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61. Institute Of Ethnology And Folklore Research - Www.ief.hr Institute of ethnology and Folklore Research. Institute of ethnology and Folklore Research Ul. Kralja Zvonimira 17 HR10000 Zagreb http://maief.ief.hr/en/index.php | |
62. Institut Za Etnologiju I Folkloristiku - Www.ief.hr Institut za etnologiju i folkloristiku, Zagreb, Hrvatska. Institute for ethnology and Folklore Research, Zagreb, Croatia. http://maief.ief.hr/ |
63. EUROPAEA Bilingual (French/English) journal of European ethnology. http://www.unica.it/europaea/ | |
64. P.M.A.: Human History Collections documenting 12,000 years of human occupation of the Province. Includes archaeology and ethnology, folklife, government and Western Canadian history. http://www.pma.edmonton.ab.ca/human/intro.htm | |
65. Glenbow Museum Cultural history, ethnology, military history, and mineralogy collections, exhibition of First Nations art. http://www.glenbow.org/museum.htm | |
66. MACAU MARITIME MUSEUM Includes maritime ethnology, history and technology exhibitions as well as the aquarium gallery. Details on exhibitions, library, esplanade and Junk trips. http://www.museumaritimo.gov.mo/index_e.html | |
67. Institute Of Ethnology Jagiellonian University Netscape Navigator przynajmniej 2.0 a zobaczysz nas w nowej formie! Jesli chcesz, poogladaj nas w kawalkach Gorna ramka Lewa ramka Prawa ramka http://www3.uj.edu.pl/IE/ | |
68. Civilization.ca - Online Resources For Canadian Heritage - Ethnology culture MAIN MENU. ethnology. General and reference works Theory, methods, techniques. Indigenous peoples Canada General ethnology http://www.civilization.ca/orch/www06_e.html | |
69. Afghanistan Maps showing the development of the civil war, geography, ethnology and humanitarian situation. http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/afghanistan/large-map.htm | |
70. Civilization.ca - Collections Storage - Ethnological Artifacts ethnology, HELP. Lighting Device Lamps. Adornment Labrets. http://www.civilization.ca/collect/colethne.html | |
71. Ethnology The ethnology range stores and studies the material culture of contemporary or recently living peoples. Though the Museum has collections from all parts of the world, North America and Southeast Asia are especially well represented. http://www.umma.lsa.umich.edu/Ethnology/Ethnology.html |
72. Ethnology Collections ethnology Collections. The Glenbow ethnology collections consist of approximately 48,000 items made or used by the indigenous peoples http://www.glenbow.org/musehtm/ethnol.htm | |
73. Janes Fiji Home Page Detailed information on all the main islands of Fiji including travel and accommodation, history, culture, geography, people, lifestyle, postcards and picture galleries, mythology, legends, and ethnology. http://www.janeresture.com/fijihome/index.htm | |
74. CMRAE Home C Center for M Materials R Research in A Archaeology E ethnology. http://web.mit.edu/cmrae/cmrae_home.htm | |
75. Musée Du Quai Branly French museum exhibits tribal arts, documents on ethnology, ethnography, culture and civilization of indigenous peoples. Opening in 2005. Site in French, Spanish and English. http://www.quaibranly.fr/sommaire.php3?id_rubrique=20 |
76. Native Americans - Ethnology Native Americans American Indians, The First People of America. ethnology. ethnology has focused on the comparative study of past and contemporary cultures. http://www.nativeamericans.com/Ethnology.htm | |
77. Khm Museumsshop Features gifts and educational items inspired by the Habsburg collections in Vienna, as well as items from the Lipizzaner Museum, Museum of ethnology, and the Museum of Theater. http://ecomm.khm.at/cgi-bin/khmmuseumsshop.storefront/EN/Catalog | |
78. African Music Archive A history and general information on the archive at the Institute of ethnology and African Studies (Johannes Gutenburg University). http://ntama.uni-mainz.de/~ama/ |
79. Ethnology - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia National Museum of ethnology National Museum of ethnology. SuitaCity, OSAKA 4 Floors. The National Museum of ethnology is located on the site of the World Exposition 1970 in Suita, Osaka. http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethnology | |
80. Oceanic Arts Books Specializing in the ethnology of the South Pacific with a large collection of fine artifacts from Australia, Melanesia, Polynesia, Micronesia, and Indonesia. Library includes over 1000 related Rare and Outof-Print books relating to Tribal Art. Discussion forum. http://www.OceanicArts.com |
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