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121. Survey Of The Plant Kingdoms Explores plant anatomy, taxonomy, and classification, from Monera through the higher plants. Includes descriptions as well as graphics and schematics. http://home.manhattan.edu/~frances.cardillo/plants/intro/ | |
122. Resource Of The American Scientific Affiliation: Taxonomy, Transitional Forms, A taxonomy, Transitional Forms, and the Fossil Record. Keith B. Miller Department taxonomy and Transitional Forms. taxonomy, the process of http://www.asa3.org/ASA/resources/Miller.html | |
123. Marine Tardigrada An excellent site with good literature and taxonomy listings. A beautiful picture of Parastygarctus higginsi RenaudDebyser, 1965. http://member.nifty.ne.jp/angursa/tardigrada/ | |
124. Critical And Creative Thinking - Bloom's Taxonomy Critical and Creative Thinking Bloom s taxonomy. What thinking? What s Bloom s taxonomy and how is it helpful in project planning? http://eduscapes.com/tap/topic69.htm | |
125. Science At The Natural History Museum. A world leader for research on taxonomy and biodiversity. http://www.naturalhistorymuseum.org.uk/science/ | |
126. Primate Taxonomy Primate taxonomy. Dr. Bill Sellers. Introduction. In the last lecture I introduced the general ideas of evolution and taxonomy. http://www.leeds.ac.uk/chb/lectures/anthl_08.html | |
127. Verity, Inc. : Intellectual Capital Management Develops categorization and taxonomy software for enterprise and online content. http://www.quiver.com | |
128. Www.wpc-edi.com/taxonomy/ http://www.wpc-edi.com/taxonomy/ |
129. Helminthological Abstracts Covering taxonomy, biology, pathology, immunology, diagnosis, epidemiology, treatment and control of all helminths (Monogenea, Aspidogastrea, Digenea, Cestoda, Acanthocephala, Nematoda) http://www.cabi-publishing.org/focus/helminthology/index.asp | |
130. Why You Need Your Very Own Taxonomy. - The OTHER Media Why you need your very own taxonomy. By Tom Smith Mon, 15 Oct 2001. A taxonomy is simply a classification or an organization of related keywords or concepts. http://www.othermedia.com/go/Article_28.html | |
131. About Logistics / Supply Chain : Logistics And Supply Chain Information Source Provides an extensive taxonomy of links, supply chain articles and other resources for logistics and supply chain professionals. http://logistics.about.com | |
132. EContentMag.com Research Center taxonomy Nstein Technologies Acquires KMtechnologies. News/News Item Posted 23 Apr 2004. ProQuest Licenses taxonomy to Convera. http://www.econtentmag.com/Articles/ArticleIndex.aspx?CategoryID=21 |
133. Tardigrades.de - Tardigrada - Bärtierchen - Waterbears Introduction, taxonomy, and links for the phylum Tardigrada (waterbears, B¤rtierchen). In German and English. http://www.tardigrades.de/ | |
134. Primate Taxonomy AskPrimate Index. PIN Home Resources In Primatology About the Primates taxonomy Primate taxonomy. Are Flying Foxes Really Primates? http://www.primate.wisc.edu/pin/taxon.html | |
135. Taxonomy Of Socratic Questions taxonomy of Socratic Questioning. The taxonomy of Socratic questions, created by Richard Paul, is not a hierarchy in the traditional sense. http://www-ed.fnal.gov/trc/tutorial/taxonomy.html | |
136. International Microbiology The official Journal of the Spanish Society for Microbiology. The fields covered include microorganisms, microbial biology (physiology, ecology, morphology, taxonomy, genetics, pathogenesis) and microbial applications (environmental, soil, industrial, food, medical microbiology, biodeterioration, bioremediation, biotechnology). http://www.im.microbios.org | |
137. Dictionary.com/taxonomy Get the Top 10 Most Popular Sites for taxonomy . 5 entries found for taxonomy. See nomy). tax·on o·mist n. taxonomy of Life. http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=taxonomy |
138. Managing Information - Your Eye On The Information World News and articles covering both public and private sectors. Topics include copyright, patents, trademarks, knowledge management, data protection, freedom of information, intellectual property, taxonomy and customer care. http://www.managinginformation.com/ | |
139. Taxonomy Of The Fisc gtax Ligularia Membership Information. FRUIT CROP taxonomy coming soon to this spot. INDOOR/TROPICAL PLANTS Cultivar descriptions and links. http://c.moreover.com/click/here.pl?x147242088 |
140. Taxonomy Browser (Archaea) Shows the relationships among the reconginzed groups, and samples yet to be named or classified. http://www3.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Taxonomy/Browser/wwwtax.cgi?name=Archaea |
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