVES 1994-99 Thus what is important about experiments in community radio is the way in which they allow disenfranchised members of the community to enter into the technology of sound, to engage with the technology not so much to produce a representation which communicates but to participate in the creative process. Yet as Christopher Pinney has argued in a recent issue of the "Studies in Visual Anthropology" the residual effects of naturalism, which has been a guiding element in the development of ethnographic films and videos, remains in place in even the most progressive of texts, those premised on self-reflexivity and on a critique of ethnographic truth. This is because ethnography still sees fieldwork as the underpinning for the discipline, as the basis upon which images as such, can be produced. ãGiven this historical legacy of a particular method of data production the whole project of anthropology remains dependent on the acknowledgement that the whole thing is the product of the individual being there, being Îexposed to the lightâ. Within this inescapable parameter, reflexivity, the Îcrack in the mirrorâ always becomes further proofs, further guarantees of the truth of the representation.ä3 But the Slapins-Podnieks imagery is striking because it comes from, springs out of, a deep sense of disenfranchisement. The voice which speaks in their films is experimental, documentary, fictional, ethnographic. Their's is a postmodern assemblage in the tradition of Trin Minh-ha, a self-reflexivity which does not have to declare itself. Its modus-operandi from the start is to make the medium speak because it has been silenced for so long. Their films echo with the excitement of discovery as if the medium of film has been dormant for decades, as if the forms we have grown accustomed to can be remade, reworked. Their fearless use of montage echoes Eisenstein and Dziga-Vertov, a combination which neither could have forseen and which neither would have desired.

19. Society For Visual Anthropology
THE SOCIETY FOR visual anthropology. The Society television. The Society for visual anthropology offers a core focus for all of anthropology. We
Vote for the SVA Board. Details on candidates here Looking for a job in the field? New video in From-the-Field First Winners of the Collier Prize for Still Photography THE SOCIETY FOR VISUAL ANTHROPOLOGY
The Society for Visual Anthropology ( SVA), a section of the American Anthropological Association, promotes the study of visual representation and media . Both research methods and teaching strategies fall within the scope of the society. SVA members are involved in all aspects of production, dissemination, and analysis of visual forms. Works in film, video, photography, and computer-based multimedia explore signification, perception, and communication-in-context, as well as a multitude of other anthropological and ethnographic themes.
Founded in 1984, the Society for Visual Anthropology promotes the use of images for the description, analysis, communication and interpretation of human [and sometimes nonhuman) behavior. Members have interests in all visual aspects of culture, including art, architecture and material artifacts, as well as kinesics, proxemics and related forms of body motion communication (e.g. gesture, emotion, dance, sign language).
The Society encourages the use of media, including

20. Society For Folk Arts Preservation, Inc.|Welcome
Nonprofit archive documenting living art traditions and visual anthropology on film and video.
Society for Folk Arts Preservation, Inc.
ABOUT THE SOCIETY The Society for Folk Arts Preservation, Inc. (SFAP) was founded in 1977 as a not-for-profit, 501C3 tax exempt, educational and cultural organization to act as a repository or archive for visual craft techniques in danger of disappearing throughout the world. By means of the production of films, video and audio tapes, SFAP seeks to preserve, document, and disseminate these techniques for the use of artists, anthropologists, social scientists, and the interested public. The Society was formed by an international group of artists, visual anthropologists, art historians, and folklorists concerned with the continuity of quality in the visual arts. The term folk arts as we see it, covers a broad area of still-living traditions which must be recorded, for, in a sense, only time will tell what will endure. Our main areas of interest are the intuitive art, in visual form, of the traditional craftsworker and the craft traditions handed down from generation to generation. Statement Projects Sample Photos Our Founders ... Elaine Dantzler : Webmaster

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