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101. Primates Take Jungle Drug During Pregnancy CNN http://cnn.com/2003/TECH/science/01/23/offbeat.animal.drug.reut/index.html |
102. Pettigrew, Dr. John D., 1986. Are Flying Foxes Really Primates? . BATS. Vol 3, N TITLE Are Flying Foxes Really primates? AUTHOR- Pettigrew Are FlyingFoxes Really primates? by Dr. John D. Pettigrew. primates share http://www.batcon.org/batsmag/v3n2-1.html | |
103. PIN -- Resources In Primatology About the primates, animal welfare legislation and policies, careers, conservation, educational resources, news and publications, research, veterinary resources and index. From the Primate Info Net. http://www.primate.wisc.edu/pin/infores.html | |
104. Prehistoric Cultures, University Of Minnesota Duluth primates Contemporary. top of page back. General Information. GeneralInformation Contemporary primates. Contemporary primates Chart. http://www.d.umn.edu/cla/faculty/troufs/anth1602/pcprim.html | |
105. Environmental Enrichment For Nonhuman Primates Resource Guide Environmental Enrichment for Nonhuman primates Resource Guide. By Michael D.Kreger. Environmental Enrichment for Nonhuman primates Resource Guide. http://www.nal.usda.gov/awic/pubs/primates/primate.htm | |
106. What Primates Think - National Zoo| FONZ What primates Think by Jill Locantore and Brendan Horton. primates boast brains2.3 times larger on average than nonprimates of the same body weight. http://natzoo.si.edu/Publications/ZooGoer/2002/4/primatethink.cfm | |
107. The Virungas Information about Diane Fossey, gorillas, and other primates as well as links and snailmail addresses for gorilla and primate activist organizations. http://members.tripod.com/~DawnEve/ | |
108. Great Apes And Other Primates - National Zoo| FONZ The National Zoo is home to 16 species of primates that live in seven different areasof the zoo. Most primates live in warm climates, and most live in trees. http://natzoo.si.edu/Animals/Primates/ | |
109. South Indian Primate Research Academy Information on the primates/monkeys (and the rainforests) of southern India like the liontailed and bonnet macaques, hanuman and nilgiri langurs and slender loris. http://www.fortunecity.com/marina/shoreside/793/ | |
110. Pet Monkey For Sale - Primates For Sale Pet Monkey For Sale primates For Sale. SELLING A PRIMATE? Once a month, we willsend you a list with all available primates. (You can unsubscribe at any time) http://www.primatestore.com/forsale.htm | |
111. Willkommen Im Berliner Museum Fuer Naturkunde Features collections of skeletons and fossils of dinosaurs, including a Brachiosaurus and an Archaeopteryx, primates, ungulates, native birds and mammals, minerals and meteorites. Includes calendar, admission fees, hours and directions. German and English http://www.museum.hu-berlin.de/ |
112. New Page 5 Pictures of monkeys and other primates. http://www.angelfire.com/oh/Monkeys2/ | |
113. Signing Primates Signing primates. I am your Guide, From Jamie Berke, Your Guide to Deafness/ Hard of Hearing. Gorillas and Chimpanzees Use Sign Language Too. http://deafness.about.com/cs/signfeats2/a/signinganimals.htm | |
114. The Infinite Mind: Cheating Summary of and a link to a radio broadcast discussing cheating in schools, in academia, by primates in general, and in relationships. http://www.theinfinitemind.com/mind294.htm | |
115. Animal Printouts: Primates - EnchantedLearning.com Primate Printouts. primates are an order of intelligent mammals. There are about 200species of primates, including monkeys, lemurs, chimps, humans, and others. http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/mammals/primate/index.shtml | |
116. The Primate Foundation Of Panama Initiated with grants from the World Wildlife Fund and the L.S.B. Leaky Foundation in 1986. Offers a mission statement, history, current research and conservation projects, affiliation organizations, photos of the primates and nonprimates and includes contact information. http://www.primatesofpanama.org/ | |
117. Primate Links Organized links on everything to do with primates, plus recent news. http://veederandld.20m.com/primates.html | |
118. Nat'l Academies Press: The Psychological Well-Being Of Nonhuman Primates The Psychological WellBeing of Nonhuman primates. Committee on Well-Beingof Nonhuman primates, Institute for Laboratory Animal http://www.nap.edu/catalog/4909.html | |
119. VetCentric - The Monkey Business, Part I: Barrel O An article by Wes Alwan about how the pet trade in nonhuman primates is flourishing but the primates are not. http://www.vetcentric.com/magazine/magazineArticle.cfm?ARTICLE=The Monkey Busine |
120. Circuses.com, Circuses, Circus, Elephant, Elephants, Ringling Bros, Suarez Bros, Animal Attacks primates The following is a partial listing of incidentsinvolving captive primates since 1990. These incidents http://www.circuses.com/primattacks.html | |
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