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101. Introductory Plant Biology Reviewers. PageOut. Feedback Help Center. Introductory plant biology, 9/e. KingsleyR. Stern, California State University, Chico. Information Center. Contents http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/0072909412/information_center_view0/ | |
102. COLSA: Department Of Plant Biology Department of plant biology. Information about graduate programs inplant biology is available online, as well as general information http://www.unh.edu/ur-pbio.html | |
103. Water Use Efficiency In Plant Biology - Book Information Water Use Efficiency in plant biology. 1. Water use efficiency in plant biologyMark A. Bacon, Plant Sciences for Industry Unit, University of Lancaster, UK. http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/book.asp?ref=1405114347&site=1 |
104. Functional Plant Biology FPB Best Paper Award. Functional plant biology is pleased to offer an annualaward for the best paper published in the Journal in each calendar year. http://www.plantsci.org.au/fpb/FPB.html | |
105. DanforthCenter.org Mission is to increase understanding of plant biology; apply new knowledge to help sustain productivity in agriculture, forestry and allied fields; facilitate the rapid development and commercialization of promising technologies and products; contribute to the education and training of students, scientists and technicians from around the world. http://www.danforthcenter.org | |
106. Annual Reviews - Error Annual Review of plant Physiology is an annually released journal. This site allows users to search for articles in issues of the journal since 1984 and lists the contents of the current issue. http://plant.annualreviews.org/ | |
107. ICRTS Homepage Information on the biology of this plant and its uses for environmental, economic, nutritional, and medical purposes; emphasizing erosion control. http://www.icrts.org | |
108. ANU - Research School Of Biological Sciences A listing of plant physiology web resources from the Australian National University Department of biology. http://biology.anu.edu.au/Groups/Plantsc/ASPP/Other.html | |
109. Intro To Plant & Microbial Bio At U.C.B. Welcome to the Department of plant and Microbial biology. at the University of California, Berkeley http://mollie.berkeley.edu/ | |
110. Photosynthesis Directory Basic introduction to plant photosynthesis, includes brief explanations of the biochemistry involved. http://web.mit.edu/esgbio/www/ps/psdir.html | |
111. Intro To Plant & Microbial Bio At U.C.B. Welcome to the Department of plant and Microbial biology at the Universityof California, Berkeley. Here we describe the Department http://plantbio.berkeley.edu/ | |
112. Plant Gene Expression Center - PGEC Conducts fundamental research in plant molecular biology. Includes an overview of research, facilities, seminars, links, and directions. http://www.pgec.usda.gov/ | |
113. Institute Of Plant Nutrition And Soil Science Research on physicochemistry and biology of agricultural soils, metabolism and nutrition of crops, management of agricultural soils and nutrient balance. Braunschweig, Germany. http://www.pb.fal.de/en/ |
114. Humboldt University Berlin,Faculty Of Mathmatics And Natural Sciences,Institute Research on cyanobacterial peptide biosynthesis, genetics, and lightharvesting apparatus, plant organellar RNA polymerases, chloroplast-nuclear interactions, and fungal phylogeny - from Humboldt Univ.-Berlin. http://www.biologie.hu-berlin.de/~genetics/ | |
115. Now Loading... Abstracts, publications and links related to conservation biology and plant invasions. http://www.forestry.umt.edu/personnel/faculty/palaback/forest_ecology_lab/paucha | |
116. Fry LabĀ Home Page Research on the biology of oomycetous plant pathogens, mainly Phytophthora infestans. Includes members, project details, marker database, protocols, publications, life cycle with photographs, and relevant links. Cornell University, U.S. http://ppathw3.cals.cornell.edu/fry/ | |
117. Index Of /biology/facilities/greenhouse Produces the standard teaching plant materials and maintain a selected collection of species from various continents and climatic zones. Research areas utilizing these facilities include forest ecophysiology, plant pathology, pest management and behavioural ecology. http://www.sfu.ca/biology/facilities/greenhouse/ | |
118. Woody Plant Seed Manual Provides comprehensive information relating to the biology of tree and shrub seeds, including genetic improvement and germination. http://wpsm.net | |
119. Biological Journals: Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Microbiology, Et.c. List of biological journals from BioScience Lins biochemistry, biotechnology, botany, molecular biology, microbiology, plant physiology, ecology. http://www.biolinks.net.ru/Journals/ | |
120. Plant Biotechnology - The Ralf Reski Page - Review - A review by Ralf Reski on development, genetics and molecular biology of the moss Physcomitrella patens. http://www.plant-biotech.net/reskireview.html | |
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