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141. Human Origins And Evolution Homebase Links for primates, human evolution and paleoecology, course notes on Human Origins, and Jeanne Sept's personal web pages at Indiana University. http://www.indiana.edu/~origins/ | |
143. ADW: Cebidae: Information Characteristics and detailed species accounts of the New World monkeys. http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/chordata/mammalia/primates/cebidae.html | |
144. Nick Lyon Travel Photography 2003 Collection of travel and nature photographs from India, Nepal, Thailand, Mexico, the USA, and the UK, as well as wildlife images from Sumatra, Indonesia, with a special focus on primates. http://www.nicklyon.btinternet.co.uk/ | |
145. Advice From Primates Programming 4, Advanced tips. 5, Good nutrition. Advice from primates Programmingby WT Monkey 15 Dec 1998. WT Monkey likes tools and he s nobody s fool. http://hotwired.lycos.com/webmonkey/98/50/index1a.html?tw=programming |
146. Okapi Wildlife Reserve UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Okapi Wildlife Reserve occupies about one fifth of the Ituri Forest in the northeast of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The Zaire River basin, of which the reserve and forest are a part, is one of the largest drainage systems in Africa and has yielded a large number of major evolutionary discoveries. The wildlife reserve contains threatened species of primates and birds and about 5,000 of the estimated 30,000 okapi surviving in the wild. http://www.unesco.org/whc/sites/718.htm | |
147. BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Third Of Primates 'risk Extinction' Monday, 7 October, 2002, 1701 GMT 1801 UK Third of primates risk extinction .Whiteheaded langur A Vietnamese primate under pressure (Zoological Society of http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/2306517.stm | |
148. Monkeyworld Ape Rescue Centre Based in Wareham, Dorset, UK, rescues and rehabilitates primates world wide. http://www.monkeyworld.org |
149. Association Pour La Protection Des Singes Magots (macaca Sylvanus) Protection des singes magots. Pr©sentation des activit©s de l'association, informations et vid©os sur les primates, actualit©, sondages, p©titions, petites annonces. http://www.sos-magots.com | |
150. CNN - Primates In Peril, Except For One Species - August 28, 1997 an error occurred while processing this directive. primates in peril, exceptfor one species. Only one species of primates is increasing in numbers humans. http://www.cnn.com/EARTH/9708/28/endangered.apes.ap/ | |
151. Chapter 21 Primates About primates; Links for Primate Information; The Primate Gallery. Earliestprimates? Origin of primates deep in the Cretaceous? True primates. http://www.geology.ucdavis.edu/~cowen/HistoryofLife/CH21.html | |
152. Ketamine ( Ketalar ) Report into the behavioural effects of ketamine, an NMDA glutamatergic antagonist, in nonhuman primates. http://www.biopsychiatry.com/ketamine.htm | |
153. Animal Bytes - Primates Animal Bytes. primates. Common Name primates. Class Mammalia. Population StatusSome species are endangered, but all primates are listed as CITES Appendix II. http://www.seaworld.org/AnimalBytes/primates.htm | |
154. Scientist Challenges Interpretation Of New Find, The Oldest Primate Fossil Ever From EurekaAlert, a skull and jawbones recently found in China is the oldest wellpreserved primate fossil ever discovered and the best evidence of the presence of early primates in Asia. http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2003-12/fm-sci122903.php | |
155. Translating The Anglican Primates - Christianity Today Magazine Christianity Today Magazine Faith Thought Church Life Christianity Today,Week of October 20 Translating the Anglican primates Interpretations vary http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2003/142/22.0.html | |
156. Inicio Entidad cuyo fin es fomentar la investigaci³n cientfica de los primates, impulsar la divulgaci³n de los conocimientos de todas las ¡reas de la primatologa y promover la conservaci³n. http://www.uam.es/otros/ape/ | |
157. Monkeyworld Ape Rescue Centre Rescue and rehabilitation of primates world wide. Wareham UK. http://www.ape-rescue.co.uk/ |
158. Monkeyworld Ape Rescue Centre Rescue and rehabilitation of primates world wide, mainly chimpanzees, but also orangutans. Includes kids page. http://www.monkeyworld.co.uk/ |
159. Index Photographs of predators, birds, primates, and herbivores, primarily from Africa. http://wildphotos.tripod.com/ | |
160. Programme Kalaweit Pour La Sauvegarde Des Gibbons De Bornéo Association fran§aise qui collecte des fonds et soutient ou r©alise des projets de sauvegarde des gibbons de Born©o. Objectifs et moyens, derni¨res nouvelles de ses actions, informations sur les enjeux de la protection des primates dans le pays. http://perso.wanadoo.fr/thierry.destenay/Appli Kalaweit/ | |
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