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101. Quantum Statistical Mechanics A set of lectures on FermiDirac, Bose-Einstein, and Photon distributions in quantum mechanics. http://www.phys.unm.edu/~duric/phy536/l4/node3.html | |
102. Quantum Mechanics Problems quantum mechanics Problems. This page contains the links to a number of extra solved problems for the graduate quantum mechanics course at Auburn University. http://www.physics.auburn.edu/~francisr/quanprob/quanprob.html | |
103. Many-Worlds Quantum Theory in 1957, Hugh Everett III proposed a radical new way of dealing with some of the more perplexing aspects of quantum mechanics. http://www.innerx.net/personal/tsmith/ManyWorlds.html | |
104. Quantum Mechanics Lecture Notes Scattering Lengths( pdf, ps, gif); Coulomb Waves( pdf, ps, gif); Quantum Fields and Second Quantization( pdf, ps, gif); Decays( pdf, ps, gif http://www.nscl.msu.edu/~pratt/phy851/lectures/lectures.html | |
105. Atomic Theories From Aristotle Thru Quantum Theory A site for students with chemists and their atomic theories throughout history. Includes Aristotle, Democritus, Dalton, Bohr, Thomson, Rutherford and the modern quantum theory. http://www.angelfire.com/sc2/atomtheory | |
106. Quantum Mechanics quantum mechanics Physics 851/852 Fall 2000 / Spring 2001. Click for syllabus (pdf,gif). Instructor Scott Pratt 3336438 pratt@nscl.msu.edu. http://www.nscl.msu.edu/~pratt/phy851/ | |
107. Quantum Chaos An essay on the effects Chaos theory would have on traditional quantum mechanics. http://www.scitec.auckland.ac.nz/~king/Preprints/book/quantcos/qchao/quantc.htm | |
108. New Scientist | Guide To The Quantum World Paul Davies offers you a guided tour of the quantum ether 3 Nov 01. Can a Grand Unified Theory come out of quantum mechanics alone? http://www.newscientist.com/hottopics/quantum/ | |
109. THE COPENHAGEN INTERPRETATION OF QUANTUM MECHANICS The Copenhagen Interpretation of quantum mechanics. by Ben Best. The more classical view was his statistical interpretation of quantum mechanics. http://www.benbest.com/science/quantum.html | |
110. Quantum Mechanics And Atomic Orbitals Electronic Structure of Atoms. quantum mechanics and Atomic Orbitals. quantum mechanics and Atomic Orbitals. 1926 Erwin Schrödinger. http://wine1.sb.fsu.edu/chm1045/notes/Struct/QMech/Struct05.htm | |
111. Homepage Collaboration Bohmian Mechanics Recent work on Bohmian mechanics, the formulation of quantum mechanics proposed in 1952 by David Bohm. http://www.mathematik.uni-muenchen.de/~bohmmech/BohmHome/bmstartE.htm |
112. Kathryn Cramer: Quantum Mechanics: Not Just A Matter Of Interpretation quantum mechanics Not Just a Matter of Interpretation. Adrian others here is link to my dad s Analog columns on quantum mechanics, 1984 2002. http://www.kathryncramer.com/wblog/archives/000530.html | |
113. JPL Molecular Spectroscopy Database which has an extensive library including programs for fitting spectra and spectral line files for a large number of molecules. Use requires knowledge of spectroscopy and quantum mechanics. http://spec.jpl.nasa.gov/ | |
114. Creation And Quantum Mechanics CREATION AND quantum mechanics IMPACT No. 305 November 1998 by Don B. DeYoung, Ph. Background. December 14, 1900, is called the birthday of quantum mechanics. http://www.icr.org/pubs/imp/imp-305.htm | |
115. Avshalom C Elitzur Senior Lecturer, BarIlan University. Includes an autobiography, a curriculum vitae, and a list of publications in quantum mechanics, relativity, thermodynamics, evolutionary theory, philosophy of mind and psychoanalysis. http://faculty.biu.ac.il/~elitzua/ | |
116. FUSION Anomaly. Quantum Mechanics quantum mechanics This nOde last updated April 22nd, 2003 and is permanently morphing (9 Muluk (Water) / 17 Pohp 9/260 - quantum mechanics. http://fusionanomaly.net/quantummechanics.html | |
117. Darrin York's Home Page Studies of nucleic acid chemistry using linear scaling quantum chemistry and hybrid quantum mechanics + molecular mechanics approaches. http://riesling.chem.umn.edu/~york/ | |
118. Quantum Mechanics quantum mechanics. These were the laws of quantum mechanics, and they got their name from the work of Max Planck. An Act of Desperation . http://www.pbs.org/transistor/science/info/quantum.html | |
119. ASU Libraries -- Quantum Mechanics Listed below are a series of web sites dealing with quantum mechanics. An Introduction to quantum mechanics Basics of quantum mechanics http://www.asu.edu/lib/noble/physics/quantum.htm | |
120. Nano, Quantum & Statistical Mechanics & Thermodynamics Educational Sites Quantum Dots 1. Introduction to / TU Delft; 2. Biological / PysicsWeb; quantum mechanics/Quantum Chemistry i.Werner Heisenberg/AIP; i.U Conn; iii http://www.uic.edu/~mansoori/Thermodynamics.Educational.Sites_html | |
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