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81. NMFS Office Science And Technology The NOAA fisheries Office of science and Technology provides commercial, recreationaland trade stataistics, coordinates the agency s international science http://www.st.nmfs.gov/st/ | |
82. CEFAS - The Centre For Environment Fisheries And Aquaculture Science The centre is an agency of the UK Government's Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) and is a scientific research and advisory centre for fisheries management and environmental protection. http://www.cefas.co.uk/ | |
83. Seals And Fisheries, Science And Politics (IMMA Inc.) Seals and fisheries, science and Politics. David M. Lavigne. Departmentof Zoology, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada http://www.imma.org/orlando1.html | |
84. Seals And Fisheries, Science And Politics (IMMA Inc.) Seals and fisheries, science and Politics. David M. Lavigne. Departmentof Zoology University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1G 2W1. and. http://www.imma.org/orlando.html | |
85. Fisheries And Oceans Canada - Science Aquaculture Environmental science. fisheries Research. Hydrography. What we doAquaculture; Environmental science; fisheries Research; Hydrography; Oceanography. http://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/science/main_e.htm | |
86. Fisheries And Oceans Canada - Pêches Et Océans Canada Translate this page http://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/science/ | |
87. Australian Government Department Of Agriculture, Fisheries And Forestry Popular Pages. Australian Government Drought Assistance; science and InnovationAwards for Young People in Agriculture, fisheries and Forestry; http://www.affa.gov.au/ | |
88. NOAA Fisheries - National Marine Fisheries Service to the National Marine fisheries Service (NOAA fisheries) dedicated to the stewardshipof living marine resources through sciencebased conservation and http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/ | |
89. UT Forestry, Wildlife, And Fisheries of Forestry, Wildlife and fisheries is the premier natural resource program in theState of Tennessee with a mission to advance the science, management, and http://fwf.ag.utk.edu/ | |
90. Department Of Fisheries Allied Aquaculture AUBURN An Auburn University fisheries researcher who has built Alabama Water Watch the What s Hot for 2004 list of middleschool science education products http://www.ag.auburn.edu/dept/faa/ | |
91. David Suzuki Foundation: Climate Change The David Suzuki Foundation is a sciencebased Canadian environmental organization, specializing in global warming, sustainable forestry, salmon farming and fisheries. http://www.davidsuzuki.org/Climate_Change/ | |
92. FACULTY OF SCIENCE AND FISHERIES TECHNOLOGY Faculty of science and fisheries Technology. Search in All Topics. Faculty of scienceand fisheries Technology, Ragamangala Institute of Technology. http://www.fishtech.rit.ac.th/ | |
93. Taylor & Francis Group - Not Found Interdisciplinary journal focused on applied science and engineering. Topics include ocean currents, waves, and transport processes, ocean instrumentation, and applications to marine waste disposal, fisheries management, dredging, beach erosion, oil spill prevention and remediation, and aquatic toxicology. http://www.gbhap.com/journals/226/226-top.htm | |
94. Welcome To The TAVEL Group Of Companies A fisheries and aquaculture consulting firm that offers engineering, management and science services to industry and government. http://www.tavel.ca/ |
95. Somali Fisheries Society Network for Somali fisheries and Marine science professionals. Working towards conservation, awareness and sustainable development. http://www.soma-fish.net |
96. The Canadian Shark Research Laboratory An information source on sharks and shark fisheries in Atlantic Canada (English and French) http://www.mar.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/science/shark/index.htm | |
97. American Fisheries Society Home Page Society is to improve the conservation and sustainability of fishery resources andaquatic ecosystems by advancing fisheries and aquatic science and promoting http://www.fisheries.org/html/index.shtml | |
98. Science -- Pauly Et Al. 302 (5649): 1359 Data Supplement - Web Resources American fisheries Society The oldest and largest professional society representingfisheries scientists. Selected Previous science Articles on fisheries. http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/302/5649/1359/DC1 | |
99. Introduction Of Tokyo University Of Fisheries Lists university history, structure, campus, library, museum, departments of ocean sciences, technology, aquatic biosciences, fisheries resource management, and food science and technology, as well as calendar, and overseas student guide. http://www.tokyo-u-fish.ac.jp/English/index-e.html | |
100. Science -- Sign In item Full Text Pauly et al., The Future for fisheries, Science2003 302 13591361. You are on the site via Free Public Access. http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/302/5649/1359 | |
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