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81. Primates : Introduction Translate this page LES primates par DEPUTTE Bertrand L. , docteur és sciences, chargé derecherche au CNRS. primates. 4. Habitat et comportement alimentaire. http://www.arfe-cursus.com/primates-introduction.htm | |
82. Oregon Primate Rescue A nonprofit sanctuary dedicated to the rescue and lifetime care of unwanted pets and research or lab primates, provides education on proper care and nutrition for primates. Photographs, information on behavior and infant care, rescue stories, and species gallery. http://www.oregonprimaterescue.com/ | |
83. Le Langage Des Primates En Question primates - La notion de langage, en question chez les primates ? http://www.arfe-cursus.com/primates.htm | |
84. International Primate Protection League ~ IPPL ~ Working To Protect All Living P The International Primate Protection League works for the wellbeing of primates. IPPL has Field Representatives in 31 countries. Its Advisory Board is composed of experts from the fields of zoology, anthropology, medicine, biology, veterinary medicine, and psychology. http://www.ippl.org/ | |
85. An Introduction To Primates :: Green Nature :: An Introduction to primates. primates are a specific order, or category,of mammals in the animal world. In etc. al, as primates. http://greennature.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=2390 |
86. Le Site O Singes A Déménagé D©di© aux primates, leur biologie ainsi qu' leur protection. Fiches d©taill©es par esp¨ce. http://home.nordnet.fr/~fhoute/ | |
87. Primates: Pictures, News And Information :: Green Nature :: primates Pictures, News and Information. Pictures, clip art and informationon the status of primates around the world. CLIP ART http://greennature.com/article1833.html | |
88. Welcome To The Yerkes National Primate Research Center A leading center for biomedical and behavioral research with nonhuman primates at Emory University. http://www.emory.edu/WHSC/YERKES/ | |
89. SpringerLink - Publication Digital primates IT Consulting GroupDigital primates IT Consulting Group provides consulting and project implementationto organizations that will benefit from adopting advanced information http://link.springer-ny.com/link/service/journals/10329/ | |
90. Carol V. Ward - Department Of Anthropology - University Of Missouri-Columbia Research focuses on fossils from East and South Africa. Also interested in mechanical approaches to the evolution of primates. University of Missouri. http://rcp.missouri.edu/carolward/index.html | |
91. New Study Supports Idea That Primates, Dinosaurs Coexisted Related Sites Stories. E-mail this story. Sponsored in partby. New Study Supports Idea That primates, Dinosaurs Coexisted By http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2002/04/0418_020418_primates.html | |
92. CNN.com - Episcopalians Prepare Appeal To Worldwide Anglican Primates - Oct. 9, CNN http://cnn.com/2003/US/Southwest/10/09/episcopalians.gays.ap/index.html | |
93. Extinction Risk For 1 In 3 Primates, Study Says One in every three of the world s apes, monkeys, lemurs, and other primates isnow endangered with extinction, according to a report released this week by http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2002/10/1008_021008_primates.html | |
94. Allied Effort To Save Other Primates ~AESOP-Project~ Allied Effort to Save Other primates is an international coalition of individualsand organizations dedicated to protecting monkeys and apes. http://www.aesop-project.org/ | |
95. Jungle Friends Primate Sanctuary North Florida nonprofit organization, dedicated to housing abused and neglected primates. News, event schedules, profiles of resident animals, and an online gift shop. http://www.junglefriends.org/ | |
96. Zen For Primates Zen For primates live on stage for the annual Bethlehem Musikfest in 1999. Theymade their appearance again this year year on August 7. ll photos l l. http://www.bummertent.com/zen.htm | |
97. Pacific Primate Sanctuary Sanctuary for endangered and distressed species of New World primates such as the Cottontop Tamarin. Facts about these endangered species, personal stories of rescue, and many ways you can help including volunteering. http://www.pacificprimate.org/ | |
98. Miguel De Icaza Home Page New stuff Linux Developers; Lessons from the PDC; Plugins in Mono; Monoproject; Passport opinions; eMexico (spanish); ** Read this **; Ximian http://primates.ximian.com/~miguel/ | |
99. WPRC AV Archive Searchable database of thousands of slides of primates at the Primate Center at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. http://www.primate.wisc.edu/pin/av.html | |
100. Miguel De Icaza Miguel de Icaza s web log. http://primates.ximian.com/~miguel/archive/2004/Apr-24.html | |
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