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1. HEP Search HEP Search. highenergy physics Literature Database http://www.slac.stanford.edu/spires/hep | |
2. Bad URL For The SPIRES Database Search more than 400000 highenergy physics related articles, including journal papers, preprints, e-prints, technical reports, conference papers and theses, received by the SLAC and/or DESY libraries since 1974. http://www-spires.slac.stanford.edu/find/hep/ | |
3. HTML REDIRECT HEP Search highenergy physics Literature Database. find t quark and a richter, burton and not date 1984 More Examples Default http://www.slac.stanford.edu/spires/ | |
4. Coordinated Theoretical-Experimental Project On QCD - (CTEQ) CTEQ is a multiinstitutional collaboration researching high-energy physics centered on Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). http://www.phys.psu.edu/~cteq/ |
5. FermiNews Acronyms of highenergy physics HENP DOE s Office of High Energy and Nuclear Physics; part of ER. HEPAP High Energy Physics Advisory Panel. Advisory to DOE. http://www.fnal.gov/pub/ferminews/ahep.html | |
6. CERN Courier - Volume 44 Issue 4 - IOP Publishing International journal of highenergy physics, published by the Institute of Physics (october 1998-present). http://www.cerncourier.com/ | |
7. BiRa Systems Data acquisition for highenergy physics. http://www.bira.com/ | |
8. High Energy Physics - Theory xxx.lanl.gov/archive/hepph high-energy physics. Authors http://xxx.lanl.gov/archive/hep-th | |
9. Using High-energy Physics To Preserve Old Records | CNET News.com Using highenergy physics to preserve old records. Last modified May 7, 2004, 1201 PM PDT. By John Borland Staff Writer, CNET News.com. http://news.com.com/2100-1027_3-5208224.html | |
10. CDS - CERN Document Server Over 430,000 bibliographic records and 170,000 fulltext documents about CERN and highenergy physics. Covers preprints, books, periodicals, reports, and photographs. http://cds.cern.ch/ | |
11. The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: High-Energy Physics High Energy Physics Web Sites. For additional Germany. Theoretical High Energy Physics Group Tokyo University of Tokyo, Komaba campus. Torino http://physics.web.cern.ch/physics/HEPWebSites.html | |
12. Welcome To SLAC Design, construct and operate electron accelerators and related experimental facilities for use in highenergy physics and synchrotron radiation research. Includes publications, education, and facility tours. http://www.slac.stanford.edu/ | |
13. Jhep.cern.ch/ JHEP + . JHEP distributes also proceedings of highenergy physics conferences. JHEP is now (January 1999) accepting papers on experimental high-energy physics. http://jhep.cern.ch/ |
14. High Energy Physics - University Of Innsbruck www.w3.org/hypertext/DataSources/bySubject/Physics/HEP.html AnandTech Using highenergy physics to preserve old recordsClick Here. Using high-energy physics to preserve old records, News Adul Tangtam on May 7th, 2004 432 PM from CNET News. Researchers http://physik.uibk.ac.at/hephy/ | |
15. DESY Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron Basic research in highenergy and particle physics as well as in the production and application of synchrotron radiation. http://www.desy.de/ | |
16. Science On High-Energy Lasers: From Today To The NIF An overview of science performed with high energy lasers, including five scientific areas (astrophysics and space physics, hydrodynamics, material properties, plasma physics, radiation sources, and radiative properties). http://www.llnl.gov/science_on_lasers/ | |
17. Research Faculty - Amanda Peet Assistant professor at the University of Toronto, interests include highenergy theoretical physics, string theory, quantum gravity and black holes. http://www.physics.utoronto.ca/~peet/home/ | |
18. [hep-th/9808176] Goldstone And Pseudo-Goldstone Bosons In Nuclear, Particle And These notes review the effective lagrangian treatment of Goldstone and pseudoGoldstone bosons, taking examples from high-energy/nuclear and condensed-matter physics. http://arxiv.org/abs/hep-th/9808176 | |
19. V Division Home Page V Division Home Page highenergy-density physics and astrophysics research at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. http://www-pat.llnl.gov/Organization/VDivision/ | |
20. Content Site seeks to explain the origins of matter and current highenergy research regarding the conditions of the early universe. The information presented here is published in booklet form by the Particle physics and Astronomy Research Council (PPARC). http://hepwww.rl.ac.uk/pub/bigbang/part1.html | |
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