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21. Primate Handedness And Brain Lateralization Handedness,. African primates, See and hear several species of Africanmonkeys and apes on The African primates at Home Home Page,. http://www.indiana.edu/~primate/ | |
22. Non-human Primates And Language This project is part of a theoretical course on Syntax and Grammatical Theories taught by Prof. Dirk Geeraerts at K.U.Leuven. http://www.angelfire.com/sc2/nhplanguage/ | |
23. A Critique Of Maternal Deprivation Monkey Experiments At The State University Of Experiments at The State University of New York Health Science Center. From Medical Research Modernization Committee (MRMC). http://www.mrmcmed.org/mom.html | |
24. Electronic Zoo / NetVet Veterinary Resources - Primate Sites Electronic Zoo / NetVet Veterinary Resources Primate Sites NetVet Veterinary Resources Primate Sites http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://netvet.wustl.edu/primates.htm&y=0272 |
25. Primates.com : Prosimians : True Lemurs : Bamboo Lemur HedWeb HerbWeb Lemurlinks Primate Info Primate Species Animal Rights FAQ Lemur InformationParadiseEngineering Self-medicating lemurs primates and Primatology http://www.primates.com/lemurs/ | |
26. The Primates Home Links and resources about chimpanzees and other primates. http://www.geocities.com/willc7/index.html |
27. Early Primate Evolution: The First Primates The First primates. primates are remarkably recent animals. Most speciesof living things Protoprimates. The first primate-like mammals http://anthro.palomar.edu/earlyprimates/first_primates.htm | |
28. Care2's Race For The Primates Be a Sponsor Find animated Primate Icons Emoticons! 1878 clicks today. YourFree Click Generates a Donation To Save the primates Login, Questions? http://primates.care2.com/i?p=666107240 |
29. DuMond Conservancy For Primates And Tropical Forests An organization dedicated to enhancing the welfare of nonhuman primate populations and tropical forest ecosystems. Educational programs and research opportunities. http://www.dumondconservancy.org/ | |
30. Electronic Zoo / NetVet Veterinary Resources - Primate Sites Electronic Zoo, NetVet. primates. African primates at Home; alt.fan.lemurs;American Society of Primatologists; APE Asociación Primatológica Española; http://netvet.wustl.edu/primates.htm | |
31. SIGNIFICANT ZOONOTIC DISEASE OF NON-HUMAN PRIMATES November 1988 SIGNIFICANT ZOONOTIC DISEASE OF NONHUMAN primates November 1988 Division of VeterinaryMedicine Walter Reed Army Institute Washington DC 20307 Significant http://netvet.wustl.edu/species/primates/primzoon.txt |
32. Primates The Taxonomy And General Characteristics Of Prosimians primates the taxonomy and general characteristics of prosimians, monkeys, apes, and humans This biological anthropology tutorial discusses the biodiveristy of primates. A table summarizes the http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://anthro.palomar.edu/primate/Default.htm&a |
33. American Society Of Primatologists: Home Page The conservation mission of the Society is to establish liaison between the Society, conservation groups, and research resources development agencies, provide information on the status of wild populations of nonhuman primates, monitor primate trade, research the success of captive breeding programs and enactment of legislation aimed at conservation of nonhuman primates. http://www.asp.org/ | |
34. Primat' By Webzinemaker Webzine sur les primates, leurs ressemblances et l'©volution et protection des chimpanz©s, bonobos, gorilles et orangoutangs. http://www.webzinemaker.com/primate/ | |
35. Zoonoses Acquired From Pet Primates Discusses sevral monkey and ape borne zoonotic diseases. http://www.primate.wisc.edu/pin/zoonoses.txt |
36. Primate Enrichment Database Environmental Enrichment for primates Annotated Database on EnvironmentalEnrichment and Refinement of Husbandry for Nonhuman primates. http://www.awionline.org/Lab_animals/biblio/enrich.htm | |
37. PRIMATES-ONLINE.com | Shares Links To Many Resources On Apes And Other Primates. Photos, audio, and information about wild monkeys and apes, Category ScienceBiology Zoology Chordates Mammalogy ,primates at Home. http://www.primates-online.com/ | |
38. SpringerLink - Publication www.springerlink.com/link.asp?id=109670 More results from www.springerlink.com The primates Home http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0032-8332 |
39. SpringerLink - Publication Primate Programming(tm) Inc Read the Breaking News Article. Visit the PrimatePoker Website. Archives. Humans and higher primates share approximately 97% of their DNA in common. http://link.springer.de/link/service/journals/10329/ | |
40. Polyandry In Primates Cooperative polyandry among primates. http://www-personal.umich.edu/~phyl/anthro/polyandry.html | |
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