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121. [hep-ph/9806303] Effective Field Theory These lectures provide an introduction to the basic ideas and methods of Effective Field Theory, and a description of a few interesting phenomenological applications in particle physics. http://arxiv.org/abs/hep-ph/9806303 | |
122. Particle Physics Experiments At JLC next contents Next List of Authors particle physics Experiments at JLC. ACFA Linear Collider Working Group Report. gzipped eps file of this figure. http://acfahep.kek.jp/acfareport/ | |
123. Particle Physics Group - U Of M For any comments or suggestions about this web site, please contact the web manager at References used to create this website. http://www.lps.umontreal.ca/publique_anglais/home.html |
124. School Of Physics - Particle Physics Theory lattice algorithms, and other nonperturbative techniques such as the exact renormalisation group. The particle physics Theory Group. http://www.ph.ed.ac.uk/particle/Theory/ | |
125. Brown High Energy Physics Research group in elementary particle physics. http://www.het.brown.edu/ | |
126. The Laboratory Of Particle Physics. LPP. The Laboratory of particle physics Information Site. Navigation. Contents. Welcome to the Laboratory of particle physics of JINR! LPP http://sunse.jinr.ru/ | |
127. Index Of / Current research activity in nuclear and particle physics is presented, including details of group publications, projects and members of staff. A history of the group is also available. http://amnesiac.sinp.msu.ru/ | |
128. ScienceDirect - Nuclear Physics B - List Of Issues BaBar particle physics Teaching PackageBaBar particle physics Teaching Package. To start working through the package click here. Worksheets to accompany the package can http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/05503213 | |
129. University Of Wales Swansea - Department Of Physics Homepage Threeyear BSc with specialised options in laser physics, medical physics, and particle physics and the foundations of cosmology. http://python.swan.ac.uk/ |
130. Nat'l Academies Press: Elementary-Particle Physics: Revealing The Secrets Of Ene Elementaryparticle physics Revealing the Secrets of Energy and Matter. Committee on Elementary-particle physics, National Research Council. http://www.nap.edu/catalog/6045.html | |
131. The 2000 Aspen Winter Conference On Particle Physics 2000 ASPEN WINTER CONFERENCE ON particle physics. January 16 22, 2000. VISTAS ON XXIst CENTURY particle physics. http://hep.physics.wisc.edu/aspen2000/ | |
132. The Centre For Particle Theory The CPT researches many aspects of particle physics from phenomenology to string theory. The site gives an account of these activities, and details of current members of staff. http://www.cpt.dur.ac.uk/ | |
133. Physics Institute Physics Institute. Staff and research activities in Biophyics, Geophysics, Gravitational astronomy and particle physics. http://www.uniurb.it/Phys/Phys.html | |
134. DESY Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron Basic research in highenergy and particle physics as well as in the production and application of synchrotron radiation. http://www.desy.de/ | |
135. The Particle Adventure physics Central, World Year of physics 2005. Book The Charm of Strange Quarks. The Fireworks of particles. particle Chart. QuarkNet Educational Program. http://particleadventure.org/particleadventure/ | |
136. Quantum Physics A qualitative description of the key aspects, including Heisenburg's Uncertainty Principle, waveparticle duality and related theories. http://www.hpwt.de/Quantene.htm |
137. An Alternative To Modern Physics This idea postulates that, as all energy has mass, wave and particle must constitute, at the fundamental level, a single dynamic entity oscillating between states. http://mysite.freeserve.com/AlternativePhysics/index.html | |
138. Dr. Thomas Neuhaus Computational Physics Contains publications in computational physics, statistical physics and lattice gauge theory. Information about the precise study of condensed matter systems and particle interactions. http://www.dr-thomas-neuhaus.de | |
139. The Particle Adventure The Fundamentals Of Matter And Force The particle adventure the fundamentals of matter and force The centerpiece of this site, which is available in 13 languages, is an interactive tutorial on the physics of matter's fundamental http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://particleadventure.org/particleadventure/ |
140. Quantum Physics Model A new mathematical expression of quantum physics. Provides a Unified Field Equation, eliminates wave/particle duality, and provides a new system of quantum units. http://www.tshankha.com | |
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