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1. Primate Photo Gallery: Chimpanzees, Gorillas, Orang-utans, Monkeys, Lemurs ENTER. http://www.primates.com/ | |
2. Care2's Race For The Primates Generates a Donation. To Save the primates. Login. Shop to Donate Help protect chimpanzees, gorillas, bonobos, and other endangered primates supported by the Jane Goodall Institute http://primates.care2.com/ | |
3. ADW: Primates: Information HomeKingdom AnimaliaPhylum ChordataSubphylum VertebrataClass MammaliaOrder primates. Order primates ( primates) Information. Pictures. Specimens. Sounds. Classification primates radiated in arboreal habitats, and many of the characteristics by which we recognize them today The teeth of primates vary considerably. The dental formula for the order http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/chordata/mammalia/primates.html | |
4. Untitled Document Suborder Prosimii ( Prosimians or Lower primates) Infraorder Lemuriformes. Family Lemuridae. Genus Eulemur (Lemurs) Genus Lemur (Ringtailed Lemur) L. catta (Ring-tailed Lemur) Genus Hapalemur (Gentle Lemur) Genus Varecia (Ruffed Lemur) V. primates. primates in General. What makes a primate? Where and how to they live? Lower primates or Prosimians. Why primitive http://www.szgdocent.org/pp/p-main.htm | |
5. African Primates At Home African primates at Home. African primates at Home. SEE and HEAR, Someof the primates I study on their home turf in East Africa http://www.indiana.edu/~primate/primates.html | |
6. Welcome To Primarily Primates, INC. San Antonio, Texas sanctuary specializing in chimpanzees, orangutans, new world and old world monkeys. Offers a history of the facility, press clippings, details of rescued animals, and a virtual tour. http://www.primarilyprimates.org/ | |
7. Primates The primates include the most familiar of the placental mammals, because they include us, Homo sapiens. primates also include familiar animals, such as the http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/mammal/eutheria/primates.html | |
8. About The Primates About the primates. Fact Sheets. Anatomy. Behavior Ecology. Evolution. Myths, Tales and Legends. Pathology. Physiology and Developmental Biology. primates as Pets. Taxonomy. URL http//www.primate.wisc.edu/pin/aboutp. html http://www.primate.wisc.edu/pin/aboutp.html | |
9. Steve Bloom - Www.stevebloom.com SteveBloom.com Search our library to find rights-protected images or browse in our gallery. Maps and Space. Orangutans. Other primates. Other Wildlife. Pandas. Reptiles The World of primates " Steve Bloom's photographs speak directly to the heart" http://www.stevebloom.com/ | |
10. Welcome To Rainbow Primates USDA licensed breeder. primates come with a health certificate are bottle fed and wear pampers. http://www.rainbowprimates.com/ | |
11. N.S.R.R.P. A permanent sanctuary for retired research primates, expet primates and primates being retired from the entertainment industry. The only bio-safety level 2 sanctuary in the United States specializing in HIV, SIV and other retroviral primates. http://www.primatesanctuarynsrrp.org | |
12. The Primates: Topic Menu This page was last updated on Monday, January 12, 2004. Copyright© 19982004 by Dennis O Neil. All rights reserved Illustration http://anthro.palomar.edu/primate/ | |
13. Habitat Ecologique Et Liberté Des Primates Translate this page Habitat Ecologique et Liberté des primates Ce site a accueilli visiteursdepuis le 1er Novembre 2000. Pour le plaisir de vos yeux http://www.help-primates.org/ | |
14. Huggable, Lovable Plush Animal Toy Monkeys, Snakes And Birds Are Available On Li Monkeys with velcro hands and feet, as well as a snake and singing plush birds. http://www.wildprimates.com | |
15. Monkeys And Primates Can't Live On Bananas Alone! - Exotic Pets Monkey as a pet legal issues, purchasing, housing, dietary requirements and health. http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art3895.asp | |
16. Primate Survey Survey on the use of primates as pets and in the entertainment industry. http://www.angelfire.com/ok4/darmoja/Survey.html | |
17. PROCEEDINGS OF THE PONDAUNG FOSSILS EXPEDITION TEAM Documents about discovery of primate fossils near Pondaung, Myanmar. http://www.myanmar.com/primates/ | |
18. Evolution Of Social Behavior In Primates: Personality Traits Theory based on Mendelian genetics predicts that personality traits can be traced in ancestral hominid lineages. Reference to nonhuman primates. A. M. Benis, Sc.D., M.D. http://primate_behaviour.homestead.com/ | |
19. Of Pigs, Primates, And Plagues: Xenotransplantation Critique Critique of xenotransplantation. http://www.mrmcmed.org/pigs.html | |
20. African Primates At Home African primates at home This World Wide Web (WWW) site, maintained by Indiana University, provides information on primates inhabiting several countries of Eastern Africa. From the home page, http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.indiana.edu/~primate/primates.html&a |
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