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161. The Medicine Shoppe Providing custom made prescriptions to the veterinary community. Specializes in medicines for companion animals (cats dogs) and exotics (reptiles). http://www.med-shoppe.com/ | |
162. Veterinary Nuclear Imaging A southern California based veterinary facility providing diagnostic nuclear medicine and magnetic resonance imaging for animals as well as radioiodine therapy for feline hyperthyroidism. http://www.vetnucimaging.com | |
163. Farmamondo - International Drugs And Foreign Medicines, International Pharmaceut International and mail order pharmacy. Pharmaceutical information to Health professionals on foreign medicines and european drug. Human and veterinary medicinals. http://www.farmamondo.com/defaulte.htm |
164. Consultant Online computerassisted veterinary diagnosis tool. Enter signs or diagnosis in search box and get http://www.vet.cornell.edu/consultant/consult.asp | |
165. Welcome To The University Of Missouri's College Of Veterinary Medicine Includes research, student information, departments, admissions, extension, and teaching hospital. http://www.cvm.missouri.edu/ |
166. Univerzita Veterinárskeho Lekárstva - University Of Veterinary Medicine Váení návtevníci, vítame Vás na naich stránkach, eláme Vámrýchle zorientovanie sa a nájdenie poadovaných informácií. http://www.uvm.sk/ | |
167. MUHealth, University Of Missouri Health Care Student Health; Health Connection. School of medicine; School of Nursing;School of Health Professions; Health Sciences Library; Research http://www.muhealth.org/ | |
168. ATLANTIC VETERINARY COLLEGE, UNIVERSITY OF PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND Welcome to the homepage of the Atlantic veterinary College (AVC) atthe University of Prince Edward Island. Since 1986, the faculty http://www.upei.ca/~avc/ | |
169. Norges Veterinærhøgskole NVH utdanner veterinærer og dyrepleiere. HVH gjør forskningsarbeid inne områdene dyrehelse, fiskehelse http://www.veths.no/ |
170. OregonStateCVM Features admissions, teaching hospital, programs, and research. http://www.vet.orst.edu/ | |
171. Fachbereich Veterinärmedizin Der Freien Universität Berlin Translate this page Startseite (FB). Der Weg zu uns. Mitarbeiter. Termine. Publikationen. Studiumu. Lehre. Dekanat, FB-Rat. Einrichtungen. FB-Bibliothek. Kommissionen u. Beauftragte. http://www.vetmed.fu-berlin.de/ | |
172. Université De Montréal - Faculté De Médecine Vétérinaire Translate this page Faculté de médecine vétérinaire. http://www.medvet.umontreal.ca/ | |
173. Veterinarians Other employers of veterinarians are State and local governments, colleges of veterinarymedicine, medical schools, research laboratories, animal food companies http://www.bls.gov/oco/ocos076.htm | |
174. "Ion Ionescu De La Brad" University Of Agricultural Sciences And Veterinary Medi brief structure staff research international admission social sport campus. Links+admitere2004; News/Noutati. RoEduNet connected Email admin@univagro-iasi.ro. http://www.univagro-iasi.ro/ | |
175. Veterinarski Fakultet, Sveuciliste U Zagrebu Croatia. Features admissions, history, location, departments, and research. http://mavef.vef.hr/ |
176. SNOMED International, A Division Of The College Of American Pathologists (CAP) HHS Secretary announces access to SNOMED through National Library ofMedicine. SNOMED Working Group Conference June 8, 2004 in London. http://www.snomed.org/ | |
177. VIAVET Algemene informatie, onderwijs en onderzoek, patiëntenzorg en bibliotheek. http://www.vet.uu.nl/ | |
178. Helsingin Yliopisto Tervetuloa! Tiedekunnassa tapahtuu. 18.5.2004 Uusi bakteeri sai nimenHermannin kaupunginosan mukaan Tiedekunnan tutkijat ovat nimenneet http://www.vetmed.helsinki.fi/ | |
179. WWW.DGK.RUU.NL This SERVERname (www.dgk.ruu.nl) is not in use anymore. Pleasego to the corresponding page on http//www.vet.uu.nl. http://www.dgk.ruu.nl/ | |
180. Estonian Agricultural University Estonian Agricultural University Eesti Põllumajandusülikool This page willnot be updated. See home page of the Estonian Agricultural University. http://www.balticstudies-aabs.lanet.lv/directory/esthei/eau.html | |
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