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101. Leonid Levin: Home Page Boston University Randomness in computing; algorithmic complexity and intractability; foundations of mathematics, computer science and probability; theory of computation; and information theory. http://www.cs.bu.edu/fac/lnd/ | |
102. MathMol MathMol (mathematics and Molecules) is designed to serve as an introductory starting point for those interested in the field of molecular modeling. http://www.nyu.edu/pages/mathmol/ | |
103. Frequently Asked Questions In Mathematics Covers diverse topics such as algebra structure, names for large numbers, how to compute pi and games. http://db.uwaterloo.ca/~alopez-o/math-faq/ | |
104. Welcome To The Institute For Mathematics And Its Applications (IMA) 2004; mathematics of Materials and Macromolecules Multiple Scales, Disorder, and Singularities, September 2004 June 2005; Imaging http://www.ima.umn.edu/ | |
105. Inconsistent Mathematics Inconsistent mathematics is the study of the mathematical theories that result when classical mathematical axioms are asserted within the framework of a (nonclassical) logic which can tolerate the presence of a contradiction without turning every sentence into a theorem. By Chris Mortensen, from the Stanford Encyclopedia. http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/mathematics-inconsistent/ | |
106. UT-Department Of Mathematics Mailing address University of Texas at Austin Department of mathematics 1 University Station C1200 Austin, TX 787120257 Phone (512) 471-7711 Fax (512) 471 http://www.ma.utexas.edu/ | |
107. Institute For Mathematics And Science Education Established to promote efforts to improve precollege and undergraduate education in the areas of mathematics and science. A hallmark of IMSE efforts is the collaboration of research mathematicians and scientists with education researchers and teachers. http://www.math.uic.edu/IMSE/ |
108. New York Journal Of Mathematics Home Page Welcome to the first electronic general mathematics journal New York Journal of mathematics ISSN 10769803. http://nyjm.albany.edu:8000/nyjm.html | |
109. Clyde Davenport's Home Page Summary and application as it relates to electromagnetic theory and special relativity. http://home.usit.net/~cmdaven/cmdaven1.htm | |
110. You're Visiting The AMC Home Page! The American Mathematics Competitions Welcome The Art of Problem Solving hosts an online Forum for mathematics students to collaborate and develop a community of peers with whom to share their joy of http://www.unl.edu/amc/ | |
111. WU Libraries: Mathematics Library Electronic resources for mathematics, including guides to online databases as well as the databases themselves. http://library.wustl.edu/units/math/ | |
112. Mathematical Atlas: A Gateway To Mathematics The Mathematical Atlas A gateway to the areas of modern mathematics and to resources for those areas. http://www.math.niu.edu/~rusin/known-math/ | |
113. Department Of Mathematics At MIT | Main People Research Applied mathematics Seminars, Colloquia and Conferences Graduate Study Undergraduate Study Classes Department Headquarters Employment http://www-math.mit.edu/ | |
114. Mathematics Magazine> Monthly publication offering math help, list of competitions, and links. http://www.mathematicsmagazine.com | |
115. University Of Michigan Mathematics Department News and Announcements. New Faculty Virginia Young joins the department as the Cecil J. and Ethel M. Nesbitt Professor of Actuarial mathematics. http://www.math.lsa.umich.edu/ | |
116. The Adventures Of Discriminant Boy - Contents The bumbling Discriminant Boy is just the Zero mathematics needs. http://imaginary.puzzling.org/ | |
117. SMILE PROGRAM MATHEMATICS INDEX SMILE PROGRAM mathematics INDEX. The SMILE website is hosted by the Illinois Institute of Technology. The following is a collection http://www.iit.edu/~smile/mathinde.html | |
118. The EWM Home Page An affiliation of women bound by a common interest in the position of women in mathematics. Includes information about meetings, a newsletter, and a mailing list. http://www.math.helsinki.fi/EWM/EWM.html | |
119. Latin Terms And Phrases (PRIME) Latin terms commonly used in mathematics and a more extensive list of such terms and phrases that occur in other contexts. http://www.mathacademy.com/pr/prime/articles/latin/ | |
120. Mathematics Web An integrated search of Elsevier journal articles and preprints. http://www.mathematicsweb.org/ |
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