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1. AWI: Glaciology glaciology. Both the reconstruction of ice sheet volume and the mass balance of glaciers by means of modelling, geophysical reconnaissance methods as well as field studies and the unraveling of http://www.awi-bremerhaven.de/GPH/www_gla2_index.html | |
2. GLACIOLOGY WELCOME TO THE HOME OF DEEP glaciology. glaciology is the Our work connects us with the glaciology community worldwide. ICE in all http://skua.gps.caltech.edu/ | |
3. Glacier Research Group, VAW Glaciology Section, ETH Zurich Glacier and permafrost research in the Swiss Alps, Greenland Ice Sheet (Jakobshavn ice stream), and in Spitsbergen. http://www.vaw.ethz.ch/glaciology/ |
4. Glaciology Group At The University Of Washington, Seattle glaciology at University of Washington. These pages describe the research being conducted, the people involved, courses, and upcoming events, for the glaciology group at U of Washington, Seattle. http://www.geophys.washington.edu/Surface/Glaciology | |
5. Glaciology Home Page. glaciology at UBC. Within the Department of Geophysics and Astronomy at UBC, the glaciology group has a long history of research activity. http://www.geop.ubc.ca/Glaciology/glaciol.html | |
6. Antarctic Glaciology antacrtic glaciology www polar role in the global environment. The glaciology program is concerned with the study of Programs, focused in the Antarctic glaciology Program and Antarctic Geology and Geophysics http://www.nsf.gov/od/opp/antarct/glaciolo.htm | |
7. Glaciology - NBI - København Universitet Climate research through ice core drillings (including logistics and instrumental development), analysis of chemical and physical parameters and modelling. Other topics Studies of ice rheology and studies of extraterrestrial ice. http://www.glaciology.gfy.ku.dk/ |
8. Cambridge Greenland Glaciology Expedition 2002 Information about patrons, schedule, backing and membership of a summer 2002 expedition to Eastern Louise Boyds Land in Northeast Greenland to study the zone of convergence of two glaciers and complete several first ascents. http://www.greenland2002.org.uk/ | |
9. CfG Home Research focus is on glaciology and glacial geology. Staff expertise and research areas include relation http://www.aber.ac.uk/~glawww/ |
10. INSTAAR Glaciology Group Research and reference information on iceflow dynamics and calving, sub-glacial and englacial hydrology, permafrost, glaciers and sea-level change, climate change and glacier mass balance, heat exchange within snow packs, and related topics. http://tintin.colorado.edu/group/ |
11. Benchmark Glaciers Longterm program to monitor climate, stream runoff, and the motion, mass balance, and geometry of glaciers at a few sites in Alaska and Washington State. Data are used to understand glacier-related hydrologic processes and improve prediction of water resources, glacier-related hazards, and the consequences of climate change. http://ak.water.usgs.gov/glaciology/ | |
12. IGS 2004. Papers accepted for publication in Annals of glaciology Volume 38 and Volume 39. website. Links to glaciologyrelated web sites. http://www.igsoc.org/ | |
13. GLACIOLOGY WELCOME TO THE HOME OF DEEP glaciology. glaciology is the study of ice in all of its principal investigators of the Caltech glaciology Group supported primarily by the National http://glaciology.caltech.edu/hermann | |
14. IGS » Journal Of Glaciology Journal of glaciology. Chief Editor. Jo Jacka jglac@bigpond.com. Editorial Board. The Journal of glaciology, is published four times a year. http://www.igsoc.org/journal/ | |
15. Glaciology-Related Sites Links to glaciologyRelated Sites. Bavarian Academy of Sciences, Commission for glaciology http//www.uni-wuerzburg.de/geographie/kom/kfglaz-e.html. http://skua.gps.caltech.edu/hermann/glaciolinks.html | |
16. USDOC/NOAA/NESDIS/National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC) Home Page Manages environmental data in the fields of marine geology and geophysics, paleoclimatology, solarterrestrial physics, solid earth geophysics, and glaciology (snow and ice). http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/ | |
17. Glaciology WWW Page. UBC Ice Sheet Modelling Program. UBC Glaciologists are developing theoretical and numerical models of ice sheet thermomechanics and subglacial physics. http://www.geop.ubc.ca/Glaciology/modelling.html | |
18. National Institute Of Polar Research Japanese facility that researches polar meteorology, glaciology, oceanography, geology, marine and terrestrial biology, ecology, and Antarctic meteorites. Includes information on facilities, publications, and joint research. http://www.nipr.ac.jp/ | |
19. IGS Main pages. This website is kindly hosted by the Scott Polar Research Institute, University of Cambridge. accepted for presentation at the International Symposium on Arctic glaciology in Geilo http://www.spri.cam.ac.uk/igs/home.htm | |
20. CfG Home http://www.aber.ac.uk/glaciology/ |
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