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141. Primate Taxonomy Primate taxonomy. The taxonomy of primates is an issue that is not resolved and has undergone many revisions over the years. Here http://members.tripod.com/cacajao/taxonomy.html | |
142. Biognomen A Linnaean taxonomy arranged to show the evolutionary relationships among groups. One can navigate through the hierarchy vertically, or follow a lineage horizontally at a particular level of the hierarchy. http://members.aol.com/bafiler/ | |
143. Laboratory Of Plant Taxonomy Laboratory of Plant taxonomy Department of Biology, Faculty of Science Kochi University Welcome to our Laboratory! What s New! Checklist of Japanese lichens. http://www.is.kochi-u.ac.jp/Bio/bio.html | |
144. INCOSE Tools Database Working Group Lists of software tools of interest to Systems engineers. Listed by name, vendor and taxonomy. http://www.incose.org/tools/index.html | |
145. Solo Taxonomy The SOLO taxonomy stands for Structure of Observed Learning Outcomes. It was developed by Biggs and Collis (1982), and is well described in Biggs (1999). http://www.dmu.ac.uk/~jamesa/learning/solo.htm | |
146. Archaea taxonomy, description, and extensive references, with particular emphasis on the Crenarchaeota (classified here as a Kingdom.) http://tolweb.org/tree?group=Archaea&contgroup=Life |
147. The Taxonomy Of Barney The taxonomy of Barney. Evidence of Convergence in Hominid Evolution. by Edward C. Theriot, Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia http://www.improb.com/airchives/paperair/volume1/v1i1/barney.htm | |
148. RSS 1.0 Modules: Taxonomy RSS 1.0 Modules taxonomy. The taxonomy module is a RSS 1.0 module and a RDF application enabling the identification of topics covered by a RSS channel or item. http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/taxonomy/ | |
149. The Fish Wars A humorous history of the evolution of the many fish you see on the backs of cars. Jesus fish, Darwin fish, and Gefilte fish. Includes a complete taxonomy of all known fish. http://www.meangene.com/darwin/ |
150. The ABC's Of Animal Taxonomy An introduction to the scientific classification of animals, with a discussion of conventional Linnaean and cladistic taxonomy. The ABC s of Animal taxonomy. http://home.pcisys.net/~dlblanc/taxonomy.html | |
151. Names In Current Use - Genera> International Association for Plant taxonomy searchable database. http://www.bgbm.fu-berlin.de/iapt/ncu/genera/NCUGQuery.htm | |
152. >A Taxonomy For Key Escrow Encryption Systems A taxonomy for Key Escrow Encryption Systems. This paper presents a taxonomy for key escrow encryption systems. The taxonomy is intended http://www.cosc.georgetown.edu/~denning/crypto/Taxonomy.html | |
153. Systema Naturae 2000 An upto-date historical cross-referenced classification of life based on original authorative scientific literature. http://sn2000.taxonomy.nl/ | |
154. Current Activities / Department Of Entomology / ARO s of the research undertaken in insect management, taxonomy, ecology, toxicology and control....... http://www.agri.gov.il/Depts/Entomology/Entactiv.html | |
155. Blooms Taxonomy Comprehension Bloom s taxonomy. Reading Services Center. PURPOSE. Each level of Bloom s original taxonomy has been restated for clarity and simplification. http://www.ops.org/reading/blooms_taxonomy.html | |
156. Index Nominum Genericorum A collaborative project of the International Association for Plant taxonomy and the Smithsonian Institution, providing a compilation of generic names published for all organisms covered by the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature. http://rathbun.si.edu/botany/ing/ |
157. SN Taxonomy Supernova taxonomy. Michael Richmond May 12, 1996. Well, the splitters have been beating the lumpers in the SN classification http://www.chapman.edu/oca/benet/sntypes.htm |
158. 101 Taxonomy - Www.101science.com All rights reserved. taxonomy, science of classifying organisms. Tree of Life. taxonomy Excellent material here! Software (32). taxonomy map@ (9,111). http://www.101science.com/Taxonomy.htm | |
159. Conchologists Of America -- CONCH-L Introduction Page A forum for informal discussions of molluscan biology, taxonomy, natural history, evolution, conservation, and collectionrelated subjects. http://erato.acnatsci.org:80/conchnet/conch-l.html | |
160. Taxonomy Verb List taxonomy Verb List. Knowledge Recall the basic facts. The simple level of thinking, tell, list, show, find, label, say, recite, check http://www.iloveteaching.com/steacher/verbs/taxonomy.htm | |
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