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21. HerbalGram 14. Chang ST. mushroom biology the impact on mushroom production and mushroom products. mushroom biology and Mushroom Products. http://www.herbalgram.org/herbalgram/articleview.asp?a=2356 |
22. DerKeiler Directory - /Science/Biology/Mycology , Morel mushroom biology and Evolution, Presents information about morels, along with unorthodox hypotheses about their evolution. http://directory.derkeiler.com/Top/Science/Biology/Mycology | |
23. Morel Mushroom Biology And Evolution Presents information about morels, along with unorthodox hypotheses about their evolution....... Name Morel mushroom biology and Evolution http://www.science-search.org/index/Biology/Mycology/3984.htm | |
24. Books - Mushroom Cultivation resulting fungi. mushroom biology Concise Basics and Current Developments by Philip G. Miles, ShuTing Chang 1997-07-01. List Price http://shroomery.org/books/Cultivation | |
25. Directorio Web - Kedius.com Morel mushroom biology and Evolution Presents information about morels, along with unorthodox hypotheses about their evolution. nov55.com/mr/index.html. http://www.kedius.com/Science/Biology/Mycology/ | |
26. Amfibi Directory Science Biology Mycology Morel mushroom biology and Evolution New Window Presents information about morels, along with unorthodox hypotheses about their evolution. http://dir.amfibi.com:8080/dir?p=27700 |
27. EDC - Journals - International Journal Of Medicinal Mushrooms - Issue 1 Year 200 Issue 1. ARTICLE The 5th International Conference on mushroom biology and Mushroom Products download article 6 pages. Previous article. http://www.edata-center.com/journals/708ae68d64b17c52,0738f8d34e863c74,7711f5017 | |
28. Mycology Biology Science English Complete with excellent images. ? Morel mushroom biology and Evolution nov55.com/mr/index.html Science Biology Mycology. Presents http://www.interactiva.org/Dir/I/English/Science/Biology/Mycology/ | |
29. Skywalk Directory - Top: Science: Biology: Mycology: http//nov55.com/mr/index.html, » Morel mushroom biology and Evolution Presents information about morels, along with unorthodox hypotheses about their http://directory.skywalk.co.uk/directory/Science/Biology/Mycology/ | |
30. The Libraries - University At Buffalo mushroom biology Philip G Miles / ShuTing Chang Department Biological Sciences ISBN 9810228775 Publisher World Scientific To check if the Library owns this http://libweb.lib.buffalo.edu/ft/FacAuthoResultsDetail1.asp?auID=559 |
31. 2nd_page mushroom biology and Mushroom Products Edited by Shuting Chang, John A. Buswell and Siu-wai Chiu. About the Book. It provides an http://www.chineseupress.com/asp/e_Book_card.asp?BookID=1177&Lang=E |
32. 2nd_page mushroom biology and Mushroom Products Edited by Shuting Chang, John A. Buswell and Siu-wai Chiu. . It provides an up http://www.chineseupress.com/asp/c_Book_card.asp?BookID=1177&Lang=C |
33. Shu Ting Chang mushroom biology Concise Basics Current Developments mushroom biology Concise Basics Current Developments Miles and Chang have done a great service to http://biologybooks.net/search_Shu_Ting_Chang/searchBy_Author.html | |
34. The Biology Of Mushrooms The Biology of Mushrooms. by Brigid Cumming. mushroom biology is complicated and the forest/mushroom relationship is just beginning to be studied on Haida Gwaii. http://www.spruceroots.org/November99/Biology.html | |
35. Mushroom Growers' Newsletter - Contents Of 1996 Issues Book Review mushroom biology and Mushroom Products; Weekly Wholesale Market Prices Chicago, Dallas, Miami, New York and San Francisco; Spot Prices Toronto http://www.mushroomcompany.com/bi1996.html | |
36. Reishi - Scientific References and Potential applications of Ganoderma and related fungal polyglycans in clinical ontology; First International Conference on mushroom biology and Mushroom http://www.fruiting-bodies.co.uk/reishi_ref1.shtml | |
37. Biology / Mycology Morel mushroom biology and Evolution Presents information about morels, along with unorthodox hypotheses about their evolution. http://paloweb.com/Science/Biology/Mycology/ | |
38. Dr Andrew Broderick Editors. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on mushroom biology and Mushroom Products AMGA s 26th National Mushroom Industry Conference. http://www.uws.edu.au/research/researchcentres/chaps/staff/abrod | |
39. Dan Royse Home Page World Society for mushroom biology and Mushroom Products (WSMBMP) The WSMBMP was launched in January 1994 in response to strong interest expressed at the 1st http://www.personal.psu.edu/djr4/ |
40. New Page 0 Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Mushroom Products and mushroom biology, February 2023. Cuernavaca, Mexico. Royse, DJ, and PD Collopy. http://www.personal.psu.edu/users/p/d/pdc119/About me.htm |
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