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181. Physics Help And Math Help - Physics Forums physics Forums. physics Help and Math Help physics Forums. User Name, Remember Me? Click Here. Welcome to the physics Help and Math Help - physics Forums. http://www.physicsforums.com/&e=747 |
182. Health Physics Instrumentaion Museum Directory Photos and descriptions of radiationrelated items from the past, including dosimeters, electroscopes, ionization chambers, radioactive sources, safety posters, quack cures, geiger-mueller counters, fluoroscopes used to fit shoes, and x-ray apparatus. http://www.orau.com/ptp/museumdirectory.htm | |
183. Math And Physics The Math And Physics Help Home Page Explanations YOU can understand of a variety of math and physics topics at the high school and college level. Note My URL changed. physics/Science. http://www.ncsu.edu/felder-public/kenny/home.html&e=747 |
184. MAGNET-PHYSICS INC. Manufacturer of magnetic field measurement instruments and magnetizing equipment. http://www.magnet-physics.com/ | |
185. Www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/00034916 More results from www.sciencedirect.com Atomic physics on the Internet Atomic physics on the Internet. Belarus Institute of Molecular and Atomic physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/00034916&e=747 |
186. Center For Theoretical Atomic, Molecular, And Optical Physics Top/Reference/Education/Colleges_and_Universities/North_America/United_States/Colorado/University_of_Colorado/Boulder/Research http://condon.colorado.edu/~leland/CTAMOP/ | |
187. File Not Found physicsUspekhi Tribune. 275 Years of Russian Academy of Sciences Jubilee issue (No 12, 1999), Dates and Events in physics at UFN web-site (archive). http://ufn.ioc.ac.ru/&e=747 | |
188. Exploratorium: Sport Science Housed within the walls of San Francisco's Palace of Fine Arts, the Exploratorium is a collage of 650 science, art, and human perception exhibits. This web section concentrates on the physics underlying sports. http://www.exploratorium.edu/sports/ | |
189. Nobel E-Museum The Nobel Prize in physics. physics is one of the five prize areas mentioned in Alfred Nobel s will. The will was, however, partly incomplete. http://www.nobel.se/physics/&e=747 |
190. Ask The Experts Ask questions and check out the archives, organized by topic. http://www.physlink.com/Education/AskExperts/Index.cfm | |
191. NGDC/STP - Solar-Terrestrial Physics And World Data Center For World Data Center for SolarTerrestrial physics, Boulder, operated by NOAA/NGDC, archives offers data from the Solar and Upper Atmosphere, Ionosphere, and http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/stp/stp.html&e=747 |
192. Anna's Fantasy Fudge: Vale Of Wizards Anna's Fantasy Fudge. A campaign setting designed for high fantasy adventures. In other words, if the physics, geography and ecology is a bit on the dodgy side, you can put it down to magic. http://www.moglit.demon.co.uk/rpg/world/wizvale.htm | |
193. Cookies Required The purpose of The Journal of Chemical physics is to bridge a gap between journals of physics and journals of chemistry by publishing quantitative research http://ojps.aip.org/jcpo/&e=747 | |
194. | Ximensions A collection of articles and a flash archive on physics. http://www.ximensions.uklinux.net | |
195. College Physics For Students Of Biology And Chemistry College physics for Students of Biology and Chemistry. This is a hypertextbook written for firstyear undergraduate physics students. http://www.rwc.uc.edu/koehler/biophys/text.html&e=747 |
196. Physics - The Complete Guide To Physics - Articles - Glossary - Examples - Help Links to sites on topics ranging from quantum physics to biographies of famous physicists. http://physics.about.com/ | |
197. Welcome To Maryland Physics! UM Logo, physics Logo, Prof. Rolston talks about UM physics latest ventures in AMO physics. Full Story. Hot Topics Dr. Goodman Recipient of 2004. http://www.physics.umd.edu/&e=747 |
198. Emmy Noether Group of motions determines the conservation laws the fundamental principles of physics. http://www.emmynoether.com/ | |
199. University Of Aberystwyth Atmospheric Physics Group These pages outline the work of this group, which is focussed on the study of the atmosphere between about 3 and 90Km above the surface of the earth. http://users.aber.ac.uk/ozone/ |
200. Politically Correct Physics Revised physics course descriptions. http://www.jefflindsay.com/PCPhysics.shtml | |
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