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141. EUROPA - Environment - Water Quality In The EU - Introduction water pollution coming from urban waste water and certain industrial sectors Urban Waste water Treatment Directive(91/271/EEC); Dangerous http://europa.eu.int/comm/environment/water/ | |
142. Sierra Legal Defence Fund Homepage Protects the environment by upholding and enforcing Canada's environmental laws, providing free legal advice and representation. Information on environmental conditions and issues (examples include air and water pollution, impacts of logging, endangered species, and B.C. salmon). http://www.sierralegal.org | |
143. NCSU Water Quality Group, Main Page A multidisciplinary team that analyzes and conducts natural resource management programs with an emphasis on nonpoint source (NPS) pollution policy,assessment, and control technologies. http://www.bae.ncsu.edu/bae/programs/extension/wqg/ | |
144. Environmental Health At WCU Careeroriented bachelor's and master's programs including coursework in waste management, risk assessment, industrial hygiene, environmental regulations, toxicology and air/water pollution control. Pennsylvania, USA. http://health-sciences.wcupa.edu/health/enhealth.htm | |
145. Overcoming Agricultural Water Pollution In The European Union - Finance & Develo In the four member countries, agriculture became a major source of nitrate and phosphorus pollution of water during this period, while industrial and municipal http://www.worldbank.org/fandd/english/0996/articles/0100996.htm | |
146. Nonpoint Source Management Program Programs to reduce water pollution from land use practices such as construction and agriculture. http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/nps/ | |
147. Swarms Of Tiny Robots To Monitor Water Pollution Swarms Of Tiny Robots To Monitor water pollution. The University of Southern California School of Engineering has received a $1.5 http://unisci.com/stories/20021/0114026.htm | |
148. Nurlan's Ecopage Environmental Issues In Kyrgyzstan Covers a wide range of issues related to the environment in Kyrgyzstan biodiversity, air and water pollution, wastes. Included, fulltexts of new environmental Kyrgyz legislation (in Russian). http://ecopage.freenet.kg/ |
149. WDNR - Runoff Management Slow Down in Town (Natural Resources Magazine, 2/03) From backyards to businesses to city hall, how people in town can curb storm water pollution. http://www.dnr.state.wi.us/org/water/wm/nps/ | |
150. Watershed & Coastal Resources Division Presented to raise awareness of waterquality issues. Offers information on rainfall, weather, watersheds, stormwater projects, and pollution. http://www.ocwatersheds.com | |
151. US CODE--TITLE 33--NAVIGATION AND NAVIGABLE WATERS TITLE 33NAVIGATION AND NAVIGABLE waterS CHAPTER 26water pollution PREVENTION AND CONTROL. SUBCHAPTER VISTATE water pollution CONTROL REVOLVING FUNDS. http://www.access.gpo.gov/uscode/title33/chapter26_.html | |
152. National Environmental Profiles: UNEP.Net Environment Network Information provided by Unep.net about air pollution emissions, climatic conditions, water resources, forest cover and change statistics, and endangered and threatened species. http://www.unep.net/profile/index.cfm?tab=100&countrycode=PY&submit=Go |
153. Water Problems, Water Pollutants, Water Pollution, Water Impurities, Bad Water, by sewage is to send a water sample to your local, provincial, or national governing body to determine if sewage pollution is present in your water supply. http://dwb.unl.edu/Teacher/NSF/C01/C01Links/www.goodwaterco.com/comprob.htm | |
154. Water Treatment, Descaler, Metals Removal - Colorado ProEnv provide effective nonchemical water treatment solutions to companies faced with rising costs and rigid pollution standards as well as helping preserve the environment for future generations. http://www.proenv.com/ | |
155. ShoreBank Pacific Dedicated to economic revitalization and ecosystem restoration. Lends to businesses in communities in Pacific Northwest. Loans support sustainably harvested timber, pollution prevention, water treatment, and affordable housing. http://www.eco-bank.com | |
156. Tramfloc Manufactures Flocculants, Coagulants, Water Soluble Polymers, Emulsion Provides flocculants for clarification of wastewater, polymers for water and wastewater treatment, coagulants for liquid/solid separation, water purification and pollution control and emulsion breakers to reslove emulsions. http://www.tramfloc.com | |
157. Water Pollution Control Guide Find easyto-understand solutions to your compliance obligations relating to water pollution control. water pollution Control Guide. Product Structure. http://www.bna.com/products/ens/wpc.htm | |
158. Introduction To Olympic Engineered Sales Manufacturers representatives for industrial mechanical equipment, HVAC, water filtration, noise and air pollution control in the Pacific Northwest. http://members.aol.com/OlympicEng/profile1.htm | |
159. Water And Wastewater Treatment Equipment - D.J. Gongol And Associates Manufacturers' representatives for municipal and industrial water and wastewater treatment equipment and pollution controls in Iowa and Nebraska. http://gongol.net | |
160. Control Panel Design & Fabrication - IDT Systems Inc. Providing automation systems for industries such as air pollution control, water treatment, food and beverage, pharmaceutical, utility systems, automotive, original equipment. http://www.idtsys.com | |
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