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1. Organic Chemistry Help! Find organic chemistry tutorials, selfgrading tests, chemistry FAQs, commonorganic chemistry reaction mechanisms, and indexed chemistry links. http://www.chemhelper.com/ | |
2. Organic Chemistry Resources Worldwide Target audiance. Covered areas. History. Acknowledgments. Quality control. Reviews. Awards/Nominations. Statistics. Author. Index 6. The Literature. Synthesis Planning. Chemicals and Reaction Media . http://www.organicworldwide.net/ |
3. IUPAC Nomenclature The HTML version of IUPAC "Blue Book" Nomenclature of organic chemistry, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1979 and A Guide to IUPAC Nomenclature of Organic Compounds (Recommendations 1993), 1993, Blackwell http://www.acdlabs.com/iupac/nomenclature | |
4. Organic Reaction Quizzes And Summaries be selected below are designed to assist organic chemistry students in the review of the basic Or select other organic chemistry study aids, including links to other helpful http://www.towson.edu/~sweeting/orgrxs/reactsum.htm |
5. Common Definitions And Terms In Organic Chemistry Explains the main terms used in this field. Listed alphabetically. http://www.brunel.ac.uk/depts/chem/definit/definit.htm | |
6. American Chemical Society Publications: The Journal Of Organic Chemistry Home Pa http://pubs.acs.org/journals/joceah | |
7. Web-sters_Org_Chem.html organic chemistry Instruction. Chemistry Web Sites with Links NonOrganic and Uncategorized Topics. organic chemistry Instruction. Publications and Conferences Chemistry and Related http://ep.llnl.gov/msds/orgchem/Web-sters_Org_Chem.html | |
8. Organic Chemistry Portal Searchable literature index and interesting procedures in organic synthesis http://www.organic-chemistry.org | |
9. Colby OChem Visual Demos The following is a listing of organic chemistry demos made using Macromedia Director Carbocationic Rearrangements. 361 K. Computational Chemistry. 652 K http://www.colby.edu/chemistry/OChem/demoindex.html | |
10. ACS Organic Division Website--redirect This is the home page of the Division of organic chemistry of the American Chemical Society. This site provides important information and announcements on the divisions activities and member of http://www.chem.wayne.edu/acs-organic-division | |
11. Sizzling Organic Chemistry Dramas These are four somewhat bawdy (if you're a molecule) plays illustrating organic chemistry reaction mechanisms. http://www.heptune.com/chemtale.html | |
12. Annual Reports On The Progress Of Chemistry Section B (Organic Chemistry) - Home Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry Section B (organic chemistry). Clickhere for the latest issue This journal is reference linked to ChemPort and http://www.rsc.org/is/journals/current/anreportb/arpbpub.htm | |
13. Safety In Organic Chemistry Laboratory Explicit guidelines which are reasonable for all chemistry labs. Easily adaptable into a safety contract. http://www.towson.edu/~sweeting/safeorg.htm |
14. Organic Chemistry Tutorials A wealth of Interactive organic chemistry tutorials for the Organic ChemStudent! Tutorials. Alkane acids. Home / organic chemistry Tutorials. http://www.chemhelper.com/tutorials.html | |
15. Tutorials In Organic Chemistry Tutorials in organic chemistry. Dictionaries organic chemistry Guidesto chemistry tutorials. organic chemistry . General organic chemistry. http://www.organicworldwide.net/tutorial.html | |
16. Erik's Chemistry: Organic, General, AP And Physical Chemistry Notes A student made page with information about general chemistry, AP chemistry, organic chemistry and physical chemistry. http://eppe.tripod.com/ | |
17. Molecular Modelling Summary of lecture course which aims to introduce the hierarchy of computational modeling methods used in organic chemistry. Links to background and supplemental information. http://origin.ch.ic.ac.uk/local/organic/mod/ | |
18. Curriculum Vitae Ph.D. organic chemistry at Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada. Thesis Synthesis of Dioxins as Analytical and Toxicological Standards . http://members.aol.com/tlcrnw/private/tlccv1.html | |
19. Organic Courses And Materials organic chemistry Instruction. 9/97 Tutorials in organic chemistryhttp//www.quantchem.kuleuven.ac.be/losh/tutorial.html Koen Van http://ep.llnl.gov/msds/orgchem/courses.html | |
20. NIST Chemistry WebBook Database of organic chemistry compounds, organized by species. Contains chemical and physical property data on over 30,000 compounds. http://webbook.nist.gov/chemistry/ | |
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