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1. International UFO Museum & Research Center At Roswell Upcoming Events. July 01 (0900 AM) Plans for the 2004 ufo Festival activities are underway. As they are confirmed they will be added to this schedule. The tentative dates are July 1-4. Open 7 days http://www.iufomrc.com/ | |
2. UFO Folklore! UFOs UFO News UFO Sightings UFOs UFO Pictures UFO Videos UFO Repor ufo Folklore! ufos ufo News ufo Sightings ufos ufo Picture ufo Videosufo Reports Flying Saucers ufos aliens alien abductions ufo http://www.qtm.net/~geibdan/framemst.html | |
3. Aliens On Earth - Mothership A public link page providing a variety of resources on this topic. The ufo and paranormal database, also known as ufomind.com, once attempted to keep track of all manner The ufo Updates Mailing List Archive, which started on this server, is http://www.ufomind.com/ | |
4. Center For UFO Studies The Center for ufo Studies (CufoS) is an international group of scientists, academics,investigators, and volunteers dedicated to the continuing examination http://www.cufos.org/ | |
5. UFO Series Home Page Welcome to the ufo Series Home Page, devoted to the 1970 British science fiction television series ufo, created by Gerry Sylvia Anderson and http://www.ufoseries.com/ | |
6. UFOSeek - The Paranormal And UFO Search Engine 16) Y2K Problem (12). Total Links 4618 Add URL Discuss ufo and paranormaltopics in the NEW ufoSeek Forum! Modify a Site What s http://www.ufoseek.com/ | |
7. • Welcome To UFO Magazine • A special offer to readers from. ufo Magazine, UK Links emailufo Magazine. PO Box 11013 http://www.ufomag.com/ | |
8. Revista UFO Site da revista ufo, com mat©rias, fotos, ilustra§µes ufol³gicas e f³rum. Permite acesso ao conteºdo das edi§µes mais recentes da revista e compra de produtos relacionados. http://www.ufo.com.br/ |
9. UFOINFO: The Home Of UFO Roundup ufoINFO has regular news from ufo Roundup, Filer's Files, AufoRN, Oz Files, ufo News UK and ufo + PSI Magazine. The bulletins are archived on the site for research purposes. There is also impartial coverage of a wide range of ufo topics and information for researchers, enthusiasts and those home of the ufo ROUNDUP, AufoRN and ufo + PSI Magazine news bulletins http://www.ufoinfo.com/ | |
10. UFO ONLINE - UFO E Ufologia Non Dischi Volanti, Extraterrestri O Alieni Translate this page Il più grande e visitato sito italiano dedicato a ufo e ufologia. Enormedi casi, fotografie, documenti, illustrazioni. Un approccio http://www.ufo.it/ufo1bis.htm | |
11. Riksorganisationen UFO-Sverige Sveriges enda vetenskapsinriktade ufoorganisation. Vi utger tidskriftenufo-Aktuellt. ufo-Aktuellt. Vad saknas på www.ufo.se? Artiklar http://www.ufo.se/ | |
12. UFO ABDUCTION INSURANCE Offers the perfect policy for anyone who thinks they have everything covered. http://www.ufo2001.com/ | |
13. National UFO Reporting Center Welcome to the NATIONAL ufo REPORTING CENTER World Wide Web Site. Theweb s most comprehensive and up to date ufo information source http://www.nwlink.com/~ufocntr/ | |
14. Mystical Blaze Dealing with the exploration of paranormal topics, including ghosts, psychics, afterlife, and ufo's. http://www.mysticalblaze.com | |
15. Religious Movements Homepage: UFO Cults General discussion of religious movements related to ufos, with short profiles of several groups. From the New Religious Movements Homepage. http://religiousmovements.lib.virginia.edu/nrms/ufos.html | |
16. UFO And Michael Schenker A fan page with band news, tour dates, album information, photos, and interviews. http://www.csv.warwick.ac.uk/~masai/ufo/index.html | |
17. National UFO Reporting Center The web's most comprehensive and up to date ufo information source. Provided by America's foremostufo Reporting Agency. In continuous operation since 1974 http://www.ufocenter.com/ | |
18. BURN - Brazilian UFO Research Network Site da Rede Brasileira de Pesquisas ufol³gicas. Hospeda um f³rum ufol³gico, possui artigos e notcias atualizadas, pesquisas, revisµes de produtos ufol³gicos e eventos. Oferece tamb©m boletim ufol³gico gratuito para usu¡rios cadastrados. http://www.burn.org.br/ | |
19. Centro Di Ricerche Esobiologiche Galileo Parma Associazione affiliata al Centro ufologico Nazionale. Presenta le ricerche su ufo, alieni, paleoastronautica, cerchi nel grano. Eventi, articoli e risorse in linea. http://utenti.lycos.it/galileo/ |
20. UFO And Michael Schenker Welcome! Latest News. Main Contents. Daves Daily. Chat Room $ IGN OF 4. ufo Tour 2000. Rock and Blues. Search. Whats New? Links. The Archives. Contact Me! ufo Newsgroup. My Home Page! Home http://www.warwick.ac.uk/~masai/ufo | |
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