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101. Pi-online, Pedagogische Zoekmachine, Vademecum En Studiedagenprikbord. Vakgroep pedagogiek Gent Webmaster - credits. http://pion.rug.ac.be/ | |
102. DST - Southern Polytechnic State University - Pi Nu Chapter Founded May 29, 1987 in Marietta, Georgia. http://www.geocities.com/dstpinu/ |
103. Pi And The Fibonacci Numbers A formula for pi which involves just the Fibonacci numbers. It formulae.Suitable for 1215 year olds. pi and the Fibonacci Numbers. http://www.mcs.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/R.Knott/Fibonacci/fibpi.html | |
104. . : Costa Blanca : . Informaci³ d'inter¨s i recursos turstics oferits pel Patronat Provincial de Turisme de la Costa Blanca. http://www.costablanca.org/val/municipios/muni_ficha_intro.asp?id=03011 |
105. Pi 3.14159 - Friends Of Pi - Freunde Der Zahl Pi Translate this page Friends of pi (english). Der pi-Tag 2004 Die Ereignisse des pi-Tags 2004 in Wien,Berlin und der Schweiz - ausführlich zu bewundern - in wenigen Tagen - hier! http://pi314.at/ | |
106. RUSH Lambda Chi Alpha | Welcome Riudh information, pictures, members, links. http://www.pizeta.org/ | |
107. ÐÁÉÄÁÃÙÃÉÊÏ ÉÍÓÔÉÔÏÕÔÏ The summary for this Greek page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.pi-schools.gr/ | |
108. Tri Sigma, Beta Pi Chapter UW-Stout Alumnae email listings, pictures and officer listing for the Tri-Sigma chapter at UW-Stout. http://trisigma.uwstout.edu/ | |
109. Pi Tau Sigma School Of Engineering Mechanical Engineering Pi Tau Sigma Con UConn chapter of national organization for Mechanical Engineering students. http://vm.uconn.edu/~adhon7/Pitausig.html | |
110. Worldleader: Piezo Engineering, Piezo NanoAutomation, Nano-Positioning, PZT, Pie World Leader in piezo NanoPositioning NanoAutomation Systems, piezo Engineering,PZT Assemblies, engineered piezoceramics, PZTs, pi piezo Actuator http://www.physikinstrumente.com/ | |
111. Pi Kappa Alpha - Beta Sigma Chapter Fraternity. Roster, history, events calendar and photos. http://www.contrib.andrew.cmu.edu/org/pika/ | |
112. Private Idaho All of the files will be uncompressed. You can either manually update old files(if you already have a copy), or use piSETUP.EXE to install them for you. http://www.eskimo.com/~joelm/pi.html | |
113. Bienvenidos A Lalfas.com Actualidad, gua, defensor del turista, club de amigos, noticias y enlaces de inter©s. http://www.lalfas.com/ |
114. Alpha Pi Of Chi Psi|Home At Union College in Schenectedy, NY. A profile of the mother Alpha, including photographs of the Lodge. http://www.vu.union.edu/~chipsi/ |
115. Pi's Smiley List Comprehensive list of smilies used on Usenet. http://piology.org/smiley.txt | |
116. Beta Theta Pi International Fraternity ®, Since our founding in 1839, our members have lived the ideals of Beta Theta piFraternity respect for tradition, lifelong friendship, devotion to academic http://www.betathetapi.org/ | |
117. LWTOCC - Wittgenstein Commentary Comments and analysis on the first 88 sections by Lois Shawver. http://www.dnai.com/~rathbone/lwtocc.htm | |
118. CSIRO Plant Industry home main menu what s new quick survey intranet search last updated Thursday May 20, 2004 CSIRO Plant Industry s intranet site is http://www.pi.csiro.au/ | |
119. Your Title Here Scrapbook, officers, links. http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/1136/newmain.html |
120. #Y26. PI In The Bible The difference between this Biblical mathematical code and pi is 0.0000832which is only an error of 0.00026%. StudyWeb Award pi in the Bible. http://www.yfiles.com/pi.html | |
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