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61. BIOSIS | Resource Guide | Mammalia - Primates Mammalia primates. http://www.biosis.org.uk/zrdocs/zoolinfo/mam_prim.htm | |
62. Welcome To The Primate Freedom Project Dedicated to ending the use of nonhuman primates in cruel and harmful experimentation and other forms of exploitation. http://www.primatefreedom.com/ | |
63. Fossil Primates 1 Fossil primates 1. Dr. Bill Sellars. Introduction. The next two lecturesattempt to fit humans into the evolutionary framework of the primates. http://www.leeds.ac.uk/chb/lectures/anthl_09.html | |
64. Simian Society Of America A nonprofit organization founded in 1957 to improve the welfare of primates in captivity. http://www.simiansociety.org/ | |
65. Fossil Primates 2 Fossil primates 2. Dr. Bill Sellers. Introduction. Today s lecturewill follow on from the previous lecture and look at the last 5 http://www.leeds.ac.uk/chb/lectures/anthl_10.html | |
66. Primates.helixcode.com/ http://primates.helixcode.com/ |
67. Primate Society Of Great Britain Promotes research into primate biology, conservation and management and invites membership from people with a serious interest in primates. Site provides thorough coverage of the Society's work. http://www.psgb.org/ |
68. Training Materials - OFFICE OF LABORATORY ANIMAL WELFARE WORKING SAFELY WITH NONHUMAN primates. Working Safely with Nonhumanprimates was produced by the NIH Office of Animal Care and http://grants.nih.gov/grants/olaw/TrainingVideos.htm | |
69. Primate Use Of Language Lauren Kosseff suggests the acquisition of some aspects of language in primates may shed light on the development of language in early humans. http://www.pigeon.psy.tufts.edu/psych26/language.htm |
70. Centro De Rescate Y Rehabilitación De Primates Peñaflor Translate this page Información, fotos y como ayudar al Centro de rehabilitación y rescate de primatesInformation, photos and as to help the Disciplinary center and rescue of http://www.macacos.cl/ |
71. Nat'l Academies Press: The Psychological Well-Being Of Nonhuman Primates Complete online publication from the National Academy Press. http://books.nap.edu/catalog/4909.html | |
72. Mysterious Primates, Mysterious Primates. Mysterious primates, http://www.occultopedia.com/m/mysterious_primates.htm | |
73. University Of Arkansas Anthropology: Faculty - Peter S. Ungar Research focuses on determining relationships between diet and the sizes, shapes and wear of teeth in living primates. University of Arkansas. http://www.uark.edu/depts/anthinfo/ungar.htm | |
74. Welcome To ILab! Focus in visual neuroscience, approached using computational modeling, human psychophysics and functional neuroimaging. In particular, studies on visual attention in primates. http://iLab.usc.edu/ | |
75. PRIMATES primates. Wendy Thompson Dr orangutans and humans. For pictures, and moreinformation on specific primates, click on the links to your left. http://www-ls.lanl.gov/wjt/ | |
76. Welcome To Monkey Jungle A protected habitat for endangered primates, where 400 animals roam free on 30 acres. Visitor information, news, animal photos and descriptions, and special show information. http://www.monkeyjungle.com/ | |
77. K. Christopher Beard Mammal paleontology and evolution, primates, phylogeny, paleobiogeography, and functional anatomy (Carnegie Museum of Natural History). http://www.carnegiemuseums.org/cmnh/vp/beard.html | |
78. CNN.com - Cats, Cows Cloned, But Primates Still Elusive - Nov. 14, 2003 CNN http://cnn.com/2003/HEALTH/11/14/cloning.today.ap/index.html | |
79. Monkeys , Primates, Monkey Pictures , Monkey Primates, Apes, Monkeys , Monkey Pictures , Kinds of monkeys, apes, primates . There are fourkinds of primates prosimians (premonkeys), monkeys, apes and humans. http://www.indianchild.com/monkeys.htm | |
80. IPS Web Page The association of scientists who do research on nonhuman primates. The chief function of the society is holding international congresses of papers and symposium. Constitution, codes of practice and affiliated societies. http://www.primate.wisc.edu/pin/ips.html | |
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