Logical-Mathematical Intelligence T HE MOST POPULARLY understood cognitive faculty is that of logical-mathematical intelligence. This intelligence is our ability to mentally process logical problems and equations, the type most often found on multiple choice standardized tests. Logical-mathematical intelligence often does not require verbal articulation, for we can churn a complex problem in our head, only to articulate it out loud once the problem has been solved (The "Aha!" phenomenon, as Gardner puts it). Additionally, individuals who have high logical-mathematical abilities are able to process logical questions at an unusually rapid rate. Before the advent of MI theory, logical-mathematical intelligence was considered the archetypal intelligence, the "raw intellect" on which Western culture has placed a high premium. Though MI theory agrees that logical-mathematical intelligence is indeed a key section of the intellect, it is by no means the only section that must be both explored and cultivated. Musical Intelligence Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence Logical-Mathematical Intelligence Linguistic Intelligence ... What is the the traditional view of intelligence? | |