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61. Fluid Mechanics At Virginia Tech fluid mechanics is one of the oldest and broadest fields of engineering. Itencompasses aerodynamics, hydrodynamics, vortex dynamics, gas dynamics http://www.eng.vt.edu/fluids/ | |
62. Computer Simulations In Physics Computer Simulations in Physics. A page with examples of simulations of fluid dynamics, wave equations, mechanics and more, done by a student of Computational Physics at University of Wroclaw (Poland). Graphics and animations included. http://panoramix.ift.uni.wroc.pl/~maq/eng/index.html |
63. Cardiovascular Mechanics And Biofluid Dynamics Research Unit Research site concentrating on cardiovascular and extracorporeal fluid mechanics (in artificial organs). http://navier.rug.ac.be/public/biomed/ |
64. Journal Of Aerospace Engineering, ASCE Publications Defines the role of civil engineering in space. Topics covered include lunar soil mechanics, design of inhabited space facilities, energy systems, extraterrestrial construction and resource development, fluid dynamics, and robotics. http://www.pubs.asce.org/journals/as.html | |
65. Koehl Lab Research involving the application of fluid dynamics and solid mechanics in the study of biological structure. Includes publication list, graduate students, and related links. University of California, Berkeley, U.S. http://ib.berkeley.edu/labs/koehl/ | |
66. Climate Dynamics,Chaos And Quantum Mechanics A theory of everything for chaos,quantum mechanics and gravity applicable to subatomic dynamics as well as turbulent fluid flows. http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Lab/5833 | |
67. Fluidyn Software developed by Transoft International in the field of computational fluid dynamics, heat transfer, structural mechanics, environmental engineering and ground water pollution. http://www.fluidyn.com | |
68. C. Pozrikidis NCSE Numerical Methods Library, FDLIB fluid dynamics Library, CFDLAB Computational fluid dynamics Laboratory, and BEMLIB BoundaryElement Software Library by C. Pozrikidis, Professor of fluid mechanics. http://stokes.ucsd.edu/c_pozrikidis/mainpage.html | |
69. Taylor & Francis Group - Not Found Publishes original research papers and short communications, occasional survey articles and conference reports on the fluid mechanics of the earth and planets, including oceans, atmospheres and interiors, and the fluid mechanics of the sun, stars and other astrophysical objects. http://www.gbhap.com/journals/134/134-top.htm | |
70. Maritime Engineering All education and research is concentrated on solid mechanics and fluid dynamics and their application in industry. The knowledge and skills of the staff and the students is not limited to shipbuilding and offshore science as both general and specialised topics within the areas are covered. http://www.mt.mek.dtu.dk/ | |
71. Professor Gosman's CFD Group Research into the mechanics and uses of Computational fluid dynamics including numerics, physics and applications. http://monet.me.ic.ac.uk |
72. AME - AME Home The AME Department offers undergraduate programs in aerospace engineering and mechanical engineering. AME offers graduate programs leading to M.Sc. and Ph.D degrees in aerospace engineering, mechanical engineering, and nuclear engineering. Research activities are concentrated in the broad areas of aerospace, Computational fluid dynamics, Computational Multibody dynamics, Bioengineering, mechanics, and thermal and energy science. http://www.ame.arizona.edu/ | |
73. Navier-Stokes Equations: Introduction A brief summary of the NavierStokes equations governing fluid dynamics and fluid mechanics. http://www.eng.vt.edu/fluids/msc/ns/nsintro.htm | |
74. Nabla Ltd. - Computational Continuum Mechanics (CFD, Stress Analysis) Using FOAM Offers software for computational continuum mechanics (CCM) including fluid dynamics (CFD), stress analysis and electromagnetics and also CCM consultancy with expertise in multiphase flow, combustion, DNS and LES. http://www.nabla.co.uk | |
75. Ricardo Software Simulation software for mechanics, gas dynamics and fluid mechanics, focusing on internal combustion engines and vehicles. Marketing, training, support. http://www.software.ricardo.com | |
76. UK Fluid Dynamics Group fluid dynamics Group. List of faculty members, links to the sites of the subgroups dealing with computational fluid dynamics and fluid mechanics, and information on facilities and relevant courses. http://www.engr.uky.edu/me/fdg/ | |
77. Fluid Mechanics Notes, Tutorials, References@OneSmartClick.Com Tube Properties, The Pissing Bucket Some RealWorld fluid mechanics.Vortex dynamics- An Overview, Vortex dynamics Atmosphere and Oceans. http://www.onesmartclick.com/engineering/fluid-mechanics.html | |
78. (UK) University Of Wales Institute for NonNewtonian fluid mechanics. An interdisciplinary organisation made up of the constituent University of Wales at Aberyswyth, Bangor and Swansea fluid dynamics groups. http://innfm.swan.ac.uk |
79. Vasily P. Yaremchuk's Home Page: Convection And Microgravity Science I am postgraduate of Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. I work in Laboratory for mathematical and physical modelling in fluid mechanics headed by Professor Polezhaev http://ipmnet.ru/~yarem/ | |
80. ABC.NET Web Directory - - Science - Physics - Fluid Mechanics And Dynamics - Open in a new Window, » Navier Stokes Equations A brief summary of theNavier-Stokes equations governing fluid dynamics and fluid mechanics. http://www.abc.net/dir/index.php/Science/Physics/Fluid_Mechanics_and_Dynamics/ | |
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