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121. Tuckwell Press: Scottish History Books Scottish history; publishes biography, architecture, ethnology, and politics. http://www.tuckwellpress.co.uk/ | |
122. Forum 2004 - Museum Of Ethnology Stage City Results Museum of ethnology. Other stages Advanced search Results for Museum of ethnology, Results 1 1 of 1. 01/06/2004 - 24 http://www.barcelona2004.org/eng/escenarios/ciudad/evciudad.cfm?pEsc=29 |
123. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Lule Indians A name which has given rise to considerable confusion and dispute in Argentine ethnology, owing to the fact, now established, that it was applied at different times to two very different peoples, neither of which now exists under that name, while the vocabulary which could settle the affinity of the earlier tribe is now lost. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/09428a.htm | |
124. Search Ethnology Index ethnology Index. A searchable index to the publications of the Bureau of American ethnology (BAE), Smithsonian Institution, version 1. http://www.usd.edu/library/ethnology/ | |
125. National Museum - About Us Overview and history of the museum, as well as information on its archaeology, ethnology and natural history activities. http://www.zemaljskimuzej.ba/english/about_us.htm | |
126. Collections And Research At The University Of Alaska Museum Of The North - Ethno ethnology History. 907.474.7505. fnajl@uaf.edu. 907 Yukon Drive Fairbanks, AK 99775. http://www.uaf.edu/museum/depts/ethno/ | |
127. Lalaith's Middle-earth Science Pages Scholarly discussions of the geography, ethnology, astronomy and languages of Middleearth. http://rover.wiesbaden.netsurf.de/~lalaith/M-earth.html | |
128. Völkerkundemuseum Museum Ships. Wax Museum. Speicherstadtmuseum. Submarine U434. ethnology Museum. Long Museum Night. More Museums. Celebrations/Markets. Exhibitions/Fairs. http://www.hamburg-tourism.de/Ethnology_Museum.218 B6Jkw9MQ__.0.html | |
129. LeNoir Forge Museum, Arichat Operated by the Isle Madame Historical Society, it showcases cultural history, ethnology, fisheries, trades and crafts. Offers an outline of exhibits, local history and area description. http://cbmuseums.tripod.com/Cape_Breton_Museums/id38.html | |
130. ETHNOLOGY OF THE THRACIANS ethnology OF THE THRACIANS (Summary). Rumjana Georgieva, Tosho Spiridonov, Maria Rejo (Univ. Press Sv. Kliment Ohridski , Sofia, 1999). http://www.kroraina.com/thracia/ethno/thrac_ethnol.html | |
131. University Of Edinburgh: School Of Literatures, Languages And Cultures, Celtic A Two sections Celtic Studies and Scottish ethnology Studies. Faculty, courses, and information on the Centre for Language Policy and Language Planning (Rannsachadh air Poileasaidh C nain agus Dealbhadh C nain). http://www.celtscot.ed.ac.uk/ | |
132. University Of Arkansas Museum Information on the exhibits schedule and collection of anthropology, archeology, ethnology, history, geology, and zoology related items. Hours and location provided. http://www.uark.edu/~museinfo/ |
133. Ethnology. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001. ethnology. In the 20th cent. ethnology has focused on the comparative study of past and contemporary cultures. http://www.bartleby.com/65/et/ethnolog.html | |
134. Brian Hayden Professor in the department of Archaeology. Research interests includes New World archaeology and ethnology, Old World Paleolithic, hunter/gatherer ethnology, Australian and Southeast Asian prehistory, ethnoarchaeology, lithic technology and cultural ecology. Courses, research programs and publications. http://www.sfu.ca/archaeology/dept/fac_bio/hayden/ | |
135. Faculty Of History - Institute Of Archaeology And Ethnology Institute of Archaeology and ethnology. ul. Podmurna 9/11 87 M. Wiewiora). Department of ethnology Head Prof. dr hab. Teresa Karwicka http://www.his.uni.torun.pl/en/archeology/archeo.html | |
136. ÐÑногÑаÑÐ¸Ñ Ð½Ð°Ñодов Ð Ð¾Ñ ÐÑногÑаÑиÑеÑкие коллекÑии мÑзеев РоÑÑии, обÑиÑнÑе библиоÑека пÑбликаÑий, подбоÑка ÑÑÑлок. http://ethnology.ru |
137. FA MU - Department Of European Ethnology Department of European ethnology. Department Position in the Structure Faculty of Arts Departments Department of European ethnology. Staff Professors Prof. PhDr. http://www.muni.cz/arts/structure/213300.html | |
138. Malena Gustavson - Etnologi / Ethnology malena gustavson on gender and queer studies, ethnology and some poetry. In Swedish and English. ETNOLOGI / ethnology. varför somnar man på museum? http://home.swipnet.se/pernin/mg/ethno.htm | |
139. Informacje Ogólne polish version. University of Wroclaw. Faculty of ethnology and Cultural Anthropology. Address Ul. Szewska 50/51. 50139 Wroclaw. tel./fax (071) 34-305-53. http://www.etnologia.uni.wroc.pl/index eng.htm | |
140. § 19 Aryans, Et Al.: Ethnology § 19. Aryans, et al. ethnology. Rattlesnake. In April 1867, he delivered a series of twelves lectures on ethnology to the Royal Institution. Lecture II. http://aleph0.clarku.edu/huxley/guide19.html | |
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