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Pi: more books (100) |
141. Beta Theta Pi -- Alumni Corporation Ongoing house projects, local history with house photographs, and event announcements. http://www.betadelta.org/ | |
142. Pi To 1,000,000 Places pi to one MILLION decimal places. 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679 http://3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592.com/ | |
143. AEPi--Delta Kappa Chapter Delta Kappa Chapter http://www.duke.edu/web/aepi/ | |
144. The Publishing Institute At The University Of Denver (Main Page) us this form or call or write The Publishing Institute 2075 S. University Blvd.,D114 Denver, Colorado 80210 303.871.2570 FAX 303.871.2501 Email pi-info@du http://www.du.edu/pi/ | |
145. Comune Di Santa Maria A Monte Sito ufficiale. Informazioni su organi, uffici e servizi, bandi e avvisi, atti amministrativi. Notizie storiche, sul territorio e le attrattive, galleria fotografica, oltre ad indirizzi di aziende, alberghi e ristoranti. http://www.comune.santamariaamonte.pi.it/ | |
146. Plugged In - Redirect To New Site Discovering the Value of piA lesson that uses an applet to allow the student to measure many circles and figureout the fact that pi exists and its value. Discovering the Value of pi ( ). http://www.family.org/pplace/pi/ | |
147. Istituto Di Linguistica Computazionale Translate this page Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale. Home Page http://www.ilc.pi.cnr.it/ |
148. Duncan's Greek Pages Pi Kappa Alpha Discussion Moderated public message board for pike http://www.islandnet.com/cgi-bin/postit?login=duncan&topic=greek/groups/pka |
149. Pi Lambda Theta Home Page pi Lambda Thetas mission is to honor outstanding educators and inspirethem to be effective leaders who address critical issues in education. http://www.pilambda.org/ | |
150. Pi Mathematics Teacher resources, history, activities, and information. http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu:80/edu/RSE/RSEorange/buttons.html | |
151. How Pi? Extracting the digits of pi from the SlOka. Is the following a SlOka on kRShNa,a SlOka on Seva or an incredible (and mostly accurate) mnemonic for pi. http://www.geocities.com/ResearchTriangle/Facility/4118/misc/pi.html | |
152. Alpha Omicron Pi - Wagner College - Theta Pi Chapter Staten Island, New York. http://GeoCities.com/CollegePark/6323/ |
153. Dale's Pi Page Has everything you need to know about pi! pi News, pi Facts, piJokes, pi Songs, pi Poems, pi Charts, pi Records, pi Links. http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Pines/5945/ | |
154. Alpha Epsilon Pi - Georgia, University Of - Omicron Chapter AEpi chapter chartered May 29, 1926 at UGA in Athens, GA. http://www.uga.edu/aepi/ | |
155. WELCOME TO THE UPSILON CHAPTER OF ALPHA DELTA PI! Upsilon chapter of ADpi founded in 1917 in Pullman, Washington http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Lab/8161/ |
156. Pi Recordings pi Recordings is an independent record label dedicated to the work of theinnovative Checking for Flash player If you have it, enter here. http://www.pirecordings.com/ | |
157. Zeta Phi Chapter Of Beta Theta Pi Located in Columbia, MO. http://students.missouri.edu/~beta/ |
158. Primus - Page Not Found Stu s pi pageOF ALL THE ONE S TESTED THE FASTEST pi PROGRAM that will run on yourPC is . with stats on all the other major pi programs. Steve http://www.primus.com/staff/paulp/useless/pi.html | |
159. Pi Beta Phi Home At Wake Forest University. The Strings Society, founded 1946, was colonized by pi Phi in 1993. http://www.students.wfu.edu/piphi/ | |
160. APA Public Interest Directorate: Research Summary On Lesbian And Gay Parenting Lesbian and Gay Parenting. PREFACE I. SUMMARY OF RESEARCH FINDINGS. II. ANNOTATEDBIBLIOGRAPHY. I. SUMMARY OF RESEARCH FINDINGS. Charlotte J. Patterson. http://www.apa.org/pi/parent.html | |
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