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141. Japan Society Of Gene Therapy Facilitates interdisciplinary gene therapy research between investigators performing basic and applied research and clinical trials through academic conferences, international symposia and publications. http://bizweb.justnet.ne.jp/~jsgt/ | |
142. National Human Genome Research Institute - Talking Glossary Of Genetic Terms explained Listen to a detailed explanation. Dr. Michael Blaese defines gene therapy. related terms cDNA library, gene, genome, inherited, protein. http://www.genome.gov/glossary.cfm?key=gene therapy |
143. Cell Transplants International Notfor-profit medical research foundation working to find a treatment for muscular dystrophy and other genetic diseases through cell/gene therapy. Site describes treatments and clinical trials. http://www.celltherapy.com/ | |
144. The Physician And Sportsmedicine: Gene Therapy And Tissue Engineering In Sports gene therapy and Tissue Engineering in Sports Medicine. Vladimir Martinek, MD; Freddie H. Fu, MD; Johnny Huard, PhD. gene therapy. http://www.physsportsmed.com/issues/2000/02_00/huard.htm | |
145. Gene Therapy Advisory Committee - GTAC Advises on the ethical acceptability of proposals for gene therapy research on humans taking account of the scientific merits and the potential benefits and risks, and provides advice to UK Health Ministers on developments in gene therapy research. http://www.doh.gov.uk/genetics/gtac | |
146. Gene Therapy gene therapy. Mill Hill essays 1995 gene therapy Simple in theory but difficult in practice. An essay on gene therapy, published http://omni.ac.uk/browse/mesh/detail/C0017296L0017296.html | |
147. Gene Therapy And Genomics gene therapy and Genomics, Home . Earth Science. , Alternative Energy. Endangered Species. gene therapy. Genetically Modified Food. Stem Cell Research. http://www.brightsurf.com/l_gene_therapy.html | |
148. Department Of Surgery, University Of Liverpool Research focusing on treatment of pancreatic cancer and acute pancreatitis using gene therapy and surgical techniques, from the Department of Surgery. http://www.liv.ac.uk/surgery/resrch.html | |
149. CNN.com - Gene Therapy For Parkinson's Disease Begins - Aug. 19, 2003 Researchers slipped billions of copies of a gene into the brain of a Parkinson s disease patient Monday, marking the first attempt to test gene therapy in a http://www.cnn.com/2003/HEALTH/conditions/08/19/gene.therapy.ap/ | |
150. Research At MCRI The CAGT group of MCRI focuses on gene therapy research for neurological, haematological and liver diseases affecting babies, children and adolescents. http://murdoch.rch.unimelb.edu.au/pages/research/research.asp?P=oview&G=10&a |
151. CNN.com - The Fall And Rise Of Gene Therapy - May 8, 2000 The fall and rise of gene therapy. by gene therapy has been long promised as a way to treat the kind of defect that causes SCID. But http://www.cnn.com/2000/HEALTH/05/08/ethics.matters/ |
152. SCOPE NOTE SERIES Essays on genetic screening, eugenics and gene therapy, from National Reference Center for Bioethics Literature, Georgetown University, Washington, DC. http://www.georgetown.edu/research/nrcbl/scopenotes/ | |
153. FAQs On Gene Therapy FAQs on gene therapy. FAQs brought to you by Access Excellence CF gene therapy FAQ. DMD Research Center FAQs on Dystrophin gene therapy (Delivery) Research. http://www.genemed.org/faqs.html |
155. Vaccines-home Vaccines may cause Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). The biblical case against vaccines, toxic ingredients in vaccines, questions on what to ask your peditrician, gene therapy by vaccination, and vaccine package inserts information. http://poisonevercure.150m.com/ | |
156. Predicted Hazard Of Gene Therapy A Reality ISIS was almost a lone voice warning of cancer from foreign genes inserting into the genome in gene therapy and other exposures to transgenic DNA. http://www.i-sis.org.uk/PHGT.php | |
157. What Is Gene Therapy? What is gene therapy? http://www.biotech.wisc.edu/Education/Poster/genetherapy.html | |
158. Vanderbilt Radiation Oncology Research at a hightechnology treatment facility clinical trials; biological modifiers; therapeutic targets; industry validation of efficacy of pharmaceutical, imaging and radiotherapy methods; medical physics of radiotherapy delivery; radiation-guided drug delivery and gene therapy imaging. Regional facilities. http://www.mc.vanderbilt.edu/radiationoncology | |
159. Gene Therapy Potent Against Advanced Prostate Cancer gene therapy Potent Against Advanced Prostate Cancer. The IL2 is a passenger of sorts, riding in the gene therapy vehicle, Belldegrun said. http://unisci.com/stories/20012/0521011.htm | |
160. IngentaSelect: FullText www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgibin/booktoc/89014601 HUM-MOLGEN journals gene therapy Weekly HUM-MOLGEN - Journals Search, gene therapy Weekly, February, 26 2003, virtual library in human genetics and molecular biology. January 20, 1997. http://www.ingentaselect.com/rpsv/cw/mal/10430342/contp1.htm | |
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