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         Global Environmental Change:     more books (100)
  1. Food Security and Global Environmental Change
  2. Global Environmental Change and Human Security
  3. Global Environmental Change: Research Pathways for the Next Decade by Committee on Global Change Research, National Research Council, 1999-09-14
  4. Climate and Global Environmental Change by Danny Harvey, 1999-01-11
  5. Environmentalism and the Mass Media: The North/South Divide (Global Environmental Change Series) by Graham Chapman, Caroline Fraser, et all 1997-05-27
  6. Global Environmental Change: A Natural and Cultural Environmental History (2nd Edition) by A Mannion, 1997-11-14
  7. Global Environmental Change by Peter D. Moore, WG Chaloner, et all 1996-12-16
  8. Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change-Brazilian Perspectives
  9. The Cryosphere and Global Environmental Change (Environmental Systems and Global Change Series) by Olav Slaymaker, Richard Kelly, 2007-01-29
  10. Population and Food: Global Trends and Future Prospects (Global Environmental Change Series) by Tim Dyson, 1996-05-10
  11. The Stratosphere and Its Role in the Climate System (NATO ASI Series / Global Environmental Change)
  12. Social Theory and the Global Environment (Global Environmental Change Series) by Ted Benton, Michael Redclift, 1994-09-02
  13. Living with Environmental Change: Social Vulnerability, Adaptation and Resilience in Vietnam (Global Environmental Change)
  14. Solar Ultraviolet Radiation: Modelling, Measurements and Effects (NATO ASI Series / Global Environmental Change)

1. ScienceDirect - Global Environmental Change Part A - List Of Issues
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Global Environmental Change Part A Bookmark this page as:
Articles in Press
Volume 14 Volume 14, Issue 1 , Pages 1-99 (April 2004)
Climate Change Volume 14, Supplement 1
Focus on the International Year of Freshwater Volume 13 Volume 12 Volume 11 Volume 10 ... Volume 1 Alert me when new Journal Issues are available Add this journal to My Favorite Journals Sample Issue Online More Publication Info Information for Authors
... Elsevier B.V.

2. Global Environmental Change: Re-thinking The Questions
global environmental change Rethinking the questions.

Global Environmental Change:
Re-thinking the questions
Preface Risky choices, soft disasters Who governs the global environment? Producing greener, consuming smarter ... The programme
Welcome to the Global Environmental Change Programme, the largest ever social science research initiative in the UK on any issue.
The main feature of this web site is a set of three documents. These summarise, in an accessible form, the most important insights to have emerged from our research. The documents, which can be accessed by clicking on the images below, are organised around the following themes: You can read the preface to the three documents here . There are also PDF versions of the three documents and you can also view a short video documentary on each of the three themes. This site is also an archive of more detailed information about the Programme, with full search facilities. This includes:
  • one page summaries of each of the 150 empirical research projects and Fellowships details of over 1000 publications that have been produced as a result of the research Programme responses to Government consultations and Parliamentary inquiries and a host of other material.

3. Global Environmental Change
global environmental change. GEO 100 global environmental change. SIS Class Number (for SPIRE
Global Environmental Change
  • GEO 100 Global Environmental Change
  • SIS Class Number (for SPIRE): 52459
  • Spring, 2004
  • MWF 11:15 - 12:05
  • Morrill 1 N329
  • Instructor: W. D. McCoy (Morrill 236, 545-1535)
    • Office Hours:
      • Monday 1:30 - 3:00
      • Tuesday 1:30 - 3:00
    • TA: Natalie Kehrwald ( , Hasbrouck 236)
      • Office Hours
        • Monday 12:30 - 1:30
        • Wednesday 12:30 - 1:30
      • TA: Jeanne Thibeault ( , Morrill 4 South 264)
        • Office Hours:
          • Tuesday 1:15 - 2:15
          • Thursday 1:15 - 2:15
          The objectives of this course are to gain a basic understanding of the interrelationships among the earth's major physical and biological systems and to gain an appreciation of past and potential future global environmental changes. The role of humans in propagating and mitigating global change will also be examined. We will discuss changes in the atmosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere and biosphere, and the impacts of human actions. Aspects of the forecasted global warming as well as other important issues will be discussed in detail.
          The Earth System , 2nd Edition, by Kump, Kasting, and Crane, 2004 The textbook is available at the UMass Textbook Annex and at the Jeffrey Amherst College Store at a discount.

4. NIGEC: Welcome
National Institute for global environmental change.
National Institute for Global Environmental Change Main About Overview Vision ... NIGEC Welcome Upcoming NIGEC Events May 2004 7th - RCD Teleconference: 11:30 Pacific 16th - Award Year 2003 Invoices Due from Regional Centers to National Office 21st - Research Management Information Systems (RIMS) Report Due from Regional Centers to National Office June 2004 1st - Research Management Information Systems (RIMS) Report (2 Page Digital PDF File) Due from University of California Office of the President to Department of Energy 14th - Request for Proposals Meeting Request for Proposals Posted on NIGEC Website*** July 2004 15th - Award Year 2003 Invoices Due from Regional Centers to National Office 16th - Letter of Intent Due from Principal Investigators to Regional Centers Click here to view the entire NIGEC Calendar Click here to see NIGEC's Images The National Institute for Global Environmental Change (NIGEC) was established by the United States House of Representatives and the United States Senate in the Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act of 1989. The institute is operated for the U.S. Department of Energy

5. Human Dimensions Of Global Environmental Change Discussion List
Mailing list subscription information and link to archives.
Center for International Earth Science Information Network, Columbia University Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center
Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Discussion List (HGDEC)
You may subscribe to HGDEC, a SEDAC-sponsored mailing list that serves as a forum for the exchange of information and opinions on the human dimensions of global environmental change, by sending email to The body of your message should read, "subscribe hgdec". Archived messages from HGDEC are accessible at Text Browser Utilities:
CIESIN Home Page SEDAC Home Page CIESIN Gateway Search ... Help-Feedback CIESIN is a research unit of Columbia University For more information about CIESIN and our activities contact CIESIN User Services. E-mail: . Tel.: (914) 365-8920

6. GECP Research-Africa
Describes GECP research programs in Africa.
Africa has been identified as one of the initial focus regions for GECP research. The landscape of Africa is changing in response to a number of demographic, socioeconomic, and climatic forces. Changes in land cover and land use coupled with variability in climate directly affect the structure and function of African ecosystems and the goods and services these ecosystems supply, as well as impacting the composition of the regional and global atmosphere. GECP-Africa is focused on understanding these changes, their feedbacks, and their link to sustainability. The GECP-Africa approach is to combine satellite remote sensing, numerical modeling, and field-based process studies in an effort to improve understanding of the natural and anthropogenic systems in Africa and the processes of change at work in African regions. A major objective of the GECP effort is to develop some predictive capability with regard to these changes on both a regional and global scale. There are currently four components to GECP Africa : A brochure describing GECP-Africa is available upon request to the Global Environmental Change Program.

7. Encyclopedia Of Global Environmental Change Web Page - John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Considerable progress has been made in recent decades in understanding the many facets of global environmental change, and devising appropriate engineering and

8. Newsletter On-line: Global Environmental Change Programme
ESRC global environmental change Programme. Programme Newsletter, GECKO, online. GECKO is the newsletter of the Economic and Social
ESRC Global Environmental Change Programme
Programme Newsletter, GECKO, on-line
GECKO is the newsletter of the Economic and Social Research council's Global Environmental Change Programme and is received by about 4000 people involved in the environmental field in research, policy and business. It brings news of developments in the Programme including updates on events, networks, and output from the researchers. If you would like to use GEC-O to communicate your relevant news or information, or if you would like to add your name or those of others to the mailing list, please contact the editor Alister Scott, Global Environmental Change Programme Office, Mantell Building, University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton, BN1 9RF, Tel: 01273-678935, Fax: 01273-604483, Email: Inclusion of all material is at Editor's discretion. The newsletter is published three time each year in March, June and November. Edition 22: Spring 2000 Edition 21: Autumn 1999 Edition 20: Summer 1999 Edition 19: Spring 1999 ... Edition 8: Summer 1995 Previous editions of the newsletter are available from the Programme Office To publications menu
To home page

9. Global Environmental Change: Are Environmental Protection And Economic Growth In
Who governs the global environment? there could be a dramatic environmental breakdown because because they underestimated the effects of technological change.

1. Are environmental protection and economic growth incompatible?
Home page Previous Next Producing greener, consuming smarter ... The programme Economic and engineering studies have shown that there is great potential for environmental improvement in industry at low or negative cost" Is economic growth always based on the exploitation of nature or can growth resolve environmental problems? What tensions lie between the economy and the environment and what are the consequences for environmental policy? Thirty years ago there was growing concern that economic growth would lead to the over-exploitation of natural resources. Scientists projecting current trends into the future warned that there could be a dramatic environmental breakdown because economic development would reach resource limits. Such predictions have been proven wrong, mainly because they underestimated the effects of technological change. In the 1980s, the notion of 'ecological modernisation' turned the above argument on its head. It suggested that economic development and environmental protection can reinforce each other. Increased wealth would not necessarily lead to more pollution, ran the argument, because efficiency gains can offset the effects of growth, and simultaneously reduce production costs. The relationship between growth and environment is still hotly debated. Economic and engineering studies have shown that there is great potential for environmental improvement in industry at low or negative cost. New processes and products can significantly reduce pollution, safer substances can substitute for toxic or dangerous materials, transportation can be reduced and information can sometimes replace material goods. Developing countries will be able to reduce or avoid pollution at an earlier stage, rather than following the dirty 'northern' path of industrialisation. Technology transfer and new technologies can lay the path to a cleaner style of development.

10. UEA: Changed URLs
CSERGE's core academic objectives are to undertake policyrelevant research on global environmental problems and to contribute to the ESRC's global environmental change Research Programme.
Changed URLs
It is sometimes necessary to move UEA web pages to another location, or addresses may have been quoted wrongly in publications or on mailing lists. When this happens, a filter may be put into the web server to trap requests for the old, or wrong, URLs and the requests are diverted to this page. Please look through the entries below to find the URL that you need, and then change your bookmarks accordingly. There is no automatic forwarding, and there are no links from this page, so that people will change their bookmarks, and search engines will not continue to reference old URLs. Pat Newby, IT and Computing Service (ITCS)
December 2002
School of Environmental Sciences (ENV) - Admissions
School of Environmental Sciences (ENV) - Centre for Environmental Risk (CER)
Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment (CSERGE)
School of Language, Linguistics and Translation Studies (LLT)

11. NIGEC: Midwestern Regional Center
NIGEC's mission is to carry out research on global environmental change. One of six regional research centers, MRC) is at Indiana University on the Bloomington campus and is administered by the School of Public and Environmental Affairs.
National Institute for Global Environmental Change:
Midwestern Regional Center

About the Center

Contact Information

Research Projects
National Office
Revised: 14 June 1996

12. NIGEC Western Regional Center
on terrestrial (75%) and coastal margin (20%) ecosystems, with about 5% of our funding being allocated to support education on global environmental change.
National Institute for Global
Environmental Change
Request for Proposals

By State/Institution

By Investigator
Main NIGEC Server
Western Region
Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada
Oregon, Pacific Territories, Utah, Washington
  • The primary focus of WESTGEC's research program is on regional ecosystem response in relation to actual or predicted climate change and the socio-economic implications of that response. These studies include research on both natural and managed ecosystems and are focused primarily on terrestrial (75%) and coastal margin (20%) ecosystems, with about 5% of our funding being allocated to support education on global environmental change.
  • Another significant element of WESTGEC's research program is to provide local to regional scale data on the flux of greenhouse gases (primarily carbon dioxide) within forest ecosystems. These data are being used in a cross-comparison analysis with other forests and other biome types being studied within the other five NIGEC regions throughout the United States. This research involves ecophysiological and eddy covariance studies at about 24 sites participating in NIGEC's AmeriFlux Network. Results of these studies will help elucidate the mechanisms by which carbon dioxide is exchanged between the landscape and the atmosphere and ultimately used to help parameterize carbon flux models and General Circulation Models (GCMs) that are realistic at both regional and continental scales.

13. Environment Journals
Business Environment, global environmental change Report, Indoor Environmental Quality, Oil Spill Intelligence Report, and Energy Design Update, formerly
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Environment Journals Global Environmental Change Report Indoor Environmental Quality Oil Spill Intelligence Report , and Energy Design Update , formerly published by Cutter Information Corporation, are now a part of Aspen Publishers Environmental Services library of products. These publications add to Aspen's comprehensive line of manuals, newsletters and on-line services providing timely analysis and practical information on environmental and compliance issues. Most notably these related compliance titles include: Hazardous Waste Consultant Air Pollution Consultant and OSHA Compliance Guide
Print Version

Online Version

Energy Design Update Print Version
Online Version

Global Environmental Change Report Print Version
Online Version
Indoor Environment Quality Print Version Online Version Oil Spill Intelligence Report Print Version Online Version
Hazardous Waste Consultant Air Pollution Consultant ... OSHA Compliance Guide Speak with a product specialist at 1-800-638-8437 (within the U.S.)

14. Global Environmental Change Programme Home Page
This is the home page of the global environmental change Research Programme of the United Kingdom's Economic and Social Research Council. The Programme consists of social science and economics global environmental change. A Research Programme funded by the The global environmental change Programme is in its final year
Global Environmental Change
A Research Programme funded by the
Economic and Social Research Council
The Global Environmental Change Programme is in its final year. Supported by the Economic and Social Research Council, the Programme has run since 1991 and will end in June 2000. In that time, it has supported 150 empirical research projects, Fellowships and PhD studentships across the UK. Our web site is split into two sections:
  • This contents page provides access to detailed information about the Programme's work. The other section is at The main feature of this part of the site is a set of three Programme Summaries. These bring together, in an accessible form, the most important insights of the Programme's research.
Recent Programme Highlights , including Chris Williams' report The Environmental Threat to Human Intelligence , details of the launch of the Programme Summaries and our influential report on 'The Politics of GM Food: Risk, Science and Public Trust' and supporting documents Overview Contact information Our Research How we operate ... Search this site These pages are designed by the Global Environmental Change Programme Office and will be maintained until the end of the Programme in June 2000.

15. CIESIN Ozone Home Page
CIESIN Thematic Guides. OZONE DEPLETION. AND global environmental change. Welcome to the CIESIN thematic guide on ozone depletion issues.
CIESIN Thematic Guides
Welcome to the CIESIN thematic guide on ozone depletion issues. The purpose of this guide is to help you find selected key documents that pertain to the issue of ozone depletion: causes, human and environmental effects, and policy responses. The 1985 report of the discovery of an "ozone hole" over Antarctica focused attention on the idea that humans can have a significant impact on the global environment. This discovery, along with evidence that ozone is being lost at nearly all latitudes outside the tropics, has prompted much research into the causes of ozone depletion and the biological effects of increased ultraviolet radiation exposure. The potential effects on humans and the environment have led to international resolutions designed to gradually phase out production of ozone-depleting substances. As a result, the scientific and industrial communities have collaborated to find safe and economical replacements for chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), the manmade chemicals implicated in ozone loss. This guide contains an Overview that provides general background on key concepts and issues related to ozone depletion. In addition, four subsections explore selected topics in greater detail:

16. Global Environmental Change
Environmental Engineering/ General References/ global environmental change. global environmental change. Edited by Hester reaching effects of global environmental change, and it is


18. Encyclopedia Of Global Environmental Change Web Page - John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Publicdriven Response to global environmental change Bernd Kasemir; Scientific Responses in an Era of global environmental change Philippe Bourdeau;
  • Environmental Responses: an Overview
    Mostafa K Tolba
  • Trends in Environmental Management in the Last 40 Years
    Osama A El-Kholy
  • Public-driven Response to Global Environmental Change
    Bernd Kasemir
  • Scientific Responses in an Era of Global Environmental Change
    Philippe Bourdeau
  • Policy Responses to Public Health Issues Relating to Global Environmental Change
    Aleya El Bindari Hammad
  • Industrial Responses to Stratospheric Ozone Depletion and Lessons for Global Climate Change
    Stephen O Andersen
  • Emerging Environmental Issues
    Peter Timmerman
  • Adaptation Strategies
    Ian Burton
  • Sustainable Energy Policies
    Thomas Johansson
  • Dematerialization and Sustainable Development
    Mostafa K Tolba
  • Eco-efficiency Robert Ayres
  • Monitoring in Support of Policy: an Adaptive Ecosystem Approach James J Kay A
  • Adaptive Environmental Management Richard A Fleming
  • Agarwal, Anil Mostafa K Tolba
  • Agenda 21 Mary P Williams Silveira
  • Andersen, Stephen O Mostafa K Tolba
  • AsiaPacific Network (APN) Hiroaki Takagi B
  • Basel Convention Jennifer Clapp
  • Benedick, Richard Elliot

19. Johns Hopkins Global Environment Change And Our Health | PBS
Explore the causes, effects, and health implications of global environmental change. Link to lesson plans and datarich resources.
TEACHERS STUDENTS Welcome. Johns Hopkins University created this website for middle school students, teachers, and parents. It's based upon a graduate course at this world-famous school. Use it as a stand-alone research and teaching tool, a place to learn and gain insights, and a companion to PBS's Journey to Planet Earth television series. Taking Our Temperature or Hole in the 'Zone
For Teachers
About the Site
... Site Map Major funding provided by The Gottesman Fund, The New York Community Trust, The Overbrook Foundation, The Consortium for Conservation Medicine, Wildlife Trust, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and MetLife.

20. Center For Health And The Global Environment, Harvard Medical School
The Center's mission is to understand the human health consequences of global environmental change, and to promote a wider understanding of these consequences among physicians, scientists, policymakers, the media, and the general public.

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