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61. The Mammals Of Texas - Online Edition Guide to the 181 species of Texas mammals, based on Davis and Schmidly's classic printed handbook. http://www.nsrl.ttu.edu/tmot1/ | |
62. Missouri's Mammals Missouri s mammals. In numbers of species, mammals (in the phylum Chordata)are the second smallest group of vertebrate animals in Missouri. http://www.conservation.state.mo.us/nathis/mammals/ | |
63. The Mammal Society Working to protect British mammals, halt the decline of threatened species, and advice on all issues affecting British mammals. http://www.abdn.ac.uk/mammal/ | |
64. Collaborative Thematic Unit Collaborative Thematic Unit. Theme mammals. by Cody Carlton and Ann Riza. FocusStudents will explore mammals of different regions of the world. http://www.libsci.sc.edu/miller/Mammals.htm | |
65. The Fossil Mammal Hall A summary of the diversity of fossil mammals with the objective in mind to convey information on fundamental aspects of mammalian paleontology. http://paleo.amnh.org/bjburger/fossilmammal/index.html | |
66. InfoNatura - Birds, Mammals, And Amphibians Of Latin America Translate this page InfoNatura Birds, mammals, and Amphibians of Latin America Conservation informationfor more than 5500 species in 44 countries. InfoNatura logo. http://www.natureserve.org/infonatura/ | |
67. Www.mammalstrustuk.org www.mammalstrustuk.org. is under construction. search the web ·Uk Web Hosting · Search Engine · University · Web Site, · Web http://www.mammalstrustuk.org/ | |
68. CONSULTATION ON THE PROTECTION OF WILD MAMMALS (SCOTLAND) Sets out the Consultation schedule, including the submission of evidence, after the Bill was introduced in the Scottish Parliament on 1 March 2000. http://www.scottish.parliament.uk/S1/official_report/cttee/rural-00/rac-01.htm | |
69. All About Mammals mammals are one of the 6 main classes of animals. Animal class! Here aresome of the ways that mammals are alike! mammals are warm blooded. http://www.kidzone.ws/animals/mammals.htm | |
70. Wild Mammals (Protection) (Amendment) Bill [HL] 2004 [Bill 16] Text of the Bill as introduced in the House of Lords on 18th December 2003. http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/ld200304/ldbills/016/2004016.htm | |
71. Database Interface Information on 34 species, with photos and range maps. http://www.boyds.org/paws/ | |
72. Terrestrial Mammals Of The Arctic Terrestrial mammals of the Arctic. Click HERE for No Frames option TheArctic and Its Wildlife © 1986 BRYAN SAGE Facts on File excerpts http://lynx.uio.no/jon/lynx/arctmam.html | |
73. Wild Mammals (Protection)(Amendment) (No. 2) Bill [HL] Lords, First Reading Hansard transcript of the withdrawal of his previous Bill and introduction of an amended Bill by Lord Donoughue. On Question, Bill read a first time, and to be printed. http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/ld199900/ldhansrd/pdvn/lds02/text/21127 | |
74. Mammals mammals arose from ancient reptiles 200 million years ago. Click to learn more. Alist of works cited in the Canada s Aquatic Environments mammals website. http://www.aquatic.uoguelph.ca/mammals/ | |
75. Wild Bird Rescue Volunteer network of licensed wildlife rehabilitators, veterinarians, transporters and other interested individuals dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation and return to the wild of sick, orphaned and injured birds and small mammals in and around central Maryland. http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/2313/wildbird.html | |
76. Walker's Mammals Of The World, Table Of Contents Copyright © 1997 The Johns Hopkins University Press. All rights reserved.This document may be used, with this notice included, for http://www.press.jhu.edu/books/walkers_mammals_of_the_world/w-contents.html | |
77. Marine Mammal Net: News, Science And Conservation. Information source on the science and conservation of marine mammals. http://www.marinemammal.net/ | |
78. Intro Screen Walker s mammals of the World Online is an improved version of thepreeminent short reference work on mammals. Among the great http://www.press.jhu.edu/books/walkers_mammals_of_the_world/prep.html | |
79. C.B. Wood, Ph.D. Origin, definition, and evolution of early mammals (Providence College). http://www.providence.edu/bio/faculty/wood/index.html | |
80. Pheromones And Mammals in insects. But do pheromones operate the same in mammals. Is A SecretSense in the Human Nose Pheromones and mammals, Just what do http://www.hhmi.org/senses/d230.html | |
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