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101. Wiley-VCH - Journal Of Basic Microbiology The journal publishes results of fundamental research on procariotic and eucariotic microorganisms. Particular consideration is given to papers dealing with general aspects of microbial physiology, biochemistry, cytology, genetics, ecology, taxonomy, virology and biotechnology. http://www.wiley-vch.de/publish/en/journals/alphabeticIndex/2248 | |
102. Applying Bloom's Taxonomy Dalton, J. Smith, D. (1986) Extending Childrens Special Abilities Strategies for primary classrooms pp367. http://www.teachers.ash.org.au/researchskills/dalton.htm | |
103. Growing Squash And Pumpkins In The Home Garden, HYG-1620-93 Gives information on history and taxonomy, climate, harvesting, storage, and varieties. http://www.ohioline.osu.edu/hyg-fact/1000/1620.html | |
104. Flowering Plant Family Recognition Biology 211 taxonomy of Flowering Plants. A TOUR OF REQUIRED FLOWERING PLANT FAMILIES (Cronquist System). RETURN TO PHYLOGENETIC SYSTEM. http://www.colby.edu/info.tech/BI211/Families.html | |
105. ISO/IEC TR 10000-31998 Information technology Framework and taxonomy of International Standardized Profiles Part 3 Principles and taxonomy for Open System Environment Profiles 2nd edition ZIP File. http://www.iso.ch/iso/en/ittf/PubliclyAvailableStandards/c030727e.zip |
106. Biology 211: Taxonomy Of Flowering Plants An introduction to the principles and practice of flowering plant taxonomy. Emphasis is placed on acquiring the facility to use http://www.colby.edu/info.tech/BI211/Bio211.html | |
107. The Plesiosaur Site - Home Page This site is intended to give serious and detailed information on the Order Plesiosauria, to provide a forum for discussion and for the presentation of ideas no matter how wild and fanciful on the palaeontology, taxonomy, biomechanics, biology and ecological role of members of the order. http://www.plesiosaur.com/ | |
108. This Page Has Moved A compilation of various phylogenetic trees representing different views of taxonomy. Includes links to other taxonomic websites. http://www.fmnh.helsinki.fi/users/haaramo/index.htm | |
109. ASPT Homepage Promotes research and teaching in the taxonomy, systematics, and phylogeny of vascular and nonvascular plants. http://www.sysbot.org/ | |
110. 1414 - Bloom's Taxonomy's Model Questions And Key Words Bloom s taxonomy s Model Questions and Key Words. Based on Bloom s taxonomy, Developed and Expanded by John Maynard. I. KNOWLEDGE http://www.utexas.edu/student/utlc/handouts/1414.html | |
111. ADW: Actinopterygii: Classification taxonomy of the class known as bony fish, osteichthyes, rayfinned fish, or spiny-rayed fish, with profiles of representative species of each order and family. http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/chordata/actinopterygii.html | |
112. DLRN -- Our Library DLRN s Technology Resource Guide Chapter 4 Bloom s taxonomy In 1956, Benjamin Bloom headed a group of educational psychologists http://www.dlrn.org/library/dl/guide4.html | |
113. Feature-Practical Taxonomies Examines the use and implementation of taxonomies to organize organizational knowledge and data. http://www.phys.uni.torun.pl/~duch/ref/s-search/taxonomy/featureb1.htm | |
114. Bloom And His Taxonomy This became a taxonomy that included the three domains; cognitive, psychomotor, and affective. This article discusses the cognitive domain. http://www.bena.com/ewinters/Bloom.html | |
115. IJSEM -- Home provides articles on systematics of bacteria, yeasts and yeastlike organisms, including taxonomy, nomenclature, identification, phylogeny, evolution, biodiversity, characterization and culture preservation. http://ijs.sgmjournals.org/ | |
116. Gordon's Introduction To The Classification Of Insects Key to the Orders of Insects. Welcome to the Wonders of Insect taxonomy and Classification. taxonomy and Classification on the Web. http://www.earthlife.net/insects/classtax.html | |
117. Growing Muskmelons In The Home Garden, HYG-1615-93 Information on history and taxonomy, climate, fertilizers and lime, culture, varieties, insects and diseases, pollination, and harvest. http://www.ohioline.osu.edu/hyg-fact/1000/1615.html | |
118. The Taxonomy Of Birds Welcome to the Wonders of taxonomy and Classification. Why Do We Have taxonomy. Firstly have you ever thought about why we name things at all? http://www.earthlife.net/birds/taxonomy.html | |
119. The Plesiosaur Directory - Introduction Introduction to the group including taxonomy, reconstructions, and original artwork. http://www.geocities.com/sea_saur/ | |
120. Taxonomy Classification / taxonomy of Cetaceans. Whales, dolphins and porpoises belong to the order Cetacea. The following taxonomy provides http://www.crru.org.uk/education/factfiles/taxonomy.htm | |
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