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41. Jane's Oceania Home Page Comprehensive information on the Pacific Islands of Oceania. Includes culture, ethnology, mythology, history, genealogy, customs, rituals, lifestyle, geography, travel, accommodation, extensive photo galleries, postcard images and Pacific Islands Radio. http://www.janeresture.com/ | |
42. European Ethnology - University Of Turku University of Turku School of Cultural Research European ethnology . About ethnology. ethnology is humanistic study of cultures. ethnology is also a profession. http://www.utu.fi/hum/kansatiede/eng/ | |
43. Ethno::log The finest stuff from ethnology social/ cultural anthropology and cyberanthropology. Collected with ceaseless endeavour by the staff of the Institut f¼r Ethnologie and Afrikanistik in M¼nchen/ Germany and countless others. http://sonner.antville.org/ | |
44. The Depatment Of Ethnology DEPARTMENT OF ethnology. Main page. The Department of History and ethnology offers study programmes in ethnology, Cultural Anthropology and Folkloristics. http://www.jyu.fi/tdk/hum/etnologia/englishinfo.html | |
45. Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura Journal published by the FinnoUgrian Society (Finland), and devoted to articles dealing with Finno-Ugric linguistics and ethnology. http://www.helsinki.fi/jarj/sus/julkaisut/susa/ | |
46. Etnologian Laitos University of Jyväskylä Department of History and ethnology Information in English. Postiosoite Historian ja etnologian laitos http://www.jyu.fi/tdk/hum/etnologia/ | |
47. Introductory Page - Uncle Remus History/Ethnology Research Project History and ethnology research project of Joe Harris' tales of Uncle Remus; includes selected texts. http://xroads.virginia.edu/~UG97/remus/remus.html | |
48. History Of SIL ethnology in SIL focuses on training and research. ethnology. ethnology in SIL focuses on developing cultural awareness through training and research. http://www.sil.org/anthro/ethnology.htm | |
49. Institute Of Ethnology Jagiellonian University Offers information about the institute as well as provides contact information. http://www.uj.edu.pl/IE/ | |
50. Museum Der Europäischen Kulturen - Museum Of European Cultures The Museum of Ethnography in Berlin collects and preserves objects of popular culture from the sixteenth century to the present. Established in June 1999 it embraces the merged collections of the Museum of Folklore and the European holdings in the Museum of ethnology in Berlin. http://www.museen-berlin.de/mek/e/s.html | |
51. Coast Salish Collections: Archaeology And Ethnology Of The Gulf Of Georgia Crown Copyright 2000 Province of British Columbia Various contents copyright by other agencies as indicated. This digital collection http://collections.ic.gc.ca/salish/ | |
52. Papua New Guinea Ethnology PAPUA NEW GUINEA ethnology. Oceania ethnology Home Page. Melanesia Home Page. Jane s Oceania Home Page. By Jane Resture. (Email jane@janeresture.com Rev. http://www.janeresture.com/oceania_ethnology/png.htm | |
53. Solomon Islands Ethnology SOLOMON ISLANDS ethnology. Oceania ethnology Home Page. Melanesia Home Page. Jane s Solomon Islands Home Page. Jane s Oceania Home Page. http://www.janeresture.com/oceania_ethnology/solomons.htm | |
54. Ethnology THE ethnology OF SCOTLAND Level 2 Room 236 Document last updated 11 September 2003. Seminar Topics WEEK 1 Seminar 1 What is ethnology? http://www.cc.gla.ac.uk/courses/scottish/Ethnology.htm | |
55. Museum Of Ethnology, Hanoi Vietnam Museum of ethnology, Hanoi, Vietnam. Address Vietnam Museum of ethnology Nguyen v.Huyen Road 191/20/10 Nghia Do, Can Ciay Hanoi, Vietnam Tel. http://www.kit.nl/objectid/html/ethnology_museum.asp | |
56. Ethnology http://www.umma.lsa.umich.edu/ethnology/ethnology.html |
57. Portal Official journal of the Anthropos Institute. The scope covers ethnology, linguistics and related human sciences. Features index of past issues, instructions for authors and contact details. http://www.anthropos-journal.de/ |
58. Rubenstein, Hymie Professor of anthropology at the University of Manitoba who studies the ethnology of the Caribbean. http://www.umanitoba.ca/faculties/arts/anthropology/rubenstein.html | |
59. Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura Journal published by the FinnoUgrian Society (Finland), and devoted to articles dealing with Finno-Ugric linguistics and ethnology. Articles in English and German. http://www.helsinki.fi/jarj/sus/julkaisut/fuf/index.html | |
60. Museum Für Völkerkunde - Museum Of Ethnology With a total of 500,000 objects and large numbers of sound recordings, documentary photographs and films, the Museum of ethnology collects, preserves and researches cultural products of preindustrial societies. Special permanent collection cover Africa, American archaeology, American ethnology, the Islamic Orient, Asia, the South Seas and Australia, as well as the ethnology of music. http://www.museen-berlin.de/mv/e/s.html | |
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