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         Greenhouse Gases:     more books (100)
  1. Global Warming: Essential Guide to Climate Change, Official Scientific and Technical Research Results, Greenhouse Gases, Carbon Dioxide, Sea Level Rise, Animal Extinctions (Two CD-ROM Set) by U.S. Government, 2006-04-14
  2. Is It Really a Partial Birth? You Don't Need a Weatherman (to know which way the Greenhouse gases blow).: An article from: National Right to Life News by Gale Reference Team, 2006-11-01
  3. Nitrogen Pollution and Greenhouse Gases in Yaqui Valley Streams: Understanding the Downstream Legacy of the Green Revolution by John Harrison, 2009-09-22
  4. Global Climate Change: Market-Based Strategies to Reduce Greenhouse Gases (Congressional Research Service) by Larry Parker Congressional Research Service, 2009-12-30
  5. Scientific shortcomings in the EPA's endangerment finding from greenhouse gases.(Environmental Protection Agency)(Report): An article from: The Cato Journal by Patrick J. Michaels, Paul C. Knappenberger, 2009-09-22
  6. Comparison of flexible fuel vehicle and life-cycle fuel consumption and emissions of selected pollutants and greenhouse gases for ethanol 85 versus gasoline.(TECHNICAL ... of the Air & Waste Management Association by Haibo Zhai, H. Christopher Frey, et all 2009-08-01
  7. Voluntary reporting of greenhouse gases, 1997 (SuDoc E 3.2:V 88/997) by U.S. Dept of Energy, 1999
  8. ARB Reports on Greenhouse Gases.: An article from: Energy Optimization News
  9. UNH unveils plans to further cut greenhouse gases: 'the culmination of more than 30 years of energy-efficiency efforts at UNH,' says President Mark Huddleston.(GOING ... article from: New Hampshire Business Review by Aaron Sanborn, 2009-10-09
  10. A critique of the stern report: is there a case for aggressive, near-term mitigation of greenhouse gases?(ENVIRONMENT)(Stern Review on the Economics of ... Change)(Report): An article from: Regulation by Robert O. Mendelsohn, 2006-12-22
  11. Emissions of Greenhouse Gases in the United States. Third Annual Report (1987-1994) by U.S. Office of Energy Markets and End Use; U.S. Energy Information Administration, 1993
  12. 2006 Complete Guide to Global Warming and Climate Change: Comprehensive Encyclopedia on Greenhouse Gases, Carbon Dioxide, Ice Cap and Glacier Melting (Book & CD-ROM Set) by U.S. Government, 2006-04-14
  13. Impacts of greenhouse gases on epicuticular waxes of Populus tremuloides Michx.: Results from an open-air exposure and a natural O"3 gradient [An article from: Environmental Pollution] by B. Mankovska, K.E. Percy, et all
  14. 2006 Complete Guide to Global Warming and Climate Change: Comprehensive Encyclopedia on Greenhouse Gases, Carbon Dioxide, Ice Cap and Glacier Melting, Sea Level Rise, Extreme Weather (Two CD-ROM Set) by U.S. Government, 2006-04-14

121. Greenhouse Gases And Carbon Sinks
Home Research greenhouse gases and Carbon Sinks. Go to greenhouse gases Carbon Sinks page Greenhouse Gas Home Research greenhouse gases and Carbon Sinks.

122. Climate Change, Greenhouse Gases And Agriculture
Climate Change, greenhouse gases and Agriculture. Climate Change, greenhouse gases and Agriculture has moved to the new Ropin the Web.
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123. Plans To Reduce Greenhouse Gases
Plans to reduce greenhouse gases 19/01/2004. Scotland ’s energy intensive industries will be consulted on plans to reduce carbon
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Plans to reduce greenhouse gases
Scotland ’s energy intensive industries will be consulted on plans to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, it was announced today. Electricity generators, oil refineries and manufacturing plants are among those being asked to contribute towards reductions. The Executive is joining the UK Government in consulting on a plan which sets out how greenhouse gas emission allowances will be allocated to operators covered by the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) which begins in 2005. The EU ETS is the most significant measure in the EU Climate Change Programme. It targets the largest industrial emitters of carbon dioxide, allowing them to trade emission allowances and make reductions where they are most economically viable.

124. Climate Change And Greenhouse Gases
Climate Change and greenhouse gases 25/03/2004. Latest figures for emissions of greenhouse gases show that Scotland is playing its
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Topics About News ... Help TODAY News THIS WEEK Broadcast News Weekly Review Media Briefing Ministers Online ... Ministers in the Media NEWS ARCHIVE This week's news Last week's news Or search the news archive for: EXECUTIVE EXTRA Main page JUNIOR EXEC Main Page NEWS BY TOPIC Agriculture Communities Economy Environment ... Young People SUBSCRIBE TO NEWS Register here for regular e-mail updates CONTACTS Newsdesk Other Areas
Climate Change and greenhouse gases
Latest figures for emissions of greenhouse gases show that Scotland is playing its part in helping the UK reach its Kyoto reduction target of 12.5 per cent despite updated figures for 2001 pointing to a slight increase in Scotland between 2000 and 2001. Scottish greenhouse gas emissions data indicate an overall fall in Scottish emissions over the period 1990-2001 set against a 23 per cent growth in the Scottish economy over the same period. Measured against a 1990 baseline for carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide, and a 1995 baseline for fluorinated compounds, Scottish emissions of greenhouse gases in 2001 were some 3 per cent lower.

125. The Geography Of Greenhouse Gas Emissions
change scientific community predicts that even if CO2 emissions were entirely eliminated today, the concentration of alreadyemitted greenhouse gases will lead
The Geography of Greenhouse Gas Emissions I n 1988 the United Nations General Assembly established the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to advise the world of the seriousness of global climate change. In 1990 the group published a report summarizing the conclusions reached by climate researchers from around the world: global climate change is a serious issue that requires immediate action.
The IPCC report states that human activities such as fossil fuel combustion and deforestation increase the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the Earth's atmosphere. Current consensus in the climate change scientific community predicts that even if CO2 emissions were entirely eliminated today, the concentration of already-emitted greenhouse gases will lead to a significant warming of the Earth's atmosphere and cause many other climatic changes.
This module familiarizes students with the issues surrounding the IPCC; it addresses global climate change from two sides.
This module provides students with sufficient technical knowledge to understand the debates surrounding global climate change and concludes with a section on personal actions and responsibility (Unit 5). The module activities include chart preparation and interpretation, short essay questions. role playing, mapping, and keeping a log of personal energy use. Order Form Back to Project Overview
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Revised 5/14/99

126. Six Greenhouse Gases - NIWA
NIWA Six greenhouse gases. The remaining synthetic gases, while produced in lesser quantities, are nonetheless very potent greenhouse gases.
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Six Greenhouse Gases
The six greenhouse gases recommended by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPPC) comprise carbon dioxide (CO ), methane (CH ), nitrous oxide (N O), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), and sulphur hexafluoride (SF ). (The HFCs and PFCs are classes of chemical species rather than individual species.) While some of these gases occur naturally in the atmosphere (viz., carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide) certain human activities have added significantly to the atmospheric levels of these gases. The remaining synthetic gases, while produced in lesser quantities, are nonetheless very potent greenhouse gases. This potency is due to their strong infrared absorption characteristics, as a result of which 1 kg gas in the atmosphere can be equivalent in greenhouse warming to many tonnes of CO The CO equivalence of a particular gas, when integrated over a time horizon of 100 years, is referred to as its Global Warming Potential (GWP). For a review on GWP see

127. Climate Glossary - Greenhouse Effect
This outgoing longwave radiation is partially trapped by greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and water vapour which then radiate the energy in all
Weather: National Victoria NSW ACT ...
Climate Glossary
The greenhouse effect is a natural warming process of the earth. When the sun's energy reaches the earth some of it is reflected back to space and the rest is absorbed. The absorbed energy warms the earth's surface which then emits heat energy back toward space as longwave radiation. This outgoing longwave radiation is partially trapped by greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and water vapour which then radiate the energy in all directions, warming the earth's surface and atmosphere. Without these greenhouse gases the earth's average surface temperature would be about 33 degrees Celsius cooler. Human activities such as deforestation and the burning of fossil fuels have increased the concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Scientists are concerned that higher greenhouse gas concentrations will lead to an "enhanced" greenhouse effect which may lead to global climate change. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is an international group of scientists which advises policymakers on the latest science of greenhouse climate change. In late 1995, the IPCC concluded that "the balance of evidence suggests a discernible human influence on global climate." Research institutes such as the Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre and CSIRO Division of Atmospheric Research use complex computer model simulations of the climate system to investigate potential greenhouse climate changes.

128. Chapter 1: Atmosphere - Core Indicator 1B: Greenhouse Gas Emissions
greenhouse gases vary in their capacity to induce global warming. Most of the activities included in the inventory produce greenhouse gases.
Topics Programs Publications Media releases ... Environmental links Search All of EPA website All except SoE SoE reports Topics Programs Publications Legal and licensing Grants and funding Media releases Public register for Change text size Sitemap Help Contact us ... 1.3 The enhanced greenhouse effect Core Indicator 1B: Greenhouse gas emissions Modifications to the NSW inventory Why use this indicator? What are we comparing it to? What does the data show? ... 1.4 Metropolitan air quality
Core Indicator 1B: Greenhouse gas emissions
  • NSW greenhouse gas emissions-carbon dioxide (CO ), methane (CH ), nitrous oxide (N O), perfluoromethane (CF ) and per-fluoroethane (C F )-by sector (energy, transport, industrial processes, agriculture, land use change and forestry and waste) in terms of global warming potential. Greenhouse gases vary in their capacity to induce global warming. To account for this when assessing the effect of emissions of different gases, the global warming potential (GWP) of each gas is factored in. GWP compares the greenhouse effectiveness of each gas over a particular time span (typically 100 years) using CO as a reference. Thus, the GWP for CH
  • 129. Greenhouse Gases Decrease -
    greenhouse gases decrease. By Stephanie Peatling, Environment Reporter September 19, 2003.

    1991. Changing by degrees Steps to reduce greenhouse gases. Washington, DC Government Printing Office. CLIMATE CHANGE AND greenhouse gases.
    Reproduced, with permission, from: U.S. Office of Technology Assessment. 1991. Changing by degrees: Steps to reduce greenhouse gases . Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office.
    The first photographs from space brought home the fact that Earth is an integrated and isolated system. Concern that human impacts could be changing the equilibrium of this system grew in the 1970s as theories about ozone depletion and the "greenhouse effect" developed. The concept of the Earth changing over various time scales was not new: solar and astronomical cycles, the waxing and waning of ice ages, and seasonal changes have long been recognized. What was new was the realization that humans can have a lasting and far-reaching impact on Earth's natural fluctuations and cycles. We cannot yet predict the magnitude of climatic effects from greenhouse gas emissions with accuracy. But it is clear that the decision to limit emissions cannot await the time when the full impacts are evident. The lag time between emission of the gases and their full impact is on the order of decades to centuries; (2) so too is the time needed to reverse any effects. Today's emissions thus commit the planet to changes well into the 21st century. And the lag times between identification of policy options, legislation of controls, and actual implementation can also be considerable. For example, the recent reauthorization of the Clean Air Act took 10 years; implementation of the Act will begin now and continue over the next 10 to 20 years.

    131. December 5, 1997, Hour 1: Greenhouse Gases: The Overlooked Sources
    Science Friday Archives 1997 December December 5, 1997 Hour One greenhouse gases The Overlooked Sources The debate over global warming usually
    Science Friday
    Archives December
    Hour One: Greenhouse Gases: The Overlooked Sources

    The debate over global warming usually focuses on big industry. But what about other sources, from cows to that shiny new sport utility vehicle in your driveway? The Kyoto conference on climate change is in full swing. But after they deal with the tough political question of how much to limit emissions of gases like carbon dioxide and methane, the nations involved will have to develop practical methods for cutting back production of these greenhouse gases. The main greenhouse gas that the delegates are examining is carbon dioxide, which is emitted primarily through combustion of carbon-based fuels. Two hundred times as much carbon dioxide as methane is emitted each year, but molecule for molecule, methane is about fifty times more effective at warming the planet. And while much of the global warming debate has focused on huge projects like developing cleaner methods of electricity generation or stopping deforestation, a big difference could come from relatively small sources of methane - like cows.
    photo courtesy of the
    National Cattlemans' Beef Association
    Cow wearing methane
    monitoring device

    132. Greenhouse Gases And Where They Come From
    greenhouse gases and Where They Come From To make the most of opportunities for reducing greenhousegas emissions, it s a good idea first to understand where
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    Back to: Rocky Mountain InstituteHome Page Climate Individual Opportunities to Cool Global Warming
    Select A Page Energy and Carbon Dioxide Conversion Factors Average Greenhouse Gas Emissions per U.S. Household
    Greenhouse Gases and Where They Come From
    To make the most of opportunities for reducing greenhouse-gas emissions, it's a good idea first to understand where the emissions come from.
    Carbon dioxide is the principal humanly produced greenhouse gas, especially at the household level. It's given off whenever carbon-based fuels are burned: oxygen (O ) from the atmosphere combines with the carbon (C) to produce carbon dioxide (CO ). But some fuels give off more carbon dioxide than others. For example, natural gas is the cleanest fossil fuel, emitting nearly 40 percent less CO per unit of heat output than oil. Electricity is not a fuel per se, but rather a carrier of energy. Because of conversion and grid losses, it typically takes three or four units of fuel to produce and deliver one unit of electricity. That makes electricity an extremely carbon-intensive choice for tasks where another fuel will do (such as cooking, heating water, or space heating), but for other uses (such as lighting, motors, and electronics) it more than makes up for its inefficiencies. If you're interested in the CO emissions from using electricity and various fuels, see

    133. The Environmental Literacy Council - Greenhouse Gases
    greenhouse gases. The Sun s rays reach These energyabsorbing trace gases are known as the greenhouse gases. Most attention has been
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    Greenhouse Gases
    The Sun's rays reach the Earth's atmosphere in the form of short-wave radiation. This radiation passes through the atmosphere to heat the Earth's surface during the day. The Earth's surface, heated by the sun's energy, re-radiates this heat back into space as long-wave, or infrared radiation. Some of this energy is absorbed by several trace gases in the atmosphere, including water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, and ozone, and, as a result, the temperature of the atmosphere is raised. This heat is subsequently radiated from the atmosphere into space and the Earth's atmosphere achieves a balance, losing and receiving the same amounts of heat, varying only with fluctuations in the concentrations of these trace gases in the atmosphere. These energy-absorbing trace gases are known as the greenhouse gases. Most attention has been paid to carbon dioxide, but water vapor is the most important in terms of the total amount of infrared energy trapped, so that a small change in the fraction of water vapor in the atmosphere can mask a large percentage change in carbon dioxide. Other important greenhouse gases are methane, nitrous oxide, sulfur dioxide, and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). These gases are rare, and make up less than .01 percent of the atmosphere, but unlike nitrogen and oxygen, they absorb infrared radiation, so their concentration in the atmosphere is important. Each greenhouse gas absorbs radiation at different wavelengths, so they vary in their potency. For example, a given quantity of methane gas (CH

    134. Greenhouse Gases, Global Climate Change, And Energy
    greenhouse gases, Global Climate Change, and Energy. What Are greenhouse gases? What Effect Do greenhouse gases Have on Climate?
    Home Publications EIA Brochures Greenhouse Gases, Global Climate Greenhouse Gases, Global Climate Change, and Energy What Are Greenhouse Gases? Many chemical compounds found in the Earthís atmosphere act as ìgreenhouse gases.î These gases allow sunlight, which is radiated in the visible and ultraviolet spectra, to enter the atmosphere unimpeded. When it strikes the Earthís surface, some of the sunlight is reflected as infrared radiation (heat). Greenhouse gases tend to absorb this infrared radiation as it is reflected back towards space, trapping the heat in the atmosphere. Many gases exhibit such ìgreenhouseî properties, including those that occur naturally in the atmosphere, such as water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide, and those that are man-made, such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), and sulfur hexafluoride (SF Why Are Atmospheric Levels Increasing?

    135. Trading In Greenhouse Gases |
    Trading in greenhouse gases. Even without US participation, the Kyoto Protocol to reduce greenhouse gas emissions will alter how the world does business.
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    Marilyn Gardner Economic Scene A Global Accounting ... Ruth Walker Commentary Stories: for 05/27/2004 Uneven Disaster Preparations Honesty in Political Ads Our dangerous distance between the private and the commons Letters to the Editor Most-viewed stories: (for 05/25/04) US closes in on deal with Iraqi cleric 'Gas roots' protest over pump prices National Parks fast falling into disrepair In grade-obsessed society, learning gets left behind ... Commentary from the October 24, 2002 edition Trading in Greenhouse Gases Even without US participation, the Kyoto Protocol to reduce greenhouse gas emissions will alter how the world does business. Take, for example, the likely boom in one of the treaty's market-oriented approaches: emissions trading. E-mail this story Write a letter to the Editor Printer-friendly version Related stories: Doing the Kyoto US bubbly over carbon trade A meeting to adjust the world's thermostat Carbon 'Sinks' That Swim ... E-mail Newsletter Get all of today's headlines, or alerts on specific topics. Subscribe for free Such trading, a long-used tool in the US for cleaning the environment, lets businesses sell credits if they produce less of a pollutant than allowed under a cap set by regulators. The buyers are firms that exceed the cap.

    136. Sequestration Of Greenhouse Gases In Brine Formations
    Publications and Presentations. Staff. Examine Data. Funded by. DOE National Energy Technology Laboratory. Sequestration of greenhouse gases in Brine Formations.
    GCCC Home Research Publications and Presentations Staff ... Examine Data Funded by DOE National Energy Technology Laboratory Sequestration of Greenhouse Gases in Brine Formations Susan D. Hovorka , Martha L. Romero, Andrew G. Warne,
    William A. Ambrose
    Thomas A. Tremblay
    , and Douglas Sasson Reducing greenhouse gas emissions by injecting unwanted gases into unused deep-brine-bearing aquifers is an attractive option because large-volume sinks underlie many carbon dioxide sources. In this study, funded by DOE/NETL, we inventoried the 16 geologic characteristics of 21 brine-bearing formations in the continental United States to provide basic data needed to assess the feasibility, costs, and risks of this sequestration method. We investigated a diverse spectrum of target formations and compiled a GIS database by digitizing published and unpublished data from each basin. Click here to view this database online.

    137. Reuters AlertNet - Wetter World Counters Greenhouse Gases -scientists
    You are here Homepage Newsdesk Wetter world counters greenhouse gases scientists. HOME, Newsdesk. NGO Latest. EMERGENCIES, Africa. Americas. Asia. Europe.
    Alerting humanitarians to emergencies Username: Password: Sign me in automatically Get a password Forgot your password? Login Change Edition United States Japan United Kingdom Other Editions About AlertNet Why join AlertNet? Help You are here: Homepage Newsdesk > Wetter world counters greenhouse gases -scientists HOME Newsdesk NGO Latest EMERGENCIES ... Middle East COUNTRY PROFILES Select a country - Afghanistan - Albania - Algeria - Angola - Antigua - Argentina - Armenia - Azerbaijan - Bahamas - Bangladesh - Barbados - Belarus - Belize - Benin - Bhutan - Bolivia - Bosnia- Herzegovina - Botswana - Brazil - Bulgaria - Burkina Faso - Burundi - Cambodia - Cameroon - Cape Verde - Central African Republic - Chad - Chile - China - Colombia - Comoros - Congo - Costa Rica - Croatia - Cuba - Cyprus - Czech Republic - Democratic Republic of Congo - Djibouti - Dominica - Dominican Republic - East Timor - Ecuador - Egypt - El Salvador - Equatorial Guinea - Eritrea - Estonia - Ethiopia - Fiji - Gabon - Gambia - Georgia - Ghana - Greece - Grenada - Guatemala - Guinea - Guinea-Bissau - Guyana - Haiti - Honduras - Hungary - India - Indonesia - Iran - Iraq - Israel - Ivory Coast - Jamaica - Jordan - Kazakhstan - Kenya - Kiribati - Korea (South) - Kuwait - Kyrgyzstan - Laos - Latvia - Lebanon - Lesotho - Liberia - Libya - Lithuania - Macedonia - Madagascar - Malawi - Malaysia - Maldives - Mali - Malta - Marshall Islands - Mauritania - Mauritius - Mexico - Micronesia - Moldova - Mongolia - Montserrat - Morocco - Mozambique - Myanmar (formerly Burma) - Namibia - Nauru - Nepal - Nicaragua - Niger - Nigeria

    138. Physics Today December 2001
    greenhouse gases Warm Things Up. I have read the short article Warming Oceans Appear Linked to Increasing Atmospheric Greenhouse
    Back to Table of Contents Also This Month: US Terrorist Vulnerability Exposed Years Ago Defense Work Is Physicists' Tradition Greenhouse Gases Warm Things Up Folding ... Correction Site Index Physics Today Home Page Current Issue Past Contents Job Ads Upcoming Meetings Buyer's Guide About Physics Today Contact Us Advertising Information Print Ad Rates and Specs Online Ad Rates and Specs Advertiser Index Product Information Information Exchange Greenhouse Gases Warm Things Up I have read the short article "Warming Oceans Appear Linked to Increasing Atmospheric Greenhouse Gases" by Barbara Goss Levi ( Physics Today, June 2001, page 19 ) and find the logic quite flawed. There is no evidence for rising temperatures in the atmosphere above the boundary layer. How the mean atmospheric temperature can remain essentially constant while warming the oceans is never explained (no phase change is involved). The idea that a rising ocean temperature, if indeed the ocean is warming, must be due to greenhouse gases because the proponents cannot think of anything else is not science. It's pseudoscience! Robert C. Whitten

    139. Nat'l Academies Press: Ozone Depletion, Greenhouse Gases, And Climate Change
    titles. Ozone Depletion, greenhouse gases, and Climate Change. Board the atmosphere? What role do greenhouse gases play in ozone depletion?
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    Ozone Depletion, Greenhouse Gases, and Climate Change Board on Atmospheric Sciences and Climate, Committee on Global Change, National Research Council 136 pages, 6 x 9, 1989, ISBN
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    140. Greenhouse Gas Emissions - Environmental Trends In British Columbia 2002, State
    Per capita emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in British Columbia decreased by 6.3% between 1990 and 1999. Total emissions increased
    Report and Publications Resources and Links Updated Indicator Data About SOE Reporting ... Wildlife Greenhouse Gas Emissions in British Columbia Total Greenhouse Gas Emissions in British Columbia (megatonnes of CO EQ) Per Capita Greenhouse Gas Emissions in British Columbia (tonnes of CO EQ) Source: Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection, 2001. Per capita emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in British Columbia decreased by 6.3% between 1990 and 1999. Total emissions increased by 20% over the same time period. The increase in total GHG emissions was partly due to population growth, but increased emissions from the transportation sector played the largest role.

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